Finnish health regulation saving the day and you from yourself.
I don't know if this thread is about politics or venting or just random rambling. Fortunately, they don't exclude one another.

Picture not related. Actually it is. It's an illegal setting if in Finland. Starting from 1.1.2012 the law requires for stores not to display cigarette brands. Not even in the back of the salesman. Finnish commercials are cigarette free as well. Apparently displaying cigarette filters in stores is okay though. You can ask a list you can take with you. If the list has pictures you can only look at it.

It's pretty lame if you ask me. I don't know if it works but if it does even a bit, I might say it's worth it. There's also a possible forbidden fruit factor which could be counterproductive.

Regulations seem annoying as it shows that there is someone controlling a minor aspect of everyone's life. Especially if those someone were easily thought of corrupt or stupid. Everybody not totally politically unaware likes to badmouth the branch of this entertainment industry (metaphor originally from Frank Zappa). But in any case, the situation is that regulation can be corrupt or stupid like the people who made it, but is this a bad case although I'm a bit pissed and I still think I should govern myself in sovereignty? Can you say that? I mean can you say to "to govern oneself in sovereignty"? Anyways I want your two cents on the matter. And a possible grammar correction.

I must add that I am still pissed because I can't smoke in the bars without going to the smoking booth room thingy. If you are in bar, why would you want to save your body anyways? Did you not come there to destroy yourself? whatever, I think I'll just take it out on the people by smoking in the trams. Please do come and tell me about the dangers of second-hand smoking.

And try not to mistake being high for Ne dom.
This is not a statement, but a note.

And yes I go to 9gag, being the 90s born nolife target audience