Quote Originally Posted by Clumsy View Post
I've noticed that Fi users tend to be vague (I'm speaking more about EII's), while Fe users tend to almost always describe things with a lot of detail.

Do Fi/Ne types find the amount of detail Fe users tend to give (when describing situations or issues) unnecessary? How is this interpreted by the Fi/Ne valuer?

I often feel as though it's difficult for me to help my Fi/Ne valuing friends when they don't give me more information on what is going on. Do Fi/Ne valuers leave out details because they want me to question them more? Or is this just more how Fi mixed with Ne functions?

This brings me to my next question. Sometimes when I ask Fi/Ne valuers to clarify things that they mean, to try to show that I want to know what is going on and care about them, they seem to not like it.

I guess what I'm trying to ask is, what would an Fi/Ne user want me to do? What can I actually do to help them that will be useful to them?

Is it preferable to not ask questions and just stay away unless they come to you directly? (Because it seems that in particular, Delta Fi's are very independent as well... they may not come to talk to you about something at all unless you approach them.)
Bump. Any input on this from anyone?