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    Default 16Types Adventures.... In Space!

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Chapter 1: Hitta in Space.

    Hitta woke up and wiped the crust from his eyes. He looked around the room, and was surprised to find out he was in some sort of... spaceship? No, that wasn't a question. He definitely was in a spaceship, because when he looked out the window to his right he saw nothing but space and stars. This had to be a dream. He pinched himself. Nothing. He looked around and jolted a bit when he discovered a man wielding a strange device. But it didn't seem like a weapon, really, more like some sort of scanner? Now that was a question. And Hitta started to have many.

    "Where am I. Am I dreaming?"

    The young man walked closer to Hitta and hovered the device over him. It blipped and bleeped and transmitted a small recording sound. So it was a scanner, but judging by his silent demeanor he wasn't about to tell Hitta what he was looking for...or what he had already found. Slight fears of being anally probed by aliens crept into the chubby's man heart. Finally, after what felt like an hour, the man broke out of his introversion and said: "The question isn't whether or not you are dreaming. For everything dreams, and everything is a dream. The question remains, who is the dreamer that began the dream."

    "God of course" Hitta replied. "The God of Oneness, that is the only thing not a dream."

    The man, who was actually a version of strrrng aka Nick, slapped hitta on his face. "Yet even that is a dream as God dreamnt himself up to exist. Euphoria is a dream... the pleasure settles, the dust creates. Maybe that's why we're all here."

    "Maybe... it's always the question that drives us, hmm" Hitta said. He realized the man was somebody he already knew from an internet message board but that didn't really surprise him. "And perhaps some people awaken" Hitta said. He searched inside his starry head for a connection, but nothing felt solid and real yet.

    "Awaken to what?" Nick laughed. "Another dream?"

    "Some dreams are more.... awake than others" Hitta said. To tell you the truth, the Louisiana native couldn't tell you the last time he felt truly alive. "Well I always did want a life of adventure and excitement. I knew my small white trash town couldn't contain the grandiosity that is me."

    Nick smiled, and dismantled his minor sociopathic personality to become minor empathetic, as well. "We know that as well. That's partly the reason why my crew beamed you here.... from the future. In your time it's march 6 2012. In here, it's june 14th 3056."

    This was all very interesting. Hitta blinked at something. "Wait a minute...your crew? You run this ship?" Hitta asked. He knew the young man before him could be biting, but he didn't think of him as exactly the captain-type.

    "That's what we're still fighting about" Nick said. "Power. Who has it... who gets to be captain. There's supposed to be some conference about it soon." Nick looked at the device for a few seconds, and then directed his gaze back to hitta. "Surely it should be me."

    Hitta chuckled joyfully to himself. "Well of course, you would think that."

    Nick raised a brow. "Your depersonalization disorder and incredible insight of others clearly makes you more suited as the ship's counselor, ala Deanna Troi. Not to mention your above average empathy levels. That you naturally mask because you are a man. The only person who does not mask their empathy... (::cough under breath:: annoyingly so) is the ship's token fag... I'm sure you know who that is."

    Hitta didn't want to be captain. Well he did, because... everybody is attracted to power. But he didn't like people's misconceptions about everything, which he felt gave birth to things like 'socionics' and 'types' in the first place. "You know I question the notion of the captain/counselor dichotomy. I don't see why I can't be both, be equally good at both roles... be like the supportive therapist that probes in the minds and hearts of others and also the person that victoriously leads us through many manly and heroic battles."

    Nick sighed, pressed a few buttons on his thingamajig, turned around, and ignored hitta for now. This was going to be an interesting voyage.

    ~End of Chapter 1~
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 03-06-2012 at 06:51 PM.

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    Chapter 2: Leaderless

    All 16types people were in a large meeting, sitting around a huge table arguing over who would be captain over their new ship. It was an interesting story how they got it in the first place, one that will have to be told later.

    Everybody was wearing Star Trek-esque cloth uniforms. Without the faggy symbols on their chests. There was a special neuro-communicator system integrated in the Ship's motherboard that enabled them to contact anybody on the ship whenever they wanted to, just by thinking about them. It was like a form of technical telepathy that everybody had access to, but there still had to be some sort of mutual connection between members in order to work. In other words, it could not be used to read somebody's mind without their consent.

    "Maybe we just need to vote on it?" Jenna shyly suggested while tucking a strand of hair between her ears. She was sitting by her lover and mate, Discojoe.

    "No" Ashton grunted. A now beefy, muscular man that once had the body of a runner.... looked to be more of a Warrior-type. He was sitting next to his best friend FDG, who was very similar to him. "Democracy is for fags. Weaklings, pussies. Why bring that particular brand of politics into this?"

    "Then, what, are you suggesting?" Hkkmr said. He was a very diplomatic Asian who was now an Android/Robot. (He was very well-made though and you could hardly tell) Actually, in the war of 2750 - all asian people became androids, in order to live forever and be immortal, and continue to produce highly entertaining roleplaying games from a safe distance. "Some sort of battle or test to see who gets to be Captain?"

