Model A and Operant Conditioning - Informational Reinforcement and Punishment

Model A functional blocks have always been termed by Freudian and Jungian terminology, but these blocks can also be related to operant conditioning and the system of punishment and reinforcement as described within.

In human beings, with a conscious developed mind which process information, information itself becomes a source of reinforcement and punishment for the individual.

The four blocks of information are described below:
Ego Negative Reinforcement(Escape)
Super-Ego Positive Punishment(Punishment)
Super-ID Positive Reinforcement(Reinforcement)
ID Negative Punishment(Penalty)

When one thinks of the blocks as areas of informational reinforcement and punishment, one can see that for example when we act on our ID impulses and are penalized by the removal of Super-ID(Reinforcement) information and punished by Super-ego information(this is often thru social interaction or interaction with the world), the mind escapes to the Ego in contemplation. The ego devises the means of negotiating the world and formulating the means by which an individual communicates with the world and in turn receives new Super-ID information as Reinforcement. It is thru this back and forth that the entirety of a individuals Personality develops, weaknesses, strengths, sore spots, and sweet spots.

In progress

I have been working on this for a while and will write more about this as time permits, but I wanted to at least to give people a new way of thinking of the informational blocks within Model A, as in socionics it is not only the Ego that is important but the whole of a person's psyche.