Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
Eh, personally, I would have a hard time seperating out the perceiving functions in my mind (especially before socionics). I don't think it's just me, I see that a lot with people's third function. Besides, there are times when it seems I can use either sensing or intuition (I don't like to limit myself, and I don't like the idea of solid lines between use of the functions, but that's a different story...).
I'm saying, on the basis of the descriptions I gave you, which describes you better: Si or Ne?

Your five senses perceive the physical world in all its rich sensations. Sensitive to everything that is physical. Perfect functioning of your five senses. An excellent understanding of the beauty of the world. You withdraw from inconvenience and discomfort. Ability to find the most comfortable place in the surrounding space. Understand the physical needs of people. Pragmatism, aesthetics, using minimum of effort, the skill to find convenience in everything. Rich sensations of the physical world. Strong sensory perception. High physical sensitivity. Perfect working of your five senses. Desire and skill to surround yourself and people with cosiness and comfort. Constant ability to receive the beauty of the world. Developed taste, esthetical value, tendency toward sensory pleasures.

Very strong imagination, bright and interesting imagination. Instant understanding of the possibilities of a situation. Spontaneous decision making. Interest in everything new and unusual. Creative thinker and inventor. Inclined to things that are unusual. Inventiveness, rich fantasy, impulsiveness, quickly respond in unusual situations. Skill to understand the essence of things and phenomena. Generating ideas. Understanding the prospects and possibilities of an idea becoming into a reality. Skill to find a way out from any complex ethical situation. Skill to see the qualities of people and readiness to tell everyone about them.