    "I never said that" Ashton said, looking slightly self-satisfied. "It's just, every society, every group of people make up ranks. It's only natural. We can't just become a cess pool of love and togetherness. I am NOT a heartless person, contrary to what some people think (shoots looks around the room). But if this ship becomes Socialist, I will personally jump out and commit suicide myself!"

    "It's like sometimes you confuse Socialism with Communism" Crazedrat said, the bitchy IEI wanting to start an argument.

    "I agree it's more interesting to have Competition over Cooperation" Nanashi said, because she was a gamma. "But how would such a test be ... testable? We all have such highly specialized and different abilities" Nanashi said. "Such incredibly different methods of intelligence!"

    "No wonder we're arguing" Slacker Mom quipped.

    Ashton rubbed his temples. Nanashi was right. They could just all have a physical challenge, but this ship could obviously not be run by brute strength alone. Ashton was slightly more physically stronger than the others, but that had dampened through evolution. Most of everybody's 'super' abilities were quite subtle, as science and technology won out in the end over mysticism and spirituality. Gadgets over Gurus. A fact that conservative christian Director Abbie wasn't pleased with. So in most meetings like these, she just sulked in the corner and knitted. She was glad to be here with the group, but she wanted them to make a decision already.

    "We barely agree on anything and we like to argue about everything" Gilly said. He was sitting next to Nick. "Are you sure we're meant to run a ship together. I disagree with Ashton (as usual)... running a starship takes a lot more cooperation than competition. Obviously, it takes both. But do we really want to live in an environment where we consistently desire to rip each other's throats out?"

    "Yes" Ashton said in his usual blunt and trolling way. "Much more fun that way."

    "What else can we do?" Sam finally spoke up after being quiet like he usually is in large groups such as these. Ever the introvert. And of course, he was sitting next to Dolphin, who was also being a quiet listener. "I m-mean... where else can we go? Earth is destroyed. Everything in the Milky Way got obliterated twenty years ago, doesn't everybody remember? The main pure reason, (Everybody seems to forget the main pure point sometimes besides the loveable gay shaman), the main pure reason why we're traveling through space is we need to find another planet worthy enough to call 'Home!'"

    Hitta's jaw dropped as he listened to everybody give him new bits of information at speeds his 2012-year-old conscienceness wasn't used to. "There's no more earth anymore?" Hitta said.

    Sam sighed. "No.. I'm afraid there is not. It got blown up. By an evil alien race known as the Rikti. They tend to just... blow up... what they can't make into slaves. We humans resisted being slaves, would rather die than have somebody tell us what to do."

    "That's Americans for you!" Krae said from his European vantage point.

    "That's why the Prime Mission is to defeat the Rikti first and *then* find a home" Sam said. "Along with anything else standing in our way. Or we die here together, in this starship. Look at us, bickering about what doesn't really matter- when we should all just be getting along together and be fags!"

    "I understand the sentimental point of your speech Samerang" Gulanzon said, "But it DOES matter. We need to organize our unique personas in a tightly controlled power structure or we will just spin around in circles, with no real direction. It's like..." Gulanzon thought for a moment on how to convey the message to Sam in a way that he would hear. Gulanzon raised his hand in a dramatic way, index finger pointing upward. "It's like a straight man is mean and brutal and you don't like how he hurts your feelings, right? But he does something your friends can't ever do. He forges a path. A straight narrow path, that will make us safe if we stay on its course. And take us home." Gulanzon paused for emotional effect, and then finished with: "I have a big heart too. I don't like anybody being above or below anybody else. But the alternative is both literally and metaphorically - flying around in circles!"

    Cpig blinked. "Thank you Gulanzon, that was uh, equally amusing, and frightening... all at once...."

    Sam almost literally crashed his head through the glass black table out of frustration. "So then... how do we do this? How do we decide who gets to be captain of this Starship?" He then suddenly got out his phaser/laser gun and shot Gulanzon in the chest with it. (Stun-setting only, of course) "... And that's what you get for insinuating that a gay male could never be captain of a spaceship!"
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 03-08-2012 at 05:52 PM.

  4. #4
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    "science and technology won out in the end over mysticism and spirituality. Gadgets over Gurus. A fact that conservative christian Director Abbie wasn't pleased with."

    I am offended! I think mysticism and spirituality are stupid wasted of time and meant for white triangles and Adolf ****** and bald guys who sit on mountains.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Yeah but we need you to play that role to provide interesting conflict. *grin*

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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    "science and technology won out in the end over mysticism and spirituality. Gadgets over Gurus. A fact that conservative christian Director Abbie wasn't pleased with."

    I am offended! I think mysticism and spirituality are stupid wasted of time and meant for white triangles and Adolf ****** and bald guys who sit on mountains.


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