Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
I've already named your dual, all you have to do is go there and grab her before someone else does.

In any case, SLE point out obvious things about me that I don't want pronounced or to be said out loud; these are things about me that I would like to keep under social wraps; for instance, when I was trying to date, I was hanging around local coffee shop a lot; my SLE friend would say things like "she comes here to pick up on sexy men." I was like "stop, it." He was just joking around but yes it gets to my nerves because it was an innocent effort that when said makes one look like a prancer. He does things that annoy me, whether on purpose or not; he not only targeted my pet peeves but I also targeted his as well, making for conflict over time. We look at the world in diametrically opposite ways; what's a joke to him is something sad, heart troubling, and emotional to me. I make GREAT friends with my conflict relations because they give me helpful advice.

I'm great with my dual and very very very happy. Can't emphasize this enough.
This is what my Si-LSE grandma does, thats exactly how I experince things when with her.

@OP, I think socionics can be useful to handle things better (not get stressed) when forced to hang around a conflictor but I would'nt willingly enter a relationship with one & expect it to somehow work... when over time it's obvious that it's ever not going to.