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Thread: Type profiles by Pavel Kuleshov: ENFp, ISTp, INFj, ESTj

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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Default Type profiles by Pavel Kuleshov: ENFp, ISTp, INFj, ESTj

    Huxley (Kuleshov)

    First position

    1st Function 2nd Function 3rd Function 4th Function

    Second position

    1st Function 2nd Function 3rd Function 4th Function

    Combined position

    1st Function 2nd Function 3rd Function 4th Function

    Since the first function is HI (), representatives of this type have a very negative attitude towards all kinds of imperfection and unfinished work. They want to complete all the works as soon as possible. Therefore, they often start immediately, at least in general terms be determined by an objective. Because of this impatience, their ideas are poorly worked out in detail. But the time for completion of their work they are trying to survive, come what may. In order to achieve their goals, they need a "sturdy rear," because every now and then they "stumble on the way of life" (because they have FV () as the fourth feature!). They are very grateful to those who assume the household burdens. If the "service logistics" are poorly organized, their enthusiasm fizzles.

    Inclined to twist the valves and tighten the screws to the limit.

    BE () on the second function - realistic self-esteem. Relations appear comprehensive and diverse. Bad attitudes are not strongly discouraged, especially since they can intentionally create them to influence other participants in the relations. Influence on people is achieved by using a rich arsenal of displays to others of its relationships. And representatives of this type when it’s necessary they smile, frown, gesture, confuse, moving his interlocutor in the right direction for them. They are able to win over the next interlocutor, carefully applying the emotions which as if are caused by the dignity of the interlocutor. They like to have such an "emotional dispenser." If something does not work, then we can try again and again, each time changing the tactics and strategy of communication. As a result, accumulate attitudinal wealth - the right social connections. With such links can make further social influence. But, as Te () is located on the third function, where there is lowered self-esteem, the representatives of this type like take on the increased obligations in all their actions to demonstrate good judgment, objectivity and realism. And make it more pointedly, from time to time, emphasizing that they make decisions based on the study of the facts, citing the original sources, and nodding to the large volume of the investigated literature on this topic.

    Characterized by a piercing look - they want to quickly understand,” Who are you?”

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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Default Gabin (Kuleshov) SLI - Type Description

    Gabin (Kuleshov)

    First position

    1st Function 2nd Function 3rd Function 4th Function

    Second position

    1st Function 2nd Function 3rd Function 4th Function

    Combined position

    1st Function 2nd Function 3rd Function 4th Function

    There is always something that catches your eye when you look at the representatives of this type, since it is their "bodily care." FV () on the first function leads to the fact that they are very conservative in setting up their habitat. Unless it is necessary, they will not change the environment in the home; and they only choose proven, reliable ways and proven, reliable tools. In passing through the streets with road traffic, they would prefer to wait for when the cars make a clearly safe distance and then move to the other side of the street. They decide what is considered clean, and what is dirty. When they want - everything shines and smells sweet, when they do not want - they will not pay attention to it.

    For life to seem to at least acceptable, the representatives of this type need a clear time-frame of the tenure. During the time that it is not clear what will happen tomorrow and what they have to deal with the day after, they generally will not do anything (this is the influence of HI () on the fourth function).

    Since then Te () is located on the second function, the representatives of this type are particularly confident in their ability to produce the facts and make a realistic basis for their generalizations. They tend to continually refine and revise the already seemingly solved problems for a long time to find a more efficient way of solving it. They trivialize what they do not understand. Often they turn the incomprehensible into something understandable Therefore, their own lack of understanding in no way are they discouraged, and they can readily admit it. Because of the habit to now and then refine their thoughts, they become very sensitive to the slightest nuances of meaning of words. This makes them picky when someone expresses confused thoughts.

    Since BE () is located on the third function, this type feels obliged to clearly express their attitude.They deliberately acquire all sorts of communication skills to be able, when necessary, express their attitude both pleasant and unpleasant to people and events. But their attitude to people and events are not arbitrary as it might seem at first glance, but are the result of examination of the facts, produced by his own efforts. That is obtained by Te () on the second function of the facts oblige representatives of these types to show just such an attitude with his third feature (BE ). If you find any new facts that were not previously known to them, and it appears that their attitude is marked as unfair, they are quite embarrassed. In such cases, they try to change the subject, and do all sorts of things to avoid further litigation of their own attitude.

