Here is a photo link for V.I.

Generally, he is nice and easy going. He likes to playfully mess with people and is always joking around. He is usually in a good mood. Most of the time he has a blank expression and can be perceived by others as mean or angry. He gets obsessed with things easily. Especially video games. He has played WoW for years and is now currently addicted to Skyrim. He loves food, especially fast food (because its so tasty) but feels bad after eating it. He has quite the sweet tooth. He hates conflicts and arguing, although he will participate in an argument long enough until he gets too upset to be in the atmosphere. He isn't too touchy feely, but if I were to question or modify something that he did/is doing he can get angry. If he gets too upset he needs time alone and can get very volatile. He generally doesn't like to be consoled and can be very stubborn to persuasion. He can be suspicious and distrustful, and surprises/ambiguity/the unknown causes him great anxiety. He can be rather oblivious, yet at the same time highly aware of the smallest changes in the environment. He always says he doesn't understand himself very well. He doesn't branch out to new interests or experiences, and generally sticks to what he knows and his personal comfort zone. He likes nature and exercising every now and then, but he can be pretty lazy. He can be impulsive with money, but also knows how to manage it well if need be. He is a great organizer and can be pretty good at fixing things. He can be pretty sensitive to extreme stimuli such as, smells, sounds, tastes, etc. He will usually help out a friend in need and thoroughly will fulfill his obligations. He does not like to feel stupid, and doesn't appreciate too much abstract babbling. He can be nit picking and will point out tiny details in what people say. Sometimes he can be rather black and white, and slightly critical of people. He also absolutely hates to be late to anything and makes sure he will be on time, with time to spare. He suffers great irritation if he is late, especially if someone else makes him late. He strives for personal happiness, and happiness for his loved ones most of all in life.