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Thread: Chaldean Numerology

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    Revan's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Chaldean Numerology

    I recently just found out about Chaldean Numerology. Its pretty interesting, but I'm having a hard time finding some clear cut meanings for the numbers. If anyone can find a good link, I would be very grateful

    Here is a link I found to get started:

    After doing this I got obsessed with counting everything and reducing it, so be warned!

    Post your numbers if you want as well. My name comes out to 5, which I think is personality. My birthday comes out to 4, which is my destiny, possibly. There's more, but I feel that these are the most important.

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    Local Hero Saberstorm's Avatar
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    Don't get into that. And you are an ILE? A superstitious ENTp??? We will need some wierd subtype theory to explain that!

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    Possibly IEE, still not quite sure. I wouldn't call it superstition...very old and esoteric, yes. That would be like calling the bible or ancient history superstition as well. I don't absolutely believe in it, more like a fun tool. I have an intrapersonal learning style, go figure

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    Local Hero Saberstorm's Avatar
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    Well, beware then. These things could work like curses... binding you into a fate. A twisted fate... look at a vibration that says something like "trust your own instincts..." That could be made into a curse, wherein all advice you recieve - from EVERYBODY- is cursed to be in error, forcing you to navigate through life without any viable assistance. "Your name will live on after you" could be a curse - your ideas will be devilishly rejected while alive, only to be seen for their true value later, once you cannot profit from them. So beware!!

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    I'll take your word for it... O____o

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    Local Hero Saberstorm's Avatar
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    <<evil laughing>>

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    ian - 7
    day of birth - 7
    ian rust - 15
    ian bradley rust - 33

    nontheless saber is right, the occult arts will only bring a curse onto you, because they serve the self. But while we're on the topic of being cursed, mention that the whole internet is a curse

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    birth number is 11, full name yields 8; oddly enough, 11-17/8 has been the most thematically relevant combination in my recent years.

    I tend to think the birth number defines one's astral contours (latent potential); whereas a name's number has more tangible implications, social role etc.

    @saberstorm: the curse/blessing aspect boils down to how one filters the energy associated with that given thought; the dependence on other people is where it gets confusing.

    @crazed: no art/science is inherently self-serving; in fact that quality's prevalence in our society is the main reason why the occult arts are taught in secrecy. just as many use them to keep as disrupt the balance.

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    Again you talk impulsively about things you do not understand, and only vainly pretend to.

    A man is told to eat the hand of a corpse in the ground 2 days. He is told by this act, and only this he may be told a great secret. He boils it and eats it. By the action of eating a hand he may now be trusted. Why is this? Consider the gravity of the act held over him, and compare this with the secret he knows, in light of his best interest. Is it in the mans best interest to reveal what secret is told to him, knowing what might be revealed about himself? What is in his best interest is shifted - it is this selfish interest which is the leverage for the whole process. The mans compliance creates a pact, and by that it's a demonstration of his own worth. All occult arts operate on this principle. If the man chooses to martyr himself - if he ignores his best interest, he may reveal the secret; and he accepts the backlash. As selfishness gives way to selflessness, the occult, and all conflicts, secrets & divinations derived from it dissolve. This martyrdom IS the sacrifice of christ, and it's the process directly contrary to the occult. This martyrdom is the only way to beat the occult. But to say that the occult operates on anything other than selfishness is completely wrong.

    Think about a man in a coffin masturbating. What does this symbolize?

    Imagine that I am Hilary Clinton, and I drank the blood of a human skull amongst a circle of my peers. I am then trusted with world secrets. What would the world do to Hilary Clinton if she tried to reveal any of these secrets, and then it was revealed she drank blood from a human skull? Would the world believe such a woman? Unconsciously, yes; consciously no. Only those who are able to fully disclose their own darkness can convey the manner inwhich they know her confession to be true. Else the secret remains protected by the sins of every individual. And then, she would be lynched. The secret is protected and the woman is destroyed. But the Christians believe, since they have discovered the power of self sacrifice, and through that confession. The secret is not hidden by their own flaws.

    Astrology & numerology work by the same mechanism. This is exactly why Christians are made to avoid the occult arts. Not because they do not work - they do definitely work, on most people. The art itself, and all the effects, operate by selfishness. What do you think the law of one is? The law of identity? The law of self.

    This law you love to fall back on and will undoubtedly do so again; it is the illusion I speak of. Yes it's true, and it works, but while it's true it's always secondary to the law of God. The occult elevates the self above God, and by that it derives all its power.
    Last edited by rat1; 02-08-2012 at 05:46 PM.

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    And now you only confirm that your notion of the occult is but diluted illuminati paranoia. Nowhere did I say that being initiated into the mysteries implies self-degradation. That is your first error. Secondly, if you actually bother to study the ancient rituals of occult ceremonies, you'll see that the spiritual rebirth is something achieved in solitude, merely watched over by certain learned elders; all the other stuff about masturbating in coffins is fear-mongering bullshit.

    edit: this is an example.

    Consider the gravity of the act held over him, and compare this with the secret he knows, in light of his best interest. Is it in the mans best interest to reveal what secret is told to him, knowing what might be revealed about himself? What is in his best interest is shifted - it is this selfish interest which is the leverage for the whole process. The mans compliance creates a pact, and by that it's a demonstration of his own worth.
    Certain sects operate by this, and prey on those who still function as animals (usually the lower ranks). This is a far cry from the initiates who are the source of whatever wisdom happens to be funneled into masonic ballrooms.

