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Thread: Incompatability of the most Compatible aka Diss your Dual

  1. #41
    . willekeurig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    Explain to me how you are Se-PoLR.
    the spoiler didn't work for some reason, so people who aren't interested just skip this

    Why I'm a Ne creative Se polr

    - I have no clue of my surroundings: I have a tendency to bump into people and objects because I'm thinking about stuff and don't notice them. Like I often don't see there's a car coming when I start crossing a road. And ehm, quite a few times a friend of mine has told me that some guy has been glancing at my direction looking interested for some time, but I haven't even noticed him. Or someone has said hello to me, but I haven't seen them either. I also often miss it if someone says something to me because I'm thinking about stuff and simply don't hear them.

    - I suck at physical activities. I failed handicrafts in elementary school and almost didn't pass high school because of PE. I'm horrible at ball games, the ball never goes where I want it to. I don't like the feel of exercising and have always been the slowest runner and weakest armwrestler I know. I can't take pain and whine relatively easily when I'm hurt (just ask aqua, it's annoying). I don't really feel my body unless consciously concentrare on it, so I get a lot of problems like backpain from sleeping in poor positions etc.

    - I have a problem with taking aggressive behaviour too seriously. I get alarmed if someone talks to me in a way that shows signs of disapproval/negative feelings. I have a tendency to take it too personally and think there's something wrong with me (rather than blaming the other person or the situation etc). I'm afraid of confrontation because I can't control people in pleasant situations either. I sometimes have a difficulty getting my voice heard in a group, and it's easy for others to interrupt me.

    - I have a certain tendency to turn into a doormat, even though I'm trying to fight it. It's not too difficult to take an advantage of me. E.g. if a person who has lent money from me before but never paid back asks for another loan I need to use my willpower not to bend under the pressure. If I know for sure someone had wronged me I often just stay quiet about it and won't say anything to them because I'm afraid they'd not take me seriously and/or that it wouldn't change anything. I may also talk about it to other people to see if they're on my side or think I'm overreacting. If I get pissed off enough to actually raise the subject I still fear that they'll laugh at me, so I may act overly aggressive.

    - When it comes to relationships, I focus on the future potential and not the things that have actually happened. I don't think much about how the person hurt me this time and that and hence is not to be trusted, but rather whether I think I can possibly (learn to) trust them/make the relationship work in the future.

    - I have difficulties in telling what colours match, which makes buying new clothes or furniture really unpleasant. I also suck at cooking, especially spices are difficult. I don't know what taste goes well with what so I'll usually just follow a cookbook or let someone else do it (or try something new and end up with some real strange food). I'm oblivious to my looks, too. In the scale of 4 to 10 I can't tell whether I'd be closer to a 5 or a 9. Describing experiences/opinions related to the senses is actually difficult in general. I can't tell why I like or don't like some music (what aspect of the song I enjoy).

    - I wholly relate to the infantile romance style description, but not to the aggressor one.

    - I suck at recognizing my bodily needs. I often can't tell period pain apart from hunger, and can sometimes go for too long without eating and start feeling weak because I don't remember I haven't eaten. It usually takes a while before I realise hunger is the reason I'm tired and dizzy.

    - I don't live in the moment, but the past and the future. I'm always thinking about some philosophical or political questions or analyzing my relationships and things that have happened or could happen, and not enjoying the moment for what it is.

    - I'm really awkward about physical touch. I sure like it if people hug me or pet me or play with my hair etc, but I can't be the one initiating the contact. When someone cries and I need to hug them to comfort them it's like speaking to a crowd in a foreign language I've never even learnt.

    Lol, I just realised this probably makes me sound damn annoying.
    Last edited by willekeurig; 05-03-2012 at 11:52 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by 1981slater View Post
    Axis of Evil: Iran, Iraq, North Korea and Agarina
    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa Darmandzhyan
    Agarina does not like human beings; she just wants a pretty boy toy.
    Johari Nohari

  2. #42
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    It's neither right nor wrong. What do you do when you're bored?

