Baaaaah. That's it. I will not read one other post where Joy says she's ISTj unless she clearly proves it here. I don't know why it feels so wrong - maybe it's the idea of someone so blatantly lying to herself and others. Saying something everyone (including Joy) feels is not true.

I was going through Joys type threads and I found nothing significant.

Joy, everything you say is chaotic and out of context: I skim-read 3 of your type threads you hadn't said anything about yourself. The biggest thing is where you copied a couple of type descriptions and color-coded them.

I noted one thing: your posts are brief and they rarely say anything. (I know I have the opposite problem - I state something strongly and consider the post written):

"The ENTps say I'm ISFp... and so do the ENTjs. At the end of the day, internet typing is a sham, so I can't be typed here regardless of how knowledgable we Socionics amatuers are. Bleh here's my VI video anyways."
"no matter what type I say I am, people would argue. especially implied."
"Doesn't really matter. It would be impossible to tell what type I am right now anyways due to various things... I am still 95% sure I'm ESFp, but I haven't "been myself" in a while so I'm basing this off of the way I always used to be. I'll have a better idea relatively soon. As for the pics... yes, good idea."

Plus the entire thread where you "prove" that you are not ENFp: oldforumlinkviewtopic.php?t=1995
And where you talk about your type: oldforumlinkviewtopic.php?t=1794

I'm saying you're alpha! I think you are alpha SF. You have written that you are really bothered about being late and stuff like that. You even said that it's your biggest problem. I have been teasing you that you are ISFp, but why not ESFj?
program, because you the chatty extroverted person.
creative, because you like comfort (from chat, topic was Si-polr).
PoLR, because you worry about being late.
role, because you wish you were ENTj.

DiscoJoe is ENTp and you have activity relations. You and your ISFp sisters have had your misunderstandings, but someone in the forum said that SF mirror is not very peaceful.