Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
Lol, it's not "rough;" quit coming from this condescending perspective, like you know the road, and oh it's hard, but we must try...what the fuck is that? Stop reassuring yourself.
Have you tried calming yourself by doing something other than 'venting' and cursing? I've tried both, and I can compare and see which things have worked, and which haven't.

Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
But maybe I haven't elaborated on my position fully. Personally I do NOT believe in expressing whatever whenever; that's selfish and counter-productive to both emotional health and healthy relations with the people you express yourself around. But it's NOT healthy to hold it all in. Any therapist will tell you the same; people go crazy that way. You have to dig down and be real or else you will wind up an empty shell of yourself with a heart burning in self-righteous contempt for the rest of the world. There has to be balance and compromise.
And how do therapists get paid? By curing people. What if everyone is cured? Wouldn't they lose their jobs and go out of business? It seems they have an incentive to keep people coming back... if you want to talk about 'compliance and subservience', I believe coaches and mentors who have an incentive in seeing you succeed, not holding you back like certain therapists, are the best people to listen to.

Generally, I agree with you. You should never feel like you are 'holding something in', I just found healthier ways of expressing myself than venting. There are specific people in my life I can talk with about problems. I don't dump my problems on anyone willing to listen, though.

Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
The self-congratulating quotes in your signature imply otherwise.
Quotes from other people about me are not 'self-congratulating'.

Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
You can say whatever you like, but your attitude speaks louder than your words.
I agree.