    At the first meeting they generally exhibit good will to all, vigilantly watching their behavior and collecting the necessary preparation for his relationship material.

    Original Article:

    An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
    and an ILI in motion is probably not an ILI

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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Default Stirlitz (Kuleshov) LSE - Type Description

    Stirlitz (Kuleshov)

    First position

    1st Function 2nd Function 3rd Function 4th Function

    Second position

    1st Function 2nd Function 3rd Function 4th Function

    Combined position

    1st Function 2nd Function 3rd Function 4th Function

    Because they have Te () as the first function, representatives of this type often limit themselves to very small set of facts in order to make a final conclusion. Very quickly it becomes "all clear". Therefore, their perceptions of reality are usually sketchy and incomplete. Object to their categorical conclusions, and it is possible to run into rudeness. However, they are very sensitive to the simplest expression of trust and literally thrive if they are accepted as they are, with all their talents and quirks. The negative attitude "disconnects" them and they plunge into apathy and despair. Since BE is shown () on the fourth function. Influence on their conservative 1st feature can occur through a yielding 4th, strongly encouraging or not encouraging their creative self-expression. In this case it is best to talk about their feelings directly to them, because they inadequately perceive all sorts of hints. About how reality is arranged by representatives of this type prefer to agree. As one LIE in a forum: "As we construct aspects, there will be a reality. This is just a matter of calibration."

    Finding FV () on the second function, you can expect from members of this type large demands for a quality habitat. So it is. These people do not miss an opportunity to learn some other skill that would allow them to do the job more accurately, more efficiently, more reliably. They tend to be responsible employees. The attention is constantly focused on the smoothness of lines, clean seams, smooth surfaces, and so forth. Since their third function is of HI (), they feel obligated to follow through on all his affairs. Just out of sense of self-respect they will overwork themselves, however, they will finish everything that they have started. And in their appearance - the same perfection - all the buttons buttoned, all the folds smoothed out, bearing clear, the movement is strictly correct and somewhat awkward (again clear).

    If you catch them in the imperfection, they perceive it as a personal disgrace and will try as soon as possible to make amends.

    Very careful and frugal.

    Original Article:
    Last edited by EyeSeeCold; 02-12-2012 at 04:15 AM.

    An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Default Dostoevsky (Kuleshov) EII - Type Description

    Dostoevsky (Kuleshov)

    First position

    1st Function 2nd Function 3rd Function 4th Function

    Second position

    1st Function 2nd Function 3rd Function 4th Function

    Combined position

    1st Function 2nd Function 3rd Function 4th Function

    People of this type tend to be content with the most common generalizations about other people and either accept them or move away from them. In this case the initiative in bringing people together must necessarily belong to themselves. This type does not like it if someone strives to meet them against their will. They are characterized by conservatism in the manifestation of their relationship, with selfishness in the manifestations of feelings and explanations of the relationship between yourself and others. It seems that the "here and so it is clear that to talk about it." Self-confidence in the estimation of their relationships between themselves and others. The recognition of the right to arbitrary attitudes in their relations to others: "It is so and nothing can be done about it." If so, it is easier to increase the distance, than to alter another, if they do not suit you. If the people of this type accept someone as-is, then they are willing to forgive a lot, and, in general, allow them to behave as they please. Because of such a quality, they often find out too late when their trust has been abused. They do not have all kinds of luxurious amenities, and, in most cases, the efforts of others aimed at providing such pleasantries, they do not notice. They can easily ignore all sorts of social conventions, norms, rituals, because they personally do not consider them to be mandatory. About his relationship expressed it directly and simply, since BE is shown () on the first function.

    At the same time many people of this type seem to slowpoke, in order to somehow prove to themselves; they must understand what is happening around them. The explanations they need must be simple and clear, at the level of specific facts and clearly resulting laws. The excess of contradictory information plunges them into a stupor. So manifest Te () on the fourth function. Influence their 1st feature, you can use it to influence their malleable fourth, giving specific facts that indicate the need to change attitudes.

    Due to the fact that representatives of this type HI () is placed on the second function, they can be called "professional finishers." Indicate to them that the time within which something needs to be done, and they honestly calculate what resources will be needed, develop a realistic schedule of work, will find those who can best carry out this work. For them, it is important to get the job done quickly with not as much importance on quality. And there is already noticeable effects of BS () on the third function. They (just for the sake of self-esteem) tend to do any work with the highest quality. Require the same from others. At the same time they are big sissies and otherwise try to avoid, in every way possible, extreme circumstances.The theme "own health" is something that for the members of this type is intimate, as you can talk only with very close friends. At the same time they will be very proud that even though they have a physical infirmity, nevertheless, they continue to perform some important work.