    Does having the power to kill a person through meditative concentration imply self-interest? Are you arrogant enough to presume to know the path one would have to travel to achieve even a semblance of such power? You conflate walking through darkness with the giving up of light, and likewise forget that there are still those of us who are not governed in that manner.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratPULSE View Post
    Think about a man in a coffin masturbating. What does this symbolize?
    The maggots issuing from the rotten brain in your skull.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Nick is being bitchy again! HAHAHAHA.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    if you actually bother to study the ancient rituals of occult ceremonies, you'll see that the spiritual rebirth is something achieved in solitude, merely watched over by certain learned elders; all the other stuff about masturbating in coffins is fear-mongering bullshit.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    I'm energising my inner number to become not only best LSE in the whole wide world but spread the word via socionics magic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    And now you only confirm that your notion of the occult is but diluted illuminati paranoia.
    There is nothing inherently wrong with eating a human hand. Nothing is unclean in itself, but circumstances make it so. If I was snowed in on a mountain, I would eat a human hand to survive.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Nowhere did I say that being initiated into the mysteries implies self-degradation. That is your first error.
    What is self serving is self degrading. Life operates by symbiosis. Symbiosis works by way of a self/other connection. The occult grants power, but always operates by way of the self, by elevating it. It's both self serving and self degrading.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Secondly, if you actually bother to study the ancient rituals of occult ceremonies, you'll see that the spiritual rebirth is something achieved in solitude, merely watched over by certain learned elders;
    Describe to me these processes of spiritual rebirth, and I will show you how they are of death.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    all the other stuff about masturbating in coffins is fear-mongering bullshit.
    Nothing is more symbolic of the occult than masturbating in a coffin.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Certain sects operate by this, and prey on those who still function as animals (usually the lower ranks). This is a far cry from the initiates who are the source of whatever wisdom happens to be funneled into masonic ballrooms.
    Some people are controlled by ritual procedures. Others seek after power. There are higher and lower levels of power. Which side of the equation the person is on is irrelevant. Where you are on the ladder is irrelevant. The same mechanism is present throughout - that is an elevation of the self above God.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Does having the power to kill a person through meditative concentration imply self-interest?
    Of course. You are placing your will above the will of God.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Are you arrogant enough to presume to know the path one would have to travel to achieve even a semblance of such power?
    The will to power is the will to displace God.
    All of these things are defined by that. That's how they work. The human hand bit was one example. Every occult procedure uses the same principle. If you think you can prove otherwise, mention another and I will show you how.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    You conflate walking through darkness with the giving up of light, and likewise forget that there are still those of us who are not governed in that manner.
    In the dark, not through the dark. Nothing is overcome by these things.
    Last edited by rat1; 02-08-2012 at 10:15 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratPULSE View Post
    There is nothing inherently wrong with eating a human hand. Nothing is unclean in itself, but circumstances make it so. If I was snowed in on a mountain, I would eat a human hand to survive.
    and there's nothing inherently evil in being able to modulate sound frequencies in a way that alters others' psychosomatic rhythms -- this has been reported to have saved not a few souls from death.

    your logic is akin to claiming that an instrument's design is flawed because someone played it poorly. so reread until you grasp this simple concept: the occult arts are methods of conducting energy, whose karmic implications depend solely on the author's intent.

    What is self serving is self degrading. Life operates by symbiosis. Symbiosis works by way of a self/other connection. The occult grants power, but always operates by way of the self, by elevating it. It's both self serving and self degrading.
    actually its primarily based around the surrender of the self (transcendence from ego state to that of buddhi, eventually atma) to the infinite; any powers granted therein already imply an immense degree of responsibility.

    Describe to me these processes of spiritual rebirth, and I will show you how they are of death.
    not a chance.

    Nothing is more symbolic of the occult than masturbating in a coffin.
    which is what every teenage alex jones fan thinks as well. congratulations.

    Some people are controlled by ritual procedures. Others seek after power. There are higher and lower levels of power. Which side of the equation the person is on is irrelevant. Where you are on the ladder is irrelevant. The same mechanism is present throughout - that is an elevation of the self above God.

    Of course. You are placing your will above the will of God.

    The will to power is the will to displace God.
    All of these things are defined by that. That's how they work. The human hand bit was one example. Every occult procedure uses the same principle. If you think you can prove otherwise, mention another and I will show you how.
    empowering oneself from within is different from gaining power over others; and neither implies the other.

    the rest relates back to your fundamental misunderstanding of the occult, so I won't even waste the energy.

    In the dark, not through the dark. Nothing is overcome by these things.
    through the dark is what I said, but it's obvious from your response where the fear lies.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Saberstorm View Post
    Well, beware then. These things could work like curses... binding you into a fate. A twisted fate... look at a vibration that says something like "trust your own instincts..." That could be made into a curse, wherein all advice you recieve - from EVERYBODY- is cursed to be in error, forcing you to navigate through life without any viable assistance. "Your name will live on after you" could be a curse - your ideas will be devilishly rejected while alive, only to be seen for their true value later, once you cannot profit from them. So beware!!
    Only a curse insomuch as one lets the dictates of such an ancient and dogmatic system to be the confines of his abilities. In other words, one practicing such a thing could easily fall into confirmation bias and the forer effect.

    Hm.... that's funny, so can (and do) people who rely too heavily on socionics to explain all aspects of personality.

    It seems obvious to me now why those who are generally attracted to personality typology (Jungian in particular) are also easily attracted to esoteric systems (astrology, satanism, numerology, tarot, or what have you). It is because all of these systems are of the same type: Jung himself drew many of his ideas on functions and the binary nature of them from archetypes that have existed in cultures for thousands of year, if I remember correctly. Very interesting.

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    Buddhi.. atma.. Are you managing to call hindu the occult? They are not the same thing. A true hindu would never do this:
    Does having the power to kill a person through meditative concentration imply self-interest?
    A true Hindu will refuse to kill even a bug. Instead, this is:
    empowering oneself from within is different from gaining power over others
    Which is:
    You are placing your will above the will of God.
    Which is not:
    actually its primarily based around the surrender of the self (transcendence from ego state to that of buddhi, eventually atma) to the infinite; any powers granted therein already imply an immense degree of responsibility.
    Also, correct that sentence, since the goal of a hindu is:
    the surrender of the self to the infinite, & to the other
    How can you surrender to God, surrender to others, and as a consequence kill a person?
    God doesn't need you to kill people. If you were truly enlightened you would go save that person.
    And correct this, since it is blatantly wrong:
    empowering oneself from within is different from gaining power over others
    Hindus will tell you that empowerment comes from within you and without you. The empowerment does not come from just within. The self is defined by others. Everything that you are, is nothing without a relation to others. The self is relative. How can you empower yourself alone? Do you have power over nothing? What is power? Power is the ability to influence. What is the self? A relationship with others. Empowering the self IS amplifying your ability to influence others. Now you can influence in good ways. But by that influence, you were not self empowered, but self other empowered; which is infact a relinquishment of power. To amplify yourself, is to place yourself above others. Why do you think this empowering happens in solitude? Instead of this self amplification, relinquish power.
    Also for this last quote:
    the occult arts are methods of conducting energy, whose karmic implications depend solely on the author's intent.
    The intent is the difference between something like hinduism, & the occult. Yet your bit about killing others is of the wrong intention.

    A person will either empower themself over others, or surrenders to others. It IS one or the other. True Hindus practice surrender. Hindu is not the occult. The occult is a corruption of alot of hindu traditions, and not only hindu but many other rituals included. For example as far as astrology goes, Hindus strive to overcome planetary influences, and to render them obsolete. A cultist will actually use the planetary energies for power. It's the same with the other rituals & disciplines.

    That's why in Hindu all the polytheistic gods are united around one God. They're trying to unite all the divisions. It fails at this reunification the majority of the time, as people get stuck around some polytheistic God or the other. Modern Hinduism is really degraded compared to ancient Hinduism, the religion is splintered into a ton of sects and alot of the teachings have been forgotten.

    Ultimately it is easier to abandon the many Gods up front in favor of one God, than to try to abandon them by first knowing and examining them; by that you run a risk of getting fixated on them, which is what has happened consistently throughout Hinduism and why the religion is divided into so many sects. Just as the religion is divided, the mind is remaining divided. What do you think a cult is? It is a religious sect. Sect as in a splinter, a division. Polytheism, a division of God.

