I need help in typing me, so I decided to answer 20 questions that could potentially shed light on my type, also included a picture. Hope it is enough.

1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type?
Unsure if I'm a feeler or a thinker, not sure if intuitive or sensing.

2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?
Most of all I seek meaning. I also want security in all aspects, comfort and to be able to do experience life, to gather knowledge and share it with others I like. Seeking the truth is also important, evolving, being a better person.

3) Think about a time where you felt like you were at your finest. Tell us what made you feel that way.
I met this girl in collage and fell in love. Those 5 years were the best so far, it was a painful and happy time, I was alive and forgot my quest for meaning, there was a certain stability to things also and I could let go of many worries. Difficult to explain.

4) What makes you feel inferior?
A lot of things, sometimes I feel intellectually inferior, sometimes physical looks wise, skills etc. I'm no Einstein or Brad Pitt and "jack of all trades" isn't funny at all, but from experience I know its just my perception of things and "not living up to ideals". At other times its just my own mortality and how fragile people really are... sucks being "mortal" and insignificant.

5) What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)
Depends on what kind of decision I have to make. If it has little impact on others I just weigh up pros and cons, then decide how I feel about what makes the most logical sense. When other people are involved I try to make an efficient compromise between how my decision affects them and logic that works/is proven to have worked before.

6) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?
Yes I do.

7) Describe us a time where you had a lot of fun. How is your memory of it?
Blurry, I don't recall details at all, neither can I recall emotions or anything specific.

8) When you want to learn something new, what feels more natural for you? (Are you more prone to be hands on, to theorize, to memorize, etc)
Hands on is the best way. I learn better by doing, it is accompanied by theorizing, maybe coming up with a more efficient approach, then testing it, optimizing, then testing again. My memory pretty much sux, don't expect me to memorize much.

9) How organized do you to think of yourself as?
) not very lmao. I don't do timetables nor do I have order in my surroundings, no specific plans that I keep to. I do like to come up with "general plans" and then fail to follow through/change plans in the middle of things.

10) How do you judge new ideas? You try to understand the principles behind it to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?
I look for information that supports it, does it work, does it make any sense to me? If I like it, i'll run with it. I may question it for fun thou.

11) You find harmony by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a given group or by making sure that you follow what you believe and being yourself?
A bit of both. I do like making sure that others are doing fine, idk about belonging to a group, depends on the group. Things however need to be in line with what I believe. I dislike going against what I think its right and will rebel against situations where that is expected or demanded of me. The group that values something other then what I value is not one I will stick with.

12) Are you the kind that thinks before speaking or do you speak before thinking? Do you prefer one-on-one communication or group discussions?
I prefer one to one, but also like a good brainstorming session every now and then. I do think before speaking, unless I'm very relaxed or drunk.

13) Do you jump into action right away or do you like to know where are you jumping before leaping? Does action speaks more than words?
Action speaks louder then words, that is very true and I like to know where I'm going before I leap. That is why I will often over analyze a situation to the point where I end up undecided and not doing anything. Words are often cheap and I hate making empty promises.

14) It's Saturday. You're at home, and your favorite show is about to start. Your friends call you for a night out. What will you do?
I will go out, will feel like going home early and then be drained and bored waiting for when the night is over so i can go home and watch my show on the internet .

15) How do you act when you're stressed out?
I procrastinate and get depressed, find it difficult to think properly, will want to get away or become defensive, can get angry and critical/feel sick and cough.

16) What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?
Odd question. I don't like it when others are hysterical, snobbish, weak, whiny, have no backbone or will of their own. People who have no conscience, are uncaring and hurt others around them make my blood boil. People who are too happy, too eager make me suspicious etc..

17) Is there anything you really like talking about with other people?
Anything really, from world politics to economy to the sciences to video games to art, music, movies. Whatever is interesting i'm game.

18) What kind of things do pay the least attention to in your life
Keeping order in my room obviously, history, what the stars are doing, mainstream boring stuff, things I consider to be useless, like what the latest fashion is, first world problems.

19) How do your friends perceive you? What is wrong about their perception? ? What would your friends never say about your personality ?
That I'm kind, considerate, helpful and loyal, stubborn like a freaking mule, intelligent, start stuff and don't follow through, that I'm nervous often and like to theorize way too much, pull tech apart to "fix it" when it ain't broken, that I over think everything and am very reactive, sometimes downright combative about things important to me. Other stuff would be that I'm closed off and don't express feelings or problems, I wall up often and its difficult to get "in". They also think I'm weird (in a good way), then again I have few people I consider friends...oh and people like my cooking/quirky side.

20) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of activities do you feel like doing?
Lets play Guild Wars 2 or stand in a summer thunderstorm, watch a movie, sex all day with my girlfriend.