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  3. #43
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    It's not opening, Agarina.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by gambit View Post
    edit: No one has talked shit about ILIs or LIIs yet.
    Open your Se-polr eyes a little wider.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    It's neither right nor wrong. What do you do when you're bored?
    Usually, the one who want others to participate finds it necessary to add negative statements about those who are not averse to participate, often as reverse psychology in order to manipulate them into participating, even though the attempt has the complete opposite effect. The thought is "I want you to do this, like me, because together we can have even more fun," but it comes out as "If you do not do this like me/us, then you <attempt at insult>." And in many cases, they act as if they reject said person for not participating. So the immaturity is not in the wanting to sing the alphabet song out loud, but in the way said person wants others to participate, and often intrusively so.

    To me, enjoyment is found in observation. So I find the intrusion annoying. Not saying you would intrude, nor saying I find you annoying. Quite the contrary. You peeked my curiosity. I find such people quite endearing, if only at an arms length.

  6. #46
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    Agrina, that doesn't sound like Se polr. Maybe to EIIs. I don't know.

    Why would you talk about not being able to assert yourself with anyone? In fact that's the most striking element of a polr function. You just don't talk about your polr. I don't care if I'm overreacting or being overly aggressive (nor would I appreciate anyone commenting on it), if I'm pissed off then I'm pissed off, end of discussion.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Agrina, that doesn't sound like Se polr. Maybe to EIIs. I don't know.

    Why would you talk about not being able to assert yourself with anyone? In fact that's the most striking element of a polr function. You just don't talk about your polr. I don't care if I'm overreacting or being overly aggressive (nor would I appreciate anyone commenting on it), if I'm pissed off then I'm pissed off, end of discussion.
    Well, feeling versus thinking could matter? I don't care too much about what someone that doesn't matter to me thinks about me either, but if the person is somehow capable of affecting my life in a negative way (even for shortly) then there is a problem. I dunno, either I really suck at putting this into words or people here are seeing what they (for some reason) expect to see (or can't type), but I doubt anyone would question me being more Ne/Si than Se/Ni if we met in person.. But this thread really isn't about my type

    Edit:// I still don't quite get how not being in tune with the physical world/senses and being afraid of confrontation is not related to weak Se. Because that's what my post basically was about.
    Quote Originally Posted by 1981slater View Post
    Axis of Evil: Iran, Iraq, North Korea and Agarina
    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa Darmandzhyan
    Agarina does not like human beings; she just wants a pretty boy toy.
    Johari Nohari

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agarina View Post
    Could that be a feeling versus thinking matter maybe? I don't care too much about what someone that doesn't matter to me thinks either, but if the person is somehow capable of affecting my life in a negative way (even for shortly) then there is a problem. I dunno, either I really suck at putting this into words or people here are seeing what they (for some reason) expect to see (or can't type), but I doubt anyone would question me being more Ne/Si than Se/Ni if we met in person.. But this thread really isn't about my type, so yeah, let's move on.
    Not in this instance. I don't see how. You expressed willingness to have your polr evaluated, in multiple occasions.

    I'm not doubting your type, it's not of my interest anyway.

    Very well. I'm moving on.

  9. #49
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    I still prefer Sean in a loincloth but we're human. We're meant to enjoy many different people. Putting all your faith and trust in one person feels stupid. And I see people holding weird grudges/hatred for people when they merely misunderstand them. And I see people 'falling in love' with absolute crap.

    It doesn't happen all at once, but my feelings about people can change.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agarina View Post
    the spoiler didn't work for some reason, so people who aren't interested just skip this

    Why I'm a Ne creative Se polr

    My sister, who also self-types EII, is a lot like what you described there, Agarina. I come close to that but I am able to assert myself better and more naturally than she can. I also have a somewhat better feel for when people are trying to take advantage of me, and thus more advanced notice (and more assertiveness) in terms of putting a stop to it.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by octo View Post
    Yes. Also:
    - spendthrifts, buy the first thing that catches their eye without thinking about future care and value and functionality
    - compulsive liars, "let's see what I can get away with"... luckily also incredibly transparent and can't keep a straight face for long
    - pathetic when sick, reckless when healthy... THAT'S WHY YOU GET SICK
    - stupid impulsive
    - cannot plan for shit. Why yes, a holiday on a long weekend needs planning, because everyone else is doing the same thing and booked early. No, you can't just rock up to a hip new restaurant on Valentine's day and expect to get a table.
    - procrastinates with anything that seems boring. Insurance claims, legal stuff...
    - gets grumpy and inconsolable when they feel like they're being treated unjustly. Yes, you are going to get kicked out of the crowded bar if you dance with your arms flailing uncontrollably, spilling people's drinks. No, it wasn't totally unfair. No, you can't steal the bouncer's gun and shoot the place up. No, it's not the government's fault.
    LMAO everything here is true.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