    What is the point in knowing something you are trying to forget? A Hindu would tell you by knowing your adversary you can then defeat it. Identify the problem, then find a solution.

    This is arguably true, but it is very prone to corruption, which is evidenced by how splintered the religion is. The human sacrifice of christ so blanketly kills the occult processes that I see no need for knowing polytheism for protective purposes any longer. At this point the religion is obsolete, the occult is defeated, and the only reason to practice Hinduism in modern times is if you are still holding on to the powers which, by the religion, you're supposed to be identifying and then releasing from. All healing properties, if they are of true healing and not worldly facilitation, come from relinquishing power.

    There is a big difference between a true hindu monk, and a modern hindu advertising on the internet: change your name, amplify your planetary vibrations, live by your birth number. This is not surrender, it's a will to power; but the majority of modern hindus are driven by this. It's not a surprise, all the religions are corrupt nowdays.

    My argument against this combination of monotheism/polytheism is the same argument I have against whistleblowers alerting the public of conspiracy information on the internet: While what they say is true, knowing it changes nothing and it achieves nothing. What's more is the people in charge are aware of these whistleblowers, and they actually unknowingly feed into their plans.

    Every desire we have leads to enslavement. Desire drives rebellion. Rebellion only achieves a new form of enslavement. This new enslavement is always greater than the preceding one which it displaced. Look at the rebellion happening in the world now, sparked by the internet. This only plays into the hands of those in charge. They will take on the solution, and have even greater power over us.
    Likewise with polytheism, its just an imbalance of power for one side or the other. Power can take any form, and those in control are masters of changing forms. For example we are even enslaved to democracy via materialism. We are actually enslaved to ourselves. Such a nation of slaves aren't going to displace anything.

    The solution always remains the same: relinquish your desires to God and serving others, and you cannot be controlled. You deprive those above you of power (on however small a scale). And you will spread this attitude, hopefully having effects larger than yourself. If this attitude pervaded all of society, we would have no leader besides God. The society would function automatically without government of any kind.
    The only reason our whole society degrades into a police state is people giving up their power to leaders through indulgence. And then they wonder why they end up enslaved - they created their own enslavement.

    Even us arguing about this on this forum is another form of this enslavement. My informing you of this, is part of the enslavement. What am I doing productive to serve others and to serve God right now? Nothing. I am enslaved right now, to the internet, as are you when you reply to this.

    I would be very happy if we could all leave the internet.. I think I will achieve this soon.
    Last edited by rat1; 02-09-2012 at 05:38 PM.

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    shrug. the main disparity seems to be in how we view the occult. you have diabolical associations which, while not entirely unfounded, don't tell the whole story; in fact the word relates more to something being concealed, and thus the 'supernatural' energies dealt with in those arts. I'm only referring to the realm of entities attuned to those frequencies, irrespective of their given agenda. an example would be the difference between the mayans and atlanteans; the former stayed aligned with their gods, and conduced the vibrations they knew would be most beneficial to posterity; the latter devolved into sorcery, and were submerged as a result.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratPULSE View Post
    Buddhi.. atma.. Are you managing to call hindu the occult? They are not the same thing. A true hindu would never do this:
    Does having the power to kill a person through meditative concentration imply self-interest?
    A true Hindu will refuse to kill even a bug. Instead, this is:
    empowering oneself from within is different from gaining power over others
    the same power has been used to create various lifeforms (in a way most would claim 'out of thin air') -- and this is the entire point. the energy is there, being able to harness it is merely the potential, how it's actually expressed defines the author's intent.

    Hindus will tell you that empowerment comes from within you and without you. The empowerment does not come from just within. The self is defined by others. Everything that you are, is nothing without a relation to others. The self is relative. How can you empower yourself alone? Do you have power over nothing? What is power? Power is the ability to influence. What is the self? A relationship with others. Empowering the self IS amplifying your ability to influence others. Now you can influence in good ways. But by that influence, you were not self empowered, but self other empowered; which is infact a relinquishment of power. To amplify yourself, is to place yourself above others. Why do you think this empowering happens in solitude? Instead of this self amplification, relinquish power.
    Also for this last quote:
    the occult arts are methods of conducting energy, whose karmic implications depend solely on the author's intent.
    The intent is the difference between something like hinduism, & the occult. Yet your bit about killing others is of the wrong intention.
    quit wasting time on semantics. of course empowering oneself from within entails channeling energies from without; the implication is that self and other are one. my attitude would be better expressed as empowering oneself with others, I think true power comes with an optimal state of balance. the example I gave was meant to convey the fact that one couldn't simply achieve such powers without a broader energy field; the necessity of solitude actually better distills and amplifies vibrations within the person, so that when they do reemerge, there is less distortion.

    A person will either empower themself over others, or surrenders to others. It IS one or the other. True Hindus practice surrender. Hindu is not the occult. The occult is a corruption of alot of hindu traditions, and not only hindu but many other rituals included. For example as far as astrology goes, Hindus strive to overcome planetary influences, and to render them obsolete. A cultist will actually use the planetary energies for power. It's the same with the other rituals & disciplines.
    it isn't one or the other; one can simply be with others, and sustain the balance without getting caught up in the direction of this or that scenario; influence is always mutual and implicit, great; all that matters is building.

    hindu is not the occult; but the ancient hindu systems have been made occult out of necessity. granting such powers to what they consider the profane would be catastrophic. and wtf is a cultist? for the last time, no one is talking about illuminati reptilians.

    That's why in Hindu all the polytheistic gods are united around one God. They're trying to unite all the divisions. It fails at this reunification the majority of the time, as people get stuck around some polytheistic God or the other. Modern Hinduism is really degraded compared to ancient Hinduism, the religion is splintered into a ton of sects and alot of the teachings have been forgotten.

    Ultimately it is easier to abandon the many Gods up front in favor of one God, than to try to abandon them by first knowing and examining them; by that you run a risk of getting fixated on them, which is what has happened consistently throughout Hinduism and why the religion is divided into so many sects. Just as the religion is divided, the mind is remaining divided. What do you think a cult is? It is a religious sect. Sect as in a splinter, a division. Polytheism, a division of God.
    polytheistic gods imply unity; your mistake lies in speaking of it as a single entity, when in fact 'the one' is but a figurative expression of a composite balance constantly recalibrating itself.

    What is the point in knowing something you are trying to forget? A Hindu would tell you by knowing your adversary you can then defeat it. Identify the problem, then find a solution.

