Quote Originally Posted by polikujm View Post
"The Humanist, as a rule, is an exceptionally honest and conscientious partner. He willingly processes great quantities of information, draws general conclusions and schedules actions. The Administrator sees planning as a problem."
The only time they see it as a problem is when they can't do everything they want to do; they don't strive to compartmentalize the things to do instead striving for efficiency, which is getting as much done as possible. This is where they need me to not overemphasize on preference which is to prioritize tasks or to organize but to schedule action; that is take out a calendar and say this is when you should do this and that; to spread out their to do list and to schedule rest time for them, because LSE always have work coming up (they are always working for find that there's work to do and get very little rest as a result of massive energy output).