Hi Aquagraph. Yes you are right, my posts are LONG! Sorry about that. I'll try to cut it down way back. Thanks for answering. Really appreciate it. Haha, well if there are no SLEs replying us IEIs got to give it our best shot! Octo's post really helped. I get what you mean and a lot of the descriptions I have read through validate what you say too. But these are probably things you felt after a certain time of knowing your IEIs. But I would appreciate a little more detail if possible, only when you got time of course, no hurry. I was kind of hoping you could tell me a bit about your first interactions with the IEIs you know... how they came off to you at first glance, how the relationship grew and what you felt attracted to. Like I said in the chat forum, how did Ni + Fe come across to you in terms of ideas, mannerisms, behavior, etc. Just examples of such situations. Something like that. About the initial stages.

You wanna play poor little IEIs! Oh so the SEI gets the playmate, we get the scoundrel???? How is that fair!