Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
I can understand where you're coming from. I thought the quote was rough the first time I heard it, but then I realized, anytime you vent to get out negative, it's only a short-term relief. It creates a bad cycle of needing to vent to feel better. It's tough to hold back at first, but when you can overcome your problems on your own, you become more confident and more independent. I don't feel the need to vent anymore about anything, I'm quite relaxed. I feel bad for others who still *need* to vent to overcome, sorry that they haven't discovered peace of mind yet.
Lol, it's not "rough;" quit coming from this condescending perspective, like you know the road, and oh it's hard, but we must try...what the fuck is that? Stop reassuring yourself.

It's funny that you think I advocate people expressing themselves any time they want; don't misrepresent my position, that's a logical fallacy.

But maybe I haven't elaborated on my position fully. Personally I do NOT believe in expressing whatever whenever; that's selfish and counter-productive to both emotional health and healthy relations with the people you express yourself around. But it's NOT healthy to hold it all in. Any therapist will tell you the same; people go crazy that way. You have to dig down and be real or else you will wind up an empty shell of yourself with a heart burning in self-righteous contempt for the rest of the world. There has to be balance and compromise.

I asked him a question to confirm my suspicion. I left the door open to being wrong, so I didn't just "presume" I was correct.
The self-congratulating quotes in your signature imply otherwise.

*bunch of memes*
You can say whatever you like, but your attitude speaks louder than your words.