So I've noticed that whenever someone talks directly about the status of a relationship or expresses appreciation formally to someone else, I feel really uncomfortable. Embarrassed. And I think that's strange. I mean, what's wrong with expressing appreciation? One woman in a choir I'm a part of, walked directly up to another woman and started telling her how much she's appreciated her, how much she "likes" her, etc. and I had to get away! I felt so embarrassed and it seemed awkward to me. The second woman accepted it graciously and I couldn't tell what she made of the situation--I turned my attentions elsewhere as I was trying to ignore it! But then I realized that I have always steered clear of this sort of directness and formality. I know that there are some people who appreciate it. Perhaps it's more an issue of style, but then I thought it might be Fi-valuing.

If you like someone, they should know, right? You show them. I think Fe rewards with their presence, with opportunities to share their life and express emotion outwardly in a more all-encompassing way, rather than directly and consciously addressing the relationship itself? And the same goes for negative expression. I'd rather be shunned or socked in the face than told calmly that someone hates me. Maybe this is what expat meant when he used the example of Fi being like a laser beam and Fe being more like a cloud (is that what it was? I'm too lazy to look it up now). Laser beams are pointed, and they almost hurt me. Clouds are murkier and more open to interpretation, but you can spread them around and they're out there. That's how I feel about emotional expression anyway. That it can be there for everyone to smell or something. That's why I like the occasional outrageousness. Because it riles people up, forces them to sit up and take notice, and react, or not. Stirs the pot. I'm sure there are plenty of other people who hate that cloud, and think it's muddying up the world--it makes them cough and turn away. It's an interesting visual image.

Or maybe this is an example of love languages and I'm anti-"words of encouragement" or something. haha It's true, I don't like to be told what someone feels about me as much as I like to be shown.

Anyway, does this kind of expression make anyone else uncomfortable, or is it just me?