    This is arguably true, but it is very prone to corruption, which is evidenced by how splintered the religion is. The human sacrifice of christ so blanketly kills the occult processes that I see no need for knowing polytheism for protective purposes any longer. At this point the religion is obsolete, the occult is defeated, and the only reason to practice Hinduism in modern times is if you are still holding on to the powers which, by the religion, you're supposed to be identifying and then releasing from. All healing properties, if they are of true healing and not worldly facilitation, come from relinquishing power.
    the sacrifice of christ dissolves the idea of indulgent self-elevation; but again, I view self-empowerment as being an emergent result of collective alignment.

    all the rest about psycho-social processes is covered ground; it's also precisely why I don't worry, or 'fear death' as you like to mock, because the energy remains, it is but a matter of time. every other shift in the scales can be done away with.

    anyway I'm tired of debating semantics, so yeah.

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    You don't say.

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    A cultist... a member of a cult, a fringe religious group - a fringe religious person. A religious loner. A religious person not interested in unity.

    Polytheism in itself is not unity. Monotheism is unity. Polytheism in itself is nonsense, it's just elevating things that are not God as if they are. If paired with monotheism it is balanced, as is everything around God; but then apply occams razor. God has many aspects, but it's all part of God- how can I distinguish shiva from brahma if both are God? Why would I? Yet these are viewed as distinct Gods. Why the plurality? It's as if to say "for now, shiva is God; God is wrath". Do we miss the point that by his wrath, he is also being compassionate? Might I confuse wrath in itself then, with divine wrath? Yes, and this is the problem with polytheism; it IS this confusion, even when combined with monotheism; which is why the disparities in the hindu religion. Actually all the false polytheistic Gods were probably aliens.

    It is very easy to confuse altruism with self gratification in a corrupt society, and I've seen the same vitriol in me spew out of you on many occasions. I know my motivations behind that, so what could be yours? I can identify that mode of operation in people, it's relentlessness gives it away. Same thing with taunting jesus as 'a dead man on a tree, quit sucking his cock' and so fourth.. What motivates a person to speak this way? The name of Christ is threatening to people. Why is it threatening? Why do people cringe when they hear it? It's as if it repels them in a way nothing else I know does. It's pretty amazing actually.

    Some quotes:
    the same power has been used to create various lifeforms (in a way most would claim 'out of thin air') -- and this is the entire point. the energy is there, being able to harness it is merely the potential, how it's actually expressed defines the author's intent.
    You say "the author" as if the power comes from man, as if it's part of his own unique greatness. The power comes from God, if it comes from man it is demonic (aka reptilian). That's really the point I'm making to you with this polytheism/monotheism talk. Now by demonic processes you can stray from Gods will, and alot of people will confuse that with divinity, especially by polytheism. And that is probably the main obstacle we're going to face in the coming years as 'aliens' are revealed to us. Hence the coming revelation.
    polytheistic gods imply unity; your mistake lies in speaking of it as a single entity, when in fact 'the one' is but a figurative expression of a composite balance constantly recalibrating itself.
    Here you show very well how the law of one displaces the law of God. There is one God. Not "it", as in many different forms balanced around.. what? But "God, the only God". Monotheism is unity. The polytheism can be made a part of that, or it can depart from it - as in A = B, or A does not = B. Even so, when using the word God, forget about A and B. What you need to do is recontextualize the law of identity by the law of equality. Understand that sometimes A does not = B.

    hindu is not the occult; but the ancient hindu systems have been made occult out of necessity. granting such powers to what they consider the profane would be catastrophic.
    Again this implies the power comes from man and not from God. God grants the power, it is not mens to give away. Any power given from men comes only from demons/ the reptilians.
    Last edited by rat1; 02-10-2012 at 01:18 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratPULSE View Post
    A cultist... a member of a cult, a fringe religious group - a fringe religious person. A religious loner. A religious person not interested in unity.
    which boils down to individual dispositions, i.e. look at the number of christians who fall under this definition.

    I see the notion of a cult as hypocrisy, the new age anonymous ones being the vilest form; nonetheless do I see a need-to-know basis as highly valuable, if only to respect others' right to confusion/realization, but also because, when it comes down to it, there's a source, then a funnel effect. I will explain the secrecy you dislike farther down.

    Polytheism in itself is not unity. Monotheism is unity. Polytheism in itself is nonsense, it's just elevating things that are not God as if they are. If paired with monotheism it is balanced, as is everything around God; but then apply occams razor. God has many aspects, but it's all part of God- how can I distinguish shiva from brahma if both are God? Why would I? Yet these are viewed as distinct Gods. Why the plurality? It's as if to say "for now, shiva is God; God is wrath". Do we miss the point that by his wrath, he is also being compassionate? Might I confuse wrath in itself then, with divine wrath? Yes, and this is the problem with polytheism; it IS this confusion, even when combined with monotheism; which is why the disparities in the hindu religion. Actually all the false polytheistic Gods were probably aliens.
    polytheism is more like a way to model the movement of an implicit unity; monotheism, while having the right intent, misses the mark in making a positive statement about that very unity. the logic is simple: God cannot be both everything and one thing; in other words, it is only manifest through everything by not being any one of them, and thus does every part imply the whole (holarchy).

    when brahma and shiva are distinguished as different gods, what should be said is that they are cyclic expressions of the same divine energy; this also relates to the idea of an-sat -- simultaneously being and non-being. the second problem with pluralizing divinities is just anthropomorphization... emotions are sterilized into concrete experiences that are supposed to have these etheric correlatives; so instead of each person owning up to the role they've played in evolving a collective mind, all point the finger at, say, an oncoming apocalypse. aliens are the perfect red herring, which is why I speak of them blithely, because in reality... not so alien, just in a different form. we have to merge with them to shatter the schism between this edenic transcendence and reptilian baseness.

    It is very easy to confuse altruism with self gratification in a corrupt society, and I've seen the same vitriol in me spew out of you on many occasions. I know my motivations behind that, so what could be yours? I can identify that mode of operation in people, it's relentlessness gives it away. Same thing with taunting jesus as 'a dead man on a tree, quit sucking his cock' and so fourth.. What motivates a person to speak this way? The name of Christ is threatening to people. Why is it threatening? Why do people cringe when they hear it? It's as if it repels them in a way nothing else I know does. It's pretty amazing actually.
    it's not about my feelings about christ; what he represents is what it is, the scheme goes on. actually my intent was more scathing and personal, because if you're gonna dance around ideologies and have the nerve to preach, there better be substance, and at least an echo of humility.

    You say "the author" as if the power comes from man, as if it's part of his own unique greatness. The power comes from God, if it comes from man it is demonic (aka reptilian). That's really the point I'm making to you with this polytheism/monotheism talk. Now by demonic processes you can stray from Gods will, and alot of people will confuse that with divinity, especially by polytheism. And that is probably the main obstacle we're going to face in the coming years as 'aliens' are revealed to us. Hence the coming revelation.
    the power is implicitly divine, but developed in man, or whatever you want to call it; this is more like a delegation of energy than a mere contrivance. the power I speak of hasn't been said to exist since the pre-Atlantean days, except in a very select few; such is the case. I highly doubt sages are sitting on mountains mulling over whose skull to pop next.

    the choice to stray from god's will is just that -- a choice. you don't seem to respect this right that everyone has. pretty sure it was socrates who said 'no soul willingly turns away from the light.' I would say 'wittingly,' the point being that even the vilest creatures are allowed to walk their paths; karma takes care of the rest.

