Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
I mean, it's not like I LIKE hearing my girlfriend and friends and people on the forum bitch, it sucks and brings negative energy, but as long as it's not excessive, it's a very healthy practice to vent frustrations and negative feelings. Not doing so is a recipe for nothing but self-hatred, anxiety, and emotional isolationism.
I can understand where you're coming from. I thought the quote was rough the first time I heard it, but then I realized, anytime you vent to get out negative, it's only a short-term relief. It creates a bad cycle of needing to vent to feel better. It's tough to hold back at first, but when you can overcome your problems on your own, you become more confident and more independent. I don't feel the need to vent anymore about anything, I'm quite relaxed. I feel bad for others who still *need* to vent to overcome, sorry that they haven't discovered peace of mind yet.

Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
Lol wow, you presumptuous ass. I actually don't get along with Parkster but I have to stand up for him on this one.
I asked him a question to confirm my suspicion. I left the door open to being wrong, so I didn't just "presume" I was correct.

Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
You, my friend, are a relic of the 1950s and what was once again reflected in the 1980s: sterile American success-idealizing who's-the-best-ant mentality and it's rather pathetic. In fact I personally find it repugnant. I can see it in your face in your avatar; you have the glazed look of someone who has been seduced to believe that he will be happy or get what he's looking for as long as he follows a certain formula. It's a lie and it will make you die unhappy and emotionally alone, whether you wind up in an expensive high-rise condo or a bougie mansion with 4 kids. Prescribing a "recipe for success" is what institutions like religions are based upon: setting false expectations in order to encourage compliance and subservience. These values are promoted by the wealthy or those in positions of power or influence to make people feel as though their hamster wheel is going somewhere. You are being jerked around by your dick and I hope you realize it before you wind up with an even emptier look in your eye in exchange for a full bank account.
I believe in empowerment, not 'compliance and subservience' which you "presume". In fact, I stand against people feeling like a 'hamster' or running the 'rat race' in life, I encourage people to think and take control of their lives. Any time you change, or step outside your comfort zone, it can be uncomfortable, Gilly. I'm going somewhere in my life, going to be successful financially, emotionally, spiritually, personally, etc., and would like others to come along. But hey, you're entitled to live your life however you want, and if you want to stand on the sidelines and criticize how I pursue my goals, you're more than welcome to.