There are benefits to most things. I think in the case of smoking the risks way outweigh the benefits. (Although maybe there's some way to make tobacco into a safe dietary supplement, hehe.)

Quote Originally Posted by
Each year (in the US I presume?), an estimated 443,000 people die prematurely from smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke, and another 8.6 million live with a serious illness caused by smoking.
This doesn't mean of course that everyone who is a smoker is going to die from it or that people who smoke part of their lives are. But that statement isn't meant to undermine the dangers.

Anyway, I thought this was mainly about businesses not being allowed to in any way advertise or display their nicotine/tobacco products in a sort of great strategy of if people don't see it, then it isn't there, and so they will be less inclined to try to find it, ask for it and buy it. (Out of sight, out of mind.) Really that would be a huge deterrent for me, having to go out of my way to ask for them. I suppose I could just bring a picture of what I want and then I wouldn't have to speak. I could say, "these" and leave it at that.

I still don't seem to have an opinion.