I think this thread is about trade-offs. Smoking gave my dad pleasure, and he did that even though he knew that he would probably die in his 60s. which he did.

playing mmorpgs gives me pleasure even though I know it causes near sightedness and exacerbates my social phobia since most people are assholes online just because they can be. But I like the feeling of winning and learning new spells and progressing in a fantasy environment and I'm wiling to accept that it causes me to be legally blind. I would seriously have perfect vision if I did less 'introverted activities' like reading/writing, watching netflix, but I like those things too much so that's how my eyes got adjusted.

my friend james (name changed) likes to cure his near sightedness and meditate even though it turns him to the most ANNOYING narcissist that can't emotionally connect with anybody. He can't get close to people romantically and it's very annoying. but him turning himself into this perfect person is just more important than him connecting with ppl.

so if I were to change my lifestyle/habits and how I live my life then I would have to like what I get more then what I don't get. but for me doing real world things is always a lose/lose so I don't participate. I really wish that I would have a real world experience that actually turned out positive but it seriously NEVER DOES. I'm not playing a victim that's just how it always goes. It's so annoying and I never belong. I'm just following my self-interests ala Ayn Rand and my self-interest always says to load up a video game. =/ Or watch another episode of star trek voyager which ima gonna do now. im sure the same is true of 'type a personalities' they cannot for the life of them see the point of writing a book or watching a bunch of tv shows or drawing or reading, they get energized by living in the WORLD DUDE. I will participate in your world again when it stops being so Te and annoying. Okay I love you buh-bye.