    Here you show very well how the law of one displaces the law of God. There is one God. Not "it", as in many different forms balanced around.. what? But "God, the only God". Monotheism is unity. The polytheism can be made a part of that, or it can depart from it - as in A = B, or A does not = B. Even so, when using the word God, forget about A and B. What you need to do is recontextualize the law of identity by the law of equality. Understand that sometimes A does not = B.
    I see no real distinction between the law of self/identity and the law of unity/equality, other than the magnitude of expression (the self being balanced by the other I take as implicit). if you extrapolate, god as the infinite, collective mind is pursuing self-awareness through every component. explained the rest above.

    hindu is not the occult; but the ancient hindu systems have been made occult out of necessity. granting such powers to what they consider the profane would be catastrophic.
    Again this implies the power comes from man and not from God. God grants the power, it is not mens to give away. Any power given from men comes only from demons/ the reptilians.
    the origin is always divine; what you have to keep in mind is just how long this information has been funneled through the various root races; it's preserved by the elect because they were essentially 'born into it,' not because a bunch of people got together with some tarot cards and founded a new religion. the problem is actually naming those original sources, the 'shadows of shadows,' as some would refer to them.

    Those who compiled this book were men as we are. They knew, saw, handled and realized, through
    the key measure, the law of the living, ever active God. They needed no faith that He was, that He
    worked, planned and accomplished, as a mighty mechanic and architect. What was it, then, that reserved
    to them alone this knowledge, while first as men of God, and second as Apostles of Jesus the Christ,
    they doled out a blinding ritual service, and an empty teaching of faith and no substance as
    proof, properly coming through the exercise of just those senses which the Deity has given all
    men as the essential means of obtaining any right understanding? Mystery and parable, and
    dark saying, and cloaking of the true meanings are the burden of the Testaments, Old and
    New. Take it that the narratives of the Bible were purposed inventions to deceive the ignorant
    masses, even while enforcing a most perfect code of moral obligations: How is it possible to
    justify so great frauds, as part of the Divine economy, when to that economy, the attribute of
    simple and perfect truthfulness must, in the nature of things, be ascribed? What has,
    or what by possibility ought mystery to have, with the promulgation of the truths of God?
    same reason serpents lie

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    I was not aware that Chaldeans were using the modern Latin alphabet (including J and U).
    Shock intuition, diamond logic.
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    polytheism is more like a way to model the movement of an implicit unity; monotheism, while having the right intent, misses the mark in making a positive statement about that very unity. the logic is simple: God cannot be both everything and one thing; in other words, it is only manifest through everything by not being any one of them, and thus does every part imply the whole (holarchy).

    when brahma and shiva are distinguished as different gods, what should be said is that they are cyclic expressions of the same divine energy; this also relates to the idea of an-sat -- simultaneously being and non-being. the second problem with pluralizing divinities is just anthropomorphization... emotions are sterilized into concrete experiences that are supposed to have these etheric correlatives; so instead of each person owning up to the role they've played in evolving a collective mind, all point the finger at, say, an oncoming apocalypse. aliens are the perfect red herring, which is why I speak of them blithely, because in reality... not so alien, just in a different form. we have to merge with them to shatter the schism between this edenic transcendence and reptilian baseness.
    The identification of only the part neglects how the whole relates to the part. As proof of this, polytheism doesn't name the many "Gods" as various aspects of one God; i.e. this is Gods wrath, this is Gods love; but gives them individual names, and sets them up each as their own God. That is the error. They are not Gods, they are parts of one God. To be correct, it should not be polytheism. By that standard the term "Gods" is meaningless; logically it is "God" for simplicity's sake.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    the power is implicitly divine, but developed in man, or whatever you want to call it; this is more like a delegation of energy than a mere contrivance. the power I speak of hasn't been said to exist since the pre-Atlantean days, except in a very select few; such is the case. I highly doubt sages are sitting on mountains mulling over whose skull to pop next.
    If the power comes from God, it is at his discretion how its used.. if it comes from man, it's at the mans discretion.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    the choice to stray from god's will is just that -- a choice. you don't seem to respect this right that everyone has. pretty sure it was socrates who said 'no soul willingly turns away from the light.' I would say 'wittingly,' the point being that even the vilest creatures are allowed to walk their paths; karma takes care of the rest.
    My only "disrespect", as you call it, is in teaching people what I know; what I learned through my own mistakes. You say yourself the errors are made in ignorance. How does teaching spread ignorance?

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    I see no real distinction between the law of self/identity and the law of unity/equality, other than the magnitude of expression (the self being balanced by the other I take as implicit). if you extrapolate, god as the infinite, collective mind is pursuing self-awareness through every component. explained the rest above.
    The law of identity as it's layed out, without further qualification, can mislead a person to treat all things as being equal. All things being equal, there are no absolute truths, everything is only relative. Equality is the greater law which establishes parameters for identity, and for misidentification. So there is a mixture of relatives & absolutes.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    the origin is always divine; what you have to keep in mind is just how long this information has been funneled through the various root races; it's preserved by the elect because they were essentially 'born into it,' not because a bunch of people got together with some tarot cards and founded a new religion. the problem is actually naming those original sources, the 'shadows of shadows,' as some would refer to them.
    If you believe the people at the highest places in government have a semblance of religious enlightenment, look at the hideous problems in our culture which can easily been solved by power shifts from the top down. The entire continent of africa is pretty much just dying. AIDS is probably a synthetic virus, I can't say if it was made by man or by other entities. There are many more problems like that. Any beliefs these 'special elite people' have had delivered to them, by their heritage or direct contact, have clearly not aided them in properly directing the masses; and the beliefs most likely came from ETs / creatures from the underworld / another dimension.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    same reason serpents lie
    What you quoted is first an assertion, which then eludes to reference blinding rituals of the church; but what blinding ritual is this? She does not specify, it's left as an emotional implication. The writing is emotional dogma. Rituals usually have a purpose which can be understood, whether that understanding happens within a cultural context or the ritual carries a more alchemical and universal significance.

    How can a government lie to its people, and expect the people to deal honestly, and to respect and follow its laws? Everything you serve is served back to you.
    The purpose of speaking in parables is to breach through the barriers people build up as 'everyday common sense'. The writings are easily understood. The main confusion that threatens to creep over a person as they read the scriptures is convenient denial, which is predictable given the nature of the material.
    I highly doubt if the same messages were written out explicitly that they would be received any better.
    If a thing is true, then it speaks for itself. The church is just a natural collection of people who believe the same thing.