    Original Article:
    Last edited by EyeSeeCold; 02-12-2012 at 04:33 AM.

    An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
    and an ILI in motion is probably not an ILI

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    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    I don't think this description is any good. Much worse than others that are available already.
    Looking for an Archnemesis. Willing applicants contact via PM.

    ENFp - Fi 7w6 sp/sx
    The Ineffable IEI
    The Einstein ENTp

    johari nohari

  6. #6
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Actually it's one of the best ones i've read... it certainly fizzles out some wrong stereotypes people have about IEEs. I relate a lot to the whole bit about perfectionism, this entire part--superb:

    representatives of this type have a very negative attitude towards all kinds of imperfection and unfinished work. They want to complete all the works as soon as possible. Therefore, they often start immediately, at least in general terms be determined by an objective. Because of this impatience, their ideas are poorly worked out in detail. But the time for completion of their work they are trying to survive, come what may. In order to achieve their goals, they need a "sturdy rear," because every now and then they "stumble on the way of life" (because they have FV () as the fourth feature!). They are very grateful to those who assume the household burdens. If the "service logistics" are poorly organized, their enthusiasm fizzles.
    The Fi part isn't quite how i would necessarily describe myself but i can potentially see how others might see me that way.

    This part is very true of me though:
    they want to quickly understand,” Who are you?”
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  7. #7
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Personally, if I had read this description, I would not have felt an immediate "holy cow, that's me!" connection. But then, none of the other descriptions you posted by this person gives that connection, either. I'd have been turned off from socionics before even starting.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  8. #8
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    I don't really like this description.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  9. #9
    Killer of DJA's Fun fen's Avatar
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    I couldn't relate at all. :/
    And I would hide my face in you and you would hide your face in me, and nobody would ever see us any more.

  10. #10

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    "The final delusion is the belief that one has lost all delusion."

    -- Maurice Chapelain

  11. #11

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    Wasn't really sure what the description was trying to say here in regards to slowpoke.

    At the same time many people of this type seem to slowpoke, in order to somehow prove to themselves; they must understand what is happening around them.
    Also this seems contradictory but so long as it basically means that the type likes to get their work done quickly but strive to do it at the highest standard/quality then I agree.

    For them, it is important to get the job done quickly with not as much importance on quality. And there is already noticeable effects of BS () on the third function. They (just for the sake of self-esteem) tend to do any work with the highest quality.
    And yes this types health is an intimate subject and therefor difficult for them to talk about.
    Also it makes you wonder by the way this is written if many EII have physical infirmities???

    The theme "own health" is something that for the members of this type is intimate, as you can talk only with very close friends. At the same time they will be very proud that even though they have a physical infirmity, nevertheless, they continue to perform some important work.

    Thanks for posting all of these type descriptions EyeSeeCold .

  12. #12
    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shayley View Post
    Wasn't really sure what the description was trying to say here in regards to slowpoke.
    I'm not certain either but I notice Fi egos, especially Fi Base types don't act or can't act even when the practical course of action is clear, from my perspective. I think it's because of having to process complex feelings and consequences that go along with any action they have to take, so they dawdle.

    Also this seems contradictory but so long as it basically means that the type likes to get their work done quickly but strive to do it at the highest standard/quality then I agree.
    Didn't notice the contradiction before, but yeah I would agree with that.

    Also it makes you wonder by the way this is written if many EII have physical infirmities???
    It's referring to polr / HA, and going by standard definitions it means they tend to be weak or have bad health. That's most likely not always accurate, but there could still be a link between cognitive-psycology and physiology. Should leave that to the hard sciences though.

    Thanks for posting all of these type descriptions EyeSeeCold .
    No problem

    An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    I'm not certain either but I notice Fi egos, especially Fi Base types don't act or can't act even when the practical course of action is clear, from my perspective. I think it's because of having to process complex feelings and consequences that go along with any action they have to take, so they dawdle.
    Ok, that makes sense and I guess I do come across like that at times. Like at present I am dawdling on decisions regarding the building of a cat enclosure on our property.

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