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Thread: directly addressing relationships verbally

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  1. #7


    hah zomg redbaron this reminds me of what i did *yesterday*.i sent an appreciation e-mail to the guy who teached the language classes that i've been attending in france.even though i've liked him all along i could not really make contact (not even normal eye-contact) with him and i almost had a bitchface even though he was so so nice.i'm so bitter about it that i've been working big time on my neutral expression .so ,since i received my grade a few weeks (not even days) ago,i thought it would be a not so lame pretext to e-mail him about ,after i was done with the grade stuff it went's all blurry.i don't even want to re-read what i sent to the guy but i felt so strongly the need to express for the first time my feelings to an other individual that i appreciated even though i knew that he would be reserved and typical in his response.i could almost see his lovely wtf face.well, it was not a love confession or something but more like a pledge of allegiance.seriously,i just wanted him to know that i am somewhere out there and have a very positive disposition towards "if there will be anything i can do,at some point in the future (lol) blahblah".i even invited him hindsight,damn creepy (for him) and embarassing (for some part of me) but i don't regret writing it since i got out of my comfort place for the first time even if it was in an e-mail towards someone who lives in an other country.ze mirror iz br0k3n!

    i think he's ESE.

    edit: i've had a blast ! EII >> ESE.
    Last edited by Kalinoche buenanoche; 05-07-2012 at 01:15 PM.

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