    The noncompliance of people is not a byproduct of having a church, it's just human nature.
    Last edited by rat1; 02-14-2012 at 11:14 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratPULSE View Post
    The identification of only the part neglects how the whole relates to the part. As proof of this, polytheism doesn't name the many "Gods" as various aspects of one God; i.e. this is Gods wrath, this is Gods love; but gives them individual names, and sets them up each as their own God. That is the error. They are not Gods, they are parts of one God. To be correct, it should not be polytheism. By that standard the term "Gods" is meaningless; logically it is "God" for simplicity's sake.
    like I said, it misses the mark overall, but outweighs monotheism in at least perceiving a multitude of divinities (as there is an actual hierarchy that connects what we think of as social memory complexes... look to the different energy fields of planets for a simple example), instead of turning holism upside down into a personalized absolute.


    If the power comes from God, it is at his discretion how its used.. if it comes from man, it's at the mans discretion.
    this flawed mutual exclusion you create between the 'self' and 'God'... which is like arguing the qualitative differences between a stone and a mountain. further, your logic would necessitate any power in man having been created by God's Will, so the claim is that much more negated. but the entire point is that inner empowerment implies channeling divine energy.

    My only "disrespect", as you call it, is in teaching people what I know; what I learned through my own mistakes. You say yourself the errors are made in ignorance. How does teaching spread ignorance?
    there's disrespect in misrepresenting the occult, while having claimed knowledge you've never substantiated as 'sacred'; as well as in presuming to teach, i.e. warn others of an illuminati plot, especially given how ardently you espouse this christian business. too convenient.

    The law of identity as it's layed out, without further qualification, can mislead a person to treat all things as being equal. All things being equal, there are no absolute truths, everything is only relative. Equality is the greater law which establishes parameters for identity, and for misidentification. So there is a mixture of relatives & absolutes.
    that's their problem, ultimately; relativity belies an absolute (imbalance predicated on balance), which can only be expressed via motion.

    If you believe the people at the highest places in government have a semblance of religious enlightenment, look at the hideous problems in our culture which can easily been solved by power shifts from the top down. The entire continent of africa is pretty much just dying. AIDS is probably a synthetic virus, I can't say if it was made by man or by other entities. There are many more problems like that. Any beliefs these 'special elite people' have had delivered to them, by their heritage or direct contact, have clearly not aided them in properly directing the masses; and the beliefs most likely came from ETs / creatures from the underworld / another dimension.
    the elect I refer to aren't in your government.

    What you quoted is first an assertion, which then eludes to reference blinding rituals of the church; but what blinding ritual is this? She does not specify, it's left as an emotional implication. The writing is emotional dogma. Rituals usually have a purpose which can be understood, whether that understanding happens within a cultural context or the ritual carries a more alchemical and universal significance.
    here's a few: the assumption that one need look outside themselves for redemption -- further, god owns you, so your wallet as well, now give the pastor his keep. then confess to a surrogate daddy in darkness. the list goes on. these are not authentic rituals; they do not stem from an inner experience that takes emergent order. once that boundary is crossed, all hope is lost. hence why christians so passionately oppose 'the evil one' to their god... they know who really controls them, lol.

    How can a government lie to its people, and expect the people to deal honestly, and to respect and follow its laws? Everything you serve is served back to you.
    The purpose of speaking in parables is to breach through the barriers people build up as 'everyday common sense'. The writings are easily understood. The main confusion that threatens to creep over a person as they read the scriptures is convenient denial, which is predictable given the nature of the material.
    I highly doubt if the same messages were written out explicitly that they would be received any better.
    If a thing is true, then it speaks for itself. The church is just a natural collection of people who believe the same thing.

    The noncompliance of people is not a byproduct of having a church, it's just human nature.
    our government funnels negativity onto us; it's a way for those who cannot escape their own to stay afloat. power is never possessed as such.

    parables are just necessary... 99% of people wouldn't understand it to begin with, then pretty much all who even had a hint would break down on the spot. it's just like telling kids fairy tales... in preparation.

    would those churchgoers all believe the same thing without the church? I wonder who laid the first stone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    this flawed mutual exclusion you create between the 'self' and 'God'... which is like arguing the qualitative differences between a stone and a mountain. further, your logic would necessitate any power in man having been created by God's Will, so the claim is that much more negated. but the entire point is that inner empowerment implies channeling divine energy.
    This again comes from your assumption, which you refuse to concede despite lacking any substantial justification for, of the law of identity being primary; not secondary to the law of equality (and by consequence you lack the ability to discern inequality).

    A rock is always identified with a mountain, but we are not always identified with God. We can be inadequate. That means God can withhold his power if he chooses. We are not God. God is outside of us. We can let God into us - that is very different than being a God.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    there's disrespect in misrepresenting the occult, while having claimed knowledge you've never substantiated as 'sacred'; as well as in presuming to teach, i.e. warn others of an illuminati plot, especially given how ardently you espouse this christian business. too convenient.
    I forgot what I believed about the illuminati, or whatever I said about them. I may of been right, I may of been wrong.. Time will tell. At this point it's irrelevant to me, since my eyes have been reset on the higher concern of salvation. Death is a great equalizer, and whether this world ends by a reptilian invasion, a meteor strike, or for me a heart attack, is irrelevant now.

    Still, you have spoken wrongly about two things. My definition of the occult is the correct definition. I have shown that above. I'm correct about christianity too. That's is the truth. It offends you. I'm not surprised, I actually expect to offend people by believing in Christ. But I assure you I can adequately address any question you have on the issue; but I have not seen you ask any.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    that's their problem, ultimately; relativity belies an absolute
    Actually, absolutism & relativism combine in equal doses; neither belies the other. This is the emerging philosophy in the aftermath of relativism, and you can see it in all fields. Dimensionality itself is an absolute; but what do you think the theory of relativity operates by? If you say "nothing is absolute, everything is relative"; within that statement are the two strongest absolutes which can be called upon, yet they are used to justify relativity. Still people tend to overuse relativism; it can justify anything, and it is very appealing.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    (imbalance predicated on balance), which can only be expressed via motion.
    Imbalance ON balance? Ok.. So I am imagining a seesaw right now. Tell me if this is what you have in mind. If it is, then explain what about the identity: x = x reminds you of a seesaw. A straight across seesaw? y=mx+b is an imbalanced seesaw? Yes, that is the law of identity. We have gone over it already. If you have something else in mind then elaborate clearly.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    the elect I refer to aren't in your government.
    At this point politics is irrelevant to me. I have no need for political leaders.