  12. #52
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    Sometimes I feel like duality would get really boring. I dunno. Semi Duality almost seems more appealing. I think because I was in a relationship with one and the attraction was extremely high and the occasional heated argument hurt so good.

    Anyway, I feel like IEE's are really hard to rely on and sort of on and off with their feelings.....well.....more like they're always trying to keep their options open so you get this sort of feel like they'd pick up and just leave you one day.

  13. #53
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Semi-duality is not appealing to me. ESIs have an entirely different sense of humor. I find them unpredictable.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  14. #54

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    Quote Originally Posted by octo View Post
    Yes. Also:
    - spendthrifts, buy the first thing that catches their eye without thinking about future care and value and functionality
    - compulsive liars, "let's see what I can get away with"... luckily also incredibly transparent and can't keep a straight face for long
    - pathetic when sick, reckless when healthy... THAT'S WHY YOU GET SICK
    - stupid impulsive
    - cannot plan for shit. Why yes, a holiday on a long weekend needs planning, because everyone else is doing the same thing and booked early. No, you can't just rock up to a hip new restaurant on Valentine's day and expect to get a table.
    - procrastinates with anything that seems boring. Insurance claims, legal stuff...
    - gets grumpy and inconsolable when they feel like they're being treated unjustly. Yes, you are going to get kicked out of the crowded bar if you dance with your arms flailing uncontrollably, spilling people's drinks. No, it wasn't totally unfair. No, you can't steal the bouncer's gun and shoot the place up. No, it's not the government's fault.
    You've described a 7w8 Se-SEE so/sx I know to the bone! I've little rl experience with subtype SLE e7w8 (apart from watching a vids from a possible one on youtube..) but from what you've described ^^, they're very different from the (I'm guessing)..Ti-SLE 8w9/ 6w5's.. that attract & dualize me the most... enneagram and subtype make a whole lot of difference. What subtype are you Octo, out of curiosity?

  15. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    mfw my dauls will never post in this thread

    Mine is about as likely as yours to reply. With that said, we could bash semi-duals, but I like the majority of INTjs that I encounter. Theyre calming.

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    Everything written here can be said to have no importance at all, starting with the premise, reading through some of the replies and ending in no statement regarding the "existence" of inter-type relations, which means we have nothing to believe nor doubt in, like I said before, ergo, this thread is a waste of time and completely redundant.

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    My semiduals seem to lack depth in what they do and what they talk about.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by octo View Post
    - gets grumpy and inconsolable when they feel like they're being treated unjustly. Yes, you are going to get kicked out of the crowded bar if you dance with your arms flailing uncontrollably, spilling people's drinks. No, it wasn't totally unfair. No, you can't steal the bouncer's gun and shoot the place up. No, it's not the government's fault.
    Quote Originally Posted by 1981slater View Post
    Axis of Evil: Iran, Iraq, North Korea and Agarina
    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa Darmandzhyan
    Agarina does not like human beings; she just wants a pretty boy toy.
    Johari Nohari

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    this thread is a waste of time and completely redundant.
    Life is a waste of time and completely redundant if you want to see it that way. I've still had a good laugh reading some of these.
    Quote Originally Posted by 1981slater View Post
    Axis of Evil: Iran, Iraq, North Korea and Agarina
    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa Darmandzhyan
    Agarina does not like human beings; she just wants a pretty boy toy.
    Johari Nohari

  20. #60
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Most people seem set that I am either EIE or SLE so I will do LSI and IEI.

