Quote Originally Posted by sar View Post
Simple Yes or No. This is the first post I've done in a while and I've seen that DCNH seems to be popular. I want to see if it's worth the time and energy. If you could say why or why not, that'd be great too.
It is definitely worth looking into. I was just thinking about this today. You read it and contemplate it and then you take a couple of years of observations to learn it. I don't understand why some people are so critical, it obviously works, it's not like Gulenko has invented this in a vacuum, it's based on observations, just like socionics is. For example Ni and Si is connected on a subtype level, it is so easy to see this, for example being sensual and spiritual in H persons. And the subtype relations work well too: D-N is a frequent combination in couples, so is H-C. It's all about taking the time to observe this, and understanding what to look for, but I don't think anybody can prove this. If you can get to know people of your own type but with all 4 different subtypes, then it's a good start. When you get further you can use 8 subtypes, it's often quite easy to distinguish between for example Ti- and Fi-normalizing etc. The really cool part is to see how these things occur in our culture. Gulenko has some examples, but it is easy to think of more.