    I'll label these alphabetically:
    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    here's a few: A) the assumption that one need look outside themselves for redemption -- B) further, god owns you, so your wallet as well, now give the pastor his keep. C) then confess to a surrogate daddy in darkness. D) the list goes on. E) these are not authentic rituals; they do not stem from an inner experience that takes emergent order. F) once that boundary is crossed, all hope is lost. hence why christians so passionately oppose 'the evil one' to their god... they know who really controls them, lol.
    A) This goes back to what's written at the top of this post. We are not God. God is outside of us. We can let God into us - that is very different than being a God. Are you opposed to looking outward? If so, then justify yourself. Do you believe you possess divine powers? To look only inward is to see only yourself, which is ultimately to see nothing. Incidentally you may end up overidentifying with God, claiming you are God, and everyone is themselves God.
    B) You do not have the right to store up wealth for yourself. What does wealth represent? A potential change. Wealth is donated as service for the betterment of a community. When things are fucked up, everyone has an obligation to change them. I am not arguing for living a life of total poverty; personal possessions can facilitate productivity; but beyond that you have no american inborn right to live in luxury while the world around you dies. The church overwhelmingly mobilizes the donations it receives for service, to change the community. To say the pastor is looking for a paycheck - the pay is minimal and the lifestyle is one of service and self denial. If they were interested in wealth there are far easier ways of getting it. I'm sure there are instances of pastors mishandling donations, though I doubt you know of any specific ones; still I think the overwhelming trend is wealth donated as service for the betterment of communities.
    C) I think this private confession bit developed over time as the church became corrupt. Nothing about private confession is mentioned in the Bible. Actually you are supposed to confess your sins to the entire community from how I've interpreted it. This seems to me a compromise with the reprehensiveness of people toward confession. I'd rather this was done differently.
    D) Then continue
    E) Actually, it's a very transformative inner experience to be saved. You have to give alot up. And for years people will struggle against the walls of their cages, refusing to make the necessary concessions to be saved. Other people are lukewarm, they play both sides of the fence. This is because they are unwilling to make all concessions; blame their personal fixations for this, not their religion.
    F)I don't know how you are imagining that being saved is not an inner experience. The whole struggle to be saved is an inner struggle. Some people are half-assed in achieving true salvation. What's new about that? How is this supposed to be profoundly connected to christianity itself? Christianity demands perfection. We all have to strive to achieve perfection. I can claim to be saved, but that doesn't make me saved.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    our government funnels negativity onto us; it's a way for those who cannot escape their own to stay afloat. power is never possessed as such.
    Cannot escape their own.. Reword this since it is not clear. If by this you refer to people who cannot escape their fixations, whose lives are spiraling out of control; and that somehow channeling negativity onto people placates and helps these people.. it only further drives the nail in. For instance if the whole of america got rid of their TVs; or if the internet, besides its essential functions, crashed; given sufficient time you would see a culturally recovery, not a further collapse.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    parables are just necessary... 99% of people wouldn't understand it to begin with, then pretty much all who even had a hint would break down on the spot. it's just like telling kids fairy tales... in preparation.
    About 100percent of people will try to struggle against understanding it, but the majority will over time be convicted by their conscience of the truth. Some people may choose to blatantly disregard the scriptures despite this; and then justify their misunderstanding afterward. This is a lie, not a misunderstanding.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    would those churchgoers all believe the same thing without the church? I wonder who laid the first stone.
    The church is based on the scripture. It's a gathering of people who believe the same thing. Inevitably your question becomes, without scripture would we believe what we do? Would a christian believe what they do, without scripture? Definitely not, since the natural inclination is hedonistic. It is much easier to dismiss moral convictions which prescribe personal sacrifice. Without the religion to hold the urge back, there would be nothing. Actually the world would be total chaos without religion. Though society would not of formed as structured as it has, either.
    Last edited by rat1; 02-24-2012 at 02:45 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratPULSE
    This again comes from your assumption, which you refuse to concede despite lacking any substantial justification for, of the law of identity being primary; not secondary to the law of equality (and by consequence you lack the ability to discern inequality).
    reread what I said:

    I see no real distinction between the law of self/identity and the law of unity/equality, other than the magnitude of expression (the self being balanced by the other I take as implicit).
    as you have yet to qualify these laws, I'll summarize what I'm saying: your law of equality is what I see as a macrocosmic absolute (manifest dynamically out of necessity), an implicit balance; the expression is particulate, which ties to your law of identity (pieces being sundered and resolved); thus do I synthesize them as reflections of the same transcendent process.

    A rock is always identified with a mountain, but we are not always identified with God. We can be inadequate. That means God can withhold his power if he chooses. We are not God. God is outside of us. We can let God into us - that is very different than being a God.
    god is not 'outside of us' -- it is not a local/objective 'thing,' or any other kind of positive substance, however abstract. I say that god is within each of us, as a potential manifestation of the same divine energy latent in every other living organism... it's really not that hard to grasp.

    Still, you have spoken wrongly about two things. My definition of the occult is the correct definition. I have shown that above. I'm correct about christianity too. That's is the truth. It offends you. I'm not surprised, I actually expect to offend people by believing in Christ. But I assure you I can adequately address any question you have on the issue; but I have not seen you ask any.
    I don't have any questions about christianity, but can assure you that you sorely misunderstand the occult -- for good reason, the red herrings were given out for people like you to fall prey to, then run to jesus for salvation. it perpetuates the divided mind you were critiquing some threads back, and provides a good laugh for some of us.

    Actually, absolutism & relativism combine in equal doses; neither belies the other. This is the emerging philosophy in the aftermath of relativism, and you can see it in all fields. Dimensionality itself is an absolute; but what do you think the theory of relativity operates by? If you say "nothing is absolute, everything is relative"; within that statement are the two strongest absolutes which can be called upon, yet they are used to justify relativity. Still people tend to overuse relativism; it can justify anything, and it is very appealing.
    ugh. the notion of relativity belies itself and reveals an implicit absolute.

    Imbalance ON balance? Ok.. So I am imagining a seesaw right now. Tell me if this is what you have in mind. If it is, then explain what about the identity: x = x reminds you of a seesaw. A straight across seesaw? y=mx+b is an imbalanced seesaw? Yes, that is the law of identity. We have gone over it already. If you have something else in mind then elaborate clearly.
    yes, keep taking words literally, it speaks volumes for your position. there is an implicit/absolute state of balance which underpins the continual imbalance carried out on a personal and collective scale; otherwise it wouldn't be sustained.

    A) This goes back to what's written at the top of this post. We are not God. God is outside of us. We can let God into us - that is very different than being a God. Are you opposed to looking outward? If so, then justify yourself. Do you believe you possess divine powers? To look only inward is to see only yourself, which is ultimately to see nothing. Incidentally you may end up overidentifying with God, claiming you are God, and everyone is themselves God.
    right, god is outside of us, whatever.

    to look inward is to forget everything you thought was real -- including your 'self' -- to find greater peace. to see in darkness.

    the rest I don't care enough about to list out, but will only say that assigning yourself the state of 'being saved,' as an active pursuit, is only falling prey to false hope, a reversed projection. forgive yourself and move on.