    LSIs are needy as hell, they always seem to be putting out little fish hooks for Fe, like trying to prod me or talk to me and get some kind of response. It's really kind of cute, even the guys, because it shows how they really just want to be friends, have someone to play and joke around with and make life a little more fun, and it's totally cool and OK because most of them are really decent people, not trying to screw any one over or lead them on, just want some honest fun to pass the time. But it can get boring after a while; sometimes they don't know when to shut up and just leave you alone, you really have to send the signal. Which is kind of weird for me, I grew up in a house where negative emotions were reacted to negatively, so I don't always feel OK just kind of lashing out at someone in order to get them to stop, it feels too mean, but its awesome because they are so quick to forgive; they accept very readily that I'm only human, and they are ridiculously loyal and will always let you come crawling back as long as you're not doing anything really fucked up. In this sense they are really tolerant; don't take that as a generalization though. Some of them can be really super critical and judgmental of people they haven't met, which is OK sometimes because I judge people by appearances too, but ultimately I give everyone a chance to prove themselves; LSIs will just totally leave some people out in the cold if they don't approve of them, and actually tend to not open up at all to most people because they have probably been chided for their awkward or talkative behavior, which is really sad because it's so obvious that they are just trying to connect. I feel a lot of bittersweetness from almost all of the LSIs I've gotten to know personally; it's like there is this perpetual struggle to reach out to people in some way that they don't really know how to get a handle on, so they just kind of throw themselves out there, and I'm sure they get hurt a lot when they find someone they like or think is cool and they make themselves open in their awkwardly boisterous way, and just get shot down or have weird looks thrown at them.

    Umm, back on topic, they can be kind of anal, but that's kind of OK too because they are willing to do it themselves; contrast to some EIEs, who want everything to be perfect, but want to play little dictator and tell everyone else how it should be while they do less of the work, or just straight up chill on their heels and watch everyone else run in circles trying to satisfy them. I call it "chair in the air syndrome:" just sitting there hovering above the fray with the smirk of slight disapproval...

    I dunno, all of the bad things I know about LSIs I've met is largely excusable or understandable from my POV.

    As far as IEIs go, well first off they can be some obsessive, petulant motherfuckers. When they get something in their heads, that's the way it is, and that's the way it stays; it's really futile trying to convince an IEI of anything unless you really tear the issue wide the fuck open, because they have this like strange mental shield of certainty that can be so fucking intimidating sometimes, even when they are wrong, because there is this really, truly deep-seated attitude of presumed superiority of judgement. I can understand where this comes from, because some of them are ridiculously insightful sons of bitches, and they understand things that are not simple for them to explain or for others to grasp, simply because they can't be in the IEIs shoes, and so having a lot of this incommunicable knowledge teaches them over time that they can't just listen to what other people say, because others don't always see what they see. So this mental shield of certainty gets built to protect them from crappy input, which is useful a lot of the time, but also can get in the way. However I find that most of the time they are very reasonable if you can state your case in a solid, simple fashion and then just leave them to it. This is something I really appreciate about them: they are always willing to come around in the end when they know they are wrong, as long as you don't push them when they aren't in the mood to be pushed. They are generally really fair-minded, reasonable people, but very temperamental and if you are too pushy, you will get the fangs, and they usually hurt because IEIs hoard interpersonal ammo like the friendship/relationship apocalypse is always on the horizon.

    There's another negative: I find that IEIs are often mistrustful, and it's hard to get close to them and tap into their most personal thoughts. They really have to trust you to share what they are really thinking with you, and it's an honor to have an IEI who will be truly real with you; the Fe subs kind of doll it out when situationally appropriate, but if an Ni sub is sharing their deep thoughts with you, rest assured that you are one of the few. They are actually really easy to just meet quickly and have fun with, like if you meet them on a night out at the club and you gel, you can totally form one of those one-night-only crews with Beta introtims, they are probably the best for this kind of thing, along with SEIs and SLEs. But to really know an IEI well and fully gain their trust takes a lot of time and deliberate effort at passing their tests and overcoming their barriers.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    • Frequently feigns obliviousness and/or aloofness, deceptively appearing more clueless or disinterested than they actually are.
    LOL Allie.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  22. #62
    boom boom boom blackburry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    I think duality is just one kind of relationship, and not necessarily the most optimal for everyone. There's no such thing as 'perfect compatibility'.

