I will attach a picture for V.I. but I would also like to try and include a small description of how my cognition works. So to begin, I have always been very curious. Fairly imaginative too. I remember as a kid I would go outside with a cup gather some dirt and plant stuff then I would get some water and finally I would go into my sister's hair products and mix them all into my concoction and then put it into the freezer. I would pretend I was making a potion. Strange I know, but I had a blast. Thats just an example of how imaginative I was when playing as a kid. I could go through a timeline of sorts, but I'll stick to me as of late. I love to research. Although I hate reading everything all the way through, I usually skim and try to get a general idea of what is being said. After getting a general concept, I like to piece it together and really enjoy relating it to other things. I can be pretty absent-minded, but I also feel as though I am more observant than most people...at least the people I know. I have been studying Carl Jung for about 3 years now, especially his Psychological Types. I went from MBTI to the amazing Socionics. Although I see the merits of both, I really enjoy Socionics more. I love to analyze people and am fairly good at it too I'd say. I enjoy hanging out with friends and also try to promote a positive, fun atmosphere by joking and acting insane. After hanging out with people, I like to reflect and attempt to type them. I can be insensitive sometimes, but I generally mean well. I can go into times of long introspection to try and analyze myself and type myself as well. I've come to the conclusion that I can be contradictory and have a hard time understanding my actions and thoughts sometimes. I usually just accept it and move on. Also, my memory is not so good a lot of the time. I say things and forget that I have said them, can go a long time without remembering to stay in contact with people, I also can get bored of people very easily which I kind of feel bad about. Depending on how life is going, I can go into long periods of melancholy and when something exciting happens (for once) I can get really happy and excited. Generally, recently at least, I'm in a calm, neutral state of mind almost apathy. I would rather have fun, exciting things going on all the time, but that isn't very practical at this time. I'm in my senior year of college so I'm trying to stay focused and motivated, which can be rather difficult. I can be easily distracted and not many things can keep my attention. Jung and Socionics can keep my attention very well, however, especially since I love to apply it to people and also understand myself. I also love discussing any interesting topic and absolutely can't stand small talk. If it is something that interests me I can run my mouth for hours. This makes me think that I should be a professor, but I think I would rather like an investigative job. Well, I'm going to stop here before I keep rambling. I can go on forever. I look forward to seeing your typings! If another picture is required please feel free to ask, and I will provide http://s15.photobucket.com/albums/a3...t_20110531.jpg