    Cannot escape their own.. Reword this since it is not clear. If by this you refer to people who cannot escape their fixations, whose lives are spiraling out of control; and that somehow channeling negativity onto people placates and helps these people.. it only further drives the nail in. For instance if the whole of america got rid of their TVs; or if the internet, besides its essential functions, crashed; given sufficient time you would see a culturally recovery, not a further collapse.
    cannot escape their own... for whatever reason they have submitted to the psychic gravity, maybe they are deceived, who knows. the bottom line is, they seek power over others and in doing so function as a field of negativity. this actually qualifies the difference between power as a state of relations and the inner empowerment I've spoken of: the latter stands alone and actually uplifts others' energies.

    The church is based on the scripture. It's a gathering of people who believe the same thing. Inevitably your question becomes, without scripture would we believe what we do? Would a christian believe what they do, without scripture? Definitely not, since the natural inclination is hedonistic. It is much easier to dismiss moral convictions which prescribe personal sacrifice. Without the religion to hold the urge back, there would be nothing. Actually the world would be total chaos without religion. Though society would not of formed as structured as it has, either
    yep. you're given the stage and the roles become second nature. so what?


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    Quote Originally Posted by Revan View Post
    I recently just found out about Chaldean Numerology. Its pretty interesting, but I'm having a hard time finding some clear cut meanings for the numbers. If anyone can find a good link, I would be very grateful

    Here is a link I found to get started:

    After doing this I got obsessed with counting everything and reducing it, so be warned!

    Post your numbers if you want as well. My name comes out to 5, which I think is personality. My birthday comes out to 4, which is my destiny, possibly. There's more, but I feel that these are the most important.

    This is interesting. I never tried the Chaldean before. I tried it with my username first which is personally significant

    You entered: AYLEN
    There are 5 letters in your name.
    Those 5 letters total to 15
    There are 3 vowels and 2 consonants in your name.



    This is a number of occult significance, of magic and mystery; but as a rule it does not represent the higher side of occultism, its meaning being that the persons represented by it will use every art of magic they can to carry out their purpose. If associated with a good or fortunate single number, it can be very lucky and powerful, but if associated with one of the peculiar numbers, such as a 4 or an 8, the person it represents will not hesitate to use any sort of art, or even ''black-magic," to gain what he or she desires. It is peculiarly associated with "good talkers," often with eloquence, gifts of music and art and a dramatic personality, combined with a certain voluptuous temperament and strong personal magnetism. For obtaining money, gifts, and favours from others it is a fortunate number.

    # 15
    A fortunate number, especially, if connected with the arts and sciences. Power over others is the interpretation of this number. Persons represented by this number will exhaust every method, to gain what they desire. It is associated with the gift of the gab. There is strong personal magnetism. Bondage to materialism is not the way to go! There will be more than one source of income, and they will earn well throughout life. Support from people of position is certain. Ability to free themselves (mentally), from whatever restriction is holding them back. Creature comforts are assured. Personal life is well supported. Rough weather at home, for those with a prominent 3 in the birth date.

    Dell, Alcoa, Shakira & Rekha are some 15s

    The Magician (I believe this is also my tarot card based on birthdate)

    15 is a number of deep esoteric significance, the alchemy vibration through which all magic is manifested. It's extremely lucky and carries the essence of enchantment with it. 15 is associated with "good talkers," eloquence of speech, and the gifts of music, art, and the drama. It bestows upon the person or entity represented by it a dramatic temperament and strong personal magnetism; a curiously compelling charisma.

    The 15 vibration is especially fortunate for obtaining money, gifts, and favors from others, because of its powerful appeal to the altruistic nature of people. However, there are no roses without thorns, and the ancients warn that 15 rules the lower levels of occultism when it is associated with the single numbers 4 or 8. Such people will use every art of magic--even black magic, hypnosis, and mental suggestion--to carry out their purpose. Or the contrary is true. The 4 or 8 person will become the victim of others using the same methods. Consequently, if the 15th is the birth date, and the name number is 4, 13, 22 or 31, the spelling of the name should be changed to equal a Compound number that reduces to the Single number 1, such as 10 or 19. If the birth date is the 15th, and the name number is 8, 17, or 26, the spelling should be changed to equal the number 6 or 24. If the name number is 15, and the person was born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th, the name number should be changed to equal 6 or 24.

    It's important to read the section beginning on Page 211 about the numbers 4 and 8 for a fuller understanding of the reason behind this advice.
    Other than this warning, the Compound number 15 is extremely fortunate. If you were born on the 15th day of any month, and the Compound number of your name is also a 15, you're blessed with the ability to bring great happiness to others and to shine much light into the darkness, assuming you don't use this magical and fortunate vibration for selfish purposes.

    I don't have a 4 or and 8 fortunately or a 3.


    And this one is with my real name.



    This is a number of thoughtful deduction, retrospection, and mental superiority over one's fellows, but as it seems to belong completely to the mental plane, the persons it represents, are likely to put all material things on one side — not because they have to, but because they wish to do so. For this reason it is neither fortunate nor unfortunate, for either depends on the mental outlook of the person it represents. It can be all powerful, but it is just as often indifferent according to the will or desire of the person.

    Mental and professional brilliance is the hallmark of this name! But it is debatable whether a 30 will turn it to realistic benefit. Often, the only intent is to improve oneself through one's work; they transcend the material realm. Favors scholarship, undoubtedly. 30 is a number of thoughtful deduction, perception, and mental superiority over one's fellows. But as it seems to belong completely to the intellectual realm, the person it represents is likely to place materialism aside not because they have to, but because they wish to do so. 30 understands and helps others easily. Also takes on some challenges considered impossible by others, if only to prove it unto themselves.

    Wachovia, MetLife, Eli Lilly & Co, Will Smith, Diane Lane, Hilary Swank, Rajiv Gandhi & Alisha Chinai and are famous 30s.

    The Loner--Meditation

    This is a number of retrospection, thoughtful deduction, and mental superiority over others. However, it belongs completely to the mental plane, and those represented by it often put all material things to the side, not because they have to, but because they wish to do so. Consequently the Compound number 30 is neither fortunate nor unfortunate, because it can be either, depending entirely upon desire of the person (or entity) it represents. The vibration of 30 can be all-powerful, but it is often indifferent, according to the will of the person. Those whose name equals 30, or who were born on the 30th day of any month, generally count few people as their friends. They tend to be taciturn loners, preferring to be alone with their own thoughts. Social functions and public gatherings are not their style. 30 doesn't deny happiness or success, but fulfillment is more often found in retreating from the chaos of the market place, so that one's mental superiority may be used to develop something worthwhile to the world…to write ideas which may change the world…or to protect and develop one's personal talents, such as art or other gifts. It indicates a lonely, yet frequently rewarding life pattern.


    This is my other one with real name


    The 9 Soul Number: Your internal self is happy when you resolve problems with your family.

    The 7 Personality: People see you as a person who likes to be alone. You have good memory. Furthermore, you are a spiritual person.

    Total Name Number 7: You are a mysterious person. Sometimes you need to be careful what you say, otherwise you can quickly offend somebody. <--

    Last edited by Aylen; 06-02-2014 at 04:40 AM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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