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Thread: directly addressing relationships verbally

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  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    And if you were a guy this email would be spread across the internets while women everywhere picked at your entrails as a means of catharsis for their failed relationships, while other guys would laugh at you and call you a virgin to make themselves appear cooler... and you would be expected to live with that. You would look at the situation, nod your head, fully acknowledge it, agree with yourself you are screwed, swallow the lump in your throat, and it would find its way to the core of your stomach where it would sit there for the rest of your life like a malignant tumor. The only thing that can save you at this point is the hope that some poor sap will do something worse and ignite the fury of the mob, to make you appear less awful in relation.

    But in all seriousness I will say one thing serious... and that is I know what you mean about the feeling of positive disposition, I get this feeling towards some people (both men and women), and it's very frustrating to not be able to express it properly. Sometimes it even comes across phony. It's not like you can walk up to someone and be like "Durrr I got a positive disposition towards you".... they would think you were mentally retarded. And once again re-merging back to the jokes... if you're a guy they would think you want to rape them.
    nah,you speak in absolutes.i think a certain combination is needed in order to get to what you're describing here.maybe one of them has to be LII.what i'm saying is that before the bump,i was more than confident in his psychological profile and the possible's not like i have Asperger's syndrome mirite.also,i 've said that i would not walk up to someone and be like "Durrr I got a positive disposition towards you".it's just that this case kept resting heavy on my shoulders and mailing him would put an end to it ,in some's like when a ghost only haunts people till it gets what it wants and then it stops being trapped in the in-between and moves on.anyway it was a good lesson.oddly enough,i feel more powerful now since i got to implement this dynamic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Radio View Post
    He was kind of awesome about it though and responded to my email positively and added me on facebook and everything.
    his response was positive,yet as impersonal as possible.he thanked me for the nice message and then made kind of a bitter comment (yet with a glimpse of optimism) on the current socioeconomic situation.i think it was because i pledged my allegiance in a strong way.if i ever get to meet him again i'll be kinda goofy about it but not in an i-take-it-back way.and then i will rape him.i'm almost sure that there's some weird venus-pluto aspect in our synastry.argh gotta get my hands on his birthdate[/creep]
    Last edited by Kalinoche buenanoche; 02-07-2012 at 05:19 PM.

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