    Hmm, so about my duals:

    • Vague, cryptic to a point that I have to wonder if they're being deliberately enigmatic, rarely communicate outright what they actually mean.
    • Frequently feigns obliviousness and/or aloofness, deceptively appearing more clueless or disinterested than they actually are.
    • Won't communicate about how they actually feel until it blows up into a maudlin crisis that threatens to make both of us miserable.
    • Inclined to be particularly self-involved with their own feeling states, difficulty getting out of themselves and being present for others.
    • Secretive and difficult to trust; prone to lie to themselves and to others about their actual intentions.
    • Difficulty being authentic to themselves and their experience; tend to re-rationalize their feelings post-facto into something more harmonious with what they'd like to believe is true, rather than how it actually was.
    • Repressive and hypocritical; related to the above.
    • Can be judgmental over trite aspects of other people or situations, such as someone's appearance, personality quirks, life choices, etc. I suspect that comments like these aren't always serious, but I find it annoying anyhow.
    • Tendency to box themselves into a rigidly narrow life and worldview, one aided and abetted by personal insecurities and anxieties which they refuse to acknowledge with sincerity, and then have the nerve to wonder why they can't change.
    Most people tend to make notice of others quirks, appearance, life choices.
    I think many ESIs are straight forward WHEN they know what they want, which like most people, they have to figure it out. Other than that they BS through life like everyone else.

    There is no perfect compatibility with anyone-- and everyone knows at this point that duality isn't the end-all-be-all of relationships.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackburry View Post
    Most people tend to make notice of others quirks, appearance, life choices.
    I think many ESIs are straight forward WHEN they know what they want, which like most people, they have to figure it out. Other than that they BS through life like everyone else.

    There is no perfect compatibility with anyone-- and everyone knows at this point that duality isn't the end-all-be-all of relationships.

    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  24. #64
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    I'm not at all offended.

  25. #65
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    I'm just poking fun at you, because your reply could easily be mistaken for defensiveness.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Agarina View Post
    Life is a waste of time and completely redundant if you want to see it that way. I've still had a good laugh reading some of these.
    Life isn't a waste of time, there's so many things I didn't see nor experienced or I just I'm not aware of something new yet, I can't call life meaningless. I'm not some sulky existentialist, I'm not gamma.

    Anyhow, I did enjoy reading some of them as well


  27. #67
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    I've found duality to be a more developed level of compatibility vs other factors.

    IMO, personality types are developmental traits and are not something that is well defined in underdeveloped people. It's generally easier to type people that are expressive and refined in their development. I think even Jung mentioned that a lot of people are hard to identify and generally this is because they are undeveloped.

    I think for people who are very well developed, self-sufficient, and have a lot of expectations in a relationships, duality is far more important.

    A few of the biggest factors in relationship breakdowns are communication, money, abuse, infidelity. Duality is only tied directly to one of those factors and loosely tied to a couple of others. Modern society and it's corresponding high divorce rates have show that age old traditionalist relationships are no longer functional, the independent nature of modern men and women and the opportunities offered in society to well developed individuals make settling down something which is easily delayed. People are getting divorced more, marry later but also there is a trend for people that marry later to be more exclusive and have happier relationships.

    When Aushra dealt with duality, she talked about Eros, love and finding completeness. The unfortunate thing in the world is that love has rarely been the primary factor in relationships.

  28. #68
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    SEI problems

    1. Be less accommodating to others (they're not worth your time, only I am)
    2. Don't worry so much about everything and everyone
    3. Wasting your time keeping everyone happy is taking time away from doing important things (guess I have to do it)

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    SEI problems
    3. Wasting your time keeping everyone happy is taking time away from doing important things (guess I have to do it)
    More important things, like preparing me a meal.
    “I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life. - Osama bin Laden

  30. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    I'm just poking fun at you, because your reply could easily be mistaken for defensiveness.

    I've found that my ISFj friend always acts and speaks with significantly more surety than she actually feels. I used to be intimidated by it. Now that I'm more accustomed to her manner I bring the bullshit hammer out more frequently. Even though I'm not used to this approach and unsure of the reception, she frequently caves. It's fucking surprising.

  31. #71
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    SEI problems

    1. Be less accommodating to others (they're not worth your time, only I am)
    2. Don't worry so much about everything and everyone
    3. Wasting your time keeping everyone happy is taking time away from doing important things (guess I have to do it)
    That made me remember another problem with EIIs:
    They keep getting into relationships with non-duals!

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  32. #72
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    mY duals don't seem to care that theY're being gaY, then i stop caring that theY're being gaY. and then the gaYness spreads
    maybe a saint is just a dead prick with a good publicist
    maybe tommorow's statues are insecure without their foes
    go ask the frog what the scorpion knows

  33. #73


    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    Semi-duality is not appealing to me. ESIs have an entirely different sense of humor. I find them unpredictable.
    Theyre really not that unpredictable. They just have a longer wavelength of predictability.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Most people seem set that I am either EIE or SLE so I will do LSI and IEI.

    LSIs are needy as hell, they always seem to be putting out little fish hooks for Fe, like trying to prod me or talk to me and get some kind of response. It's really kind of cute, even the guys, because it shows how they really just want to be friends, have someone to play and joke around with and make life a little more fun, and it's totally cool and OK because most of them are really decent people, not trying to screw any one over or lead them on, just want some honest fun to pass the time. But it can get boring after a while; sometimes they don't know when to shut up and just leave you alone, you really have to send the signal. Which is kind of weird for me, I grew up in a house where negative emotions were reacted to negatively, so I don't always feel OK just kind of lashing out at someone in order to get them to stop, it feels too mean, but its awesome because they are so quick to forgive; they accept very readily that I'm only human, and they are ridiculously loyal and will always let you come crawling back as long as you're not doing anything really fucked up. In this sense they are really tolerant; don't take that as a generalization though. Some of them can be really super critical and judgmental of people they haven't met, which is OK sometimes because I judge people by appearances too, but ultimately I give everyone a chance to prove themselves; LSIs will just totally leave some people out in the cold if they don't approve of them, and actually tend to not open up at all to most people because they have probably been chided for their awkward or talkative behavior, which is really sad because it's so obvious that they are just trying to connect. I feel a lot of bittersweetness from almost all of the LSIs I've gotten to know personally; it's like there is this perpetual struggle to reach out to people in some way that they don't really know how to get a handle on, so they just kind of throw themselves out there, and I'm sure they get hurt a lot when they find someone they like or think is cool and they make themselves open in their awkwardly boisterous way, and just get shot down or have weird looks thrown at them.

    Umm, back on topic, they can be kind of anal, but that's kind of OK too because they are willing to do it themselves; contrast to some EIEs, who want everything to be perfect, but want to play little dictator and tell everyone else how it should be while they do less of the work, or just straight up chill on their heels and watch everyone else run in circles trying to satisfy them. I call it "chair in the air syndrome:" just sitting there hovering above the fray with the smirk of slight disapproval...

    I dunno, all of the bad things I know about LSIs I've met is largely excusable or understandable from my POV.

    As far as IEIs go, well first off they can be some obsessive, petulant motherfuckers. When they get something in their heads, that's the way it is, and that's the way it stays; it's really futile trying to convince an IEI of anything unless you really tear the issue wide the fuck open, because they have this like strange mental shield of certainty that can be so fucking intimidating sometimes, even when they are wrong, because there is this really, truly deep-seated attitude of presumed superiority of judgement. I can understand where this comes from, because some of them are ridiculously insightful sons of bitches, and they understand things that are not simple for them to explain or for others to grasp, simply because they can't be in the IEIs shoes, and so having a lot of this incommunicable knowledge teaches them over time that they can't just listen to what other people say, because others don't always see what they see. So this mental shield of certainty gets built to protect them from crappy input, which is useful a lot of the time, but also can get in the way. However I find that most of the time they are very reasonable if you can state your case in a solid, simple fashion and then just leave them to it. This is something I really appreciate about them: they are always willing to come around in the end when they know they are wrong, as long as you don't push them when they aren't in the mood to be pushed. They are generally really fair-minded, reasonable people, but very temperamental and if you are too pushy, you will get the fangs, and they usually hurt because IEIs hoard interpersonal ammo like the friendship/relationship apocalypse is always on the horizon.

    There's another negative: I find that IEIs are often mistrustful, and it's hard to get close to them and tap into their most personal thoughts. They really have to trust you to share what they are really thinking with you, and it's an honor to have an IEI who will be truly real with you; the Fe subs kind of doll it out when situationally appropriate, but if an Ni sub is sharing their deep thoughts with you, rest assured that you are one of the few. They are actually really easy to just meet quickly and have fun with, like if you meet them on a night out at the club and you gel, you can totally form one of those one-night-only crews with Beta introtims, they are probably the best for this kind of thing, along with SEIs and SLEs. But to really know an IEI well and fully gain their trust takes a lot of time and deliberate effort at passing their tests and overcoming their barriers.
    I enjoyed reading all of this. Insightful.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I think for people who are very well developed, self-sufficient, and have a lot of expectations in a relationships, duality is far more important.
    probably true.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    blackburry, for what it's worth, my first true love was/is ESI and I still love the guy from a distance. And I found him very funny, when he wanted to be. He was/is one of the most intelligent people I've known and endlessly fascinating.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I think for people who are very well developed, self-sufficient, and have a lot of expectations in a relationships, duality is far more important.
    wank wank wank

    People are people. Having duality as a "requirement" is just going to limit you from being with people who you might really like; making it an expectation is setting you up for disappointment, both in the case that you fall in love with someone who isn't a dual, and if/when you DO find a dual and realize that no relationship is "easy."
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    There's a difference between noticing something vs. passing judgment about it. It often seems like you guys preload your observations with negative connotations, such that when you express the observation it ends up coming across as unnecessarily critical, dismissive, or belittling. This may not always be intentional, and it may be that the person isn't consciously mindful of doing this, but it invariably influences one's thoughts and perceptions IMO to go about labeling like this (and it certainly affects how other people feel, too).

    I used to believe that about myself as well. But I don't think you have to know what you want to be straightforward; it can be straightforward to admit that you don't know what you want.
    A lot of times, I'm just joking other times I'm jealous of a certain aspect of something if I'm unrelently poking fun at something that isn't a big deal, ie a dude I'm with calling someone hot, at first I'll say, yeah sure, she is (if I agree) but if they keep going on and on..I'll say something about her cellulite or fat ass something retarded just to not hear him go on anymore.

    Yes ur right, it's better to just say you don't know..

    @dolphin, lol every ESI I know is full of shit .. thats why I don't get along great with other ones IRL

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    wank wank wank

    People are people. Having duality as a "requirement" is just going to limit you from being with people who you might really like; making it an expectation is setting you up for disappointment, both in the case that you fall in love with someone who isn't a dual, and if/when you DO find a dual and realize that no relationship is "easy."
    I think every relationship is absurdly hard actually. But beyond that, people have expectations, such as loyalty, material support, love, someone who doesn't abuse them. Once upon a time, a lot of women and men didn't have these very basic expectations you take for granted. Even today, a lot of people don't have these expectations.

    People have expectations regardless of whether or not they voice them and generally they were there to begin with, at these basic levels, but in the past due to the inequity of gender relations, women were not allowed to escape from abusive relationships with cheating men or were abandoned with children by men who did not wish to fulfill their material responsibilities.

    Duality is not a requirement(more a condiment) any more than love(also a condiment) for people to have relationships. I'm glad that people have the opportunity to pursue love and to even entertain the idea of duality.

    If you think you don't have expectations, you're simply delusional.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I think every relationship is absurdly hard actually. But beyond that, people have expectations, such as loyalty, material support, love, someone who doesn't abuse them. Once upon a time, a lot of women and men didn't have these very basic expectations you take for granted. Even today, a lot of people never don't have these expectations.

    People have expectations regardless of whether or not they make them and generally they were there to begin with, at these basic levels, but in the past due to the inequity of gender relations, women were not allowed to escape from abusive relationships with cheating men or were abandoned with children by men who did not wish to fulfill their material responsibilities.

    Duality is not a requirement(more a condiment) any more than love(also a condiment) for people to have relationships. I'm glad that people have the opportunity to pursue love and to even entertain the idea of duality.

    If you think you don't have expectations, you're simply delusional.
    Hear Hear! Brilliantly said.

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