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Thread: Inert-Contact / Vertical / Club Subtypes

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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Default Inert-Contact / Vertical / Club Subtypes

    Quote Originally Posted by Meged-Ovcharov - The Concept of Vertical Subtypes
    Carl Jung wrote that in a logical type, ethical functions become suppressed. From these comments of C. Jung on the interactions of mental and vital functions of the rings (or conscious and unconscious according to Jung), it is clear that upon excitation of ethical function, the suppression will be experienced by logical function, and upon excitation of sensory function, intuitive function will be suppressed, and vice versa.

    This occurs not only on the mental, but also on the vital level of model of EIM. If intuition (N) is amplified, for example, it will be amplified in both orientations, extraverted and introverted. Thus, excitation of intuition of possibilities (Ne) will also enhance intuition of time (Ni), while both extraverted and introverted sensing will become suppressed. If ethics of relations (Fi) is amplified, then ethics of emotion (Fe) will be amplified as well, while both business and structural logic (Te and Ti) will become suppressed. Carl Jung has also noted that thinking can be easily connected with intuition, but never with the feeling. Intuition, however, is not opposed to thinking functions. Thus in our example of type IEE, the excitation of intuitive functions and subsequent inhibition of ethical functions will respectively disinhibit both functions of structural and business logic.
    Quote Originally Posted by Carl Jung - Psychological Types
    "Experience shows that the secondary function is always one whose nature is different from, though not antagonistic to, the primary function. Thus thinking as the primary function can readily pair with intuition as the auxiliary, or indeed equally well with sensation but never with feeling....The auxiliary function is usefully only in so far as it serves the dominant function ....the unconscious functions likewise group themselves in patterns correlated with the conscious ones. Thus, the correlative of conscious, practical thinking may be an unconscious intuitive-feeling attitude, with feeling under a stronger inhibition than intuition."
    Given the type ILE NeTi as an example, if it is split between Leading and Creating, NeNiFeFi (NF club, Internal ) is on one side and SeSiTeTi(ST club, External) is on the other.

    Following Jung's fundamental principle of psychological function opposition, differentiation between Leading and Creating function subtypes effectively equates to Club subtypings, which is also poled on the Inert-Contact function dichotomy. Below is the full layout of Inert and Contact subtypes.

    Inert Subtypes: Accumulating Contact Subtypes: Spending
    Alpha Quadra α
    Ne-ENTp-NF (Internal)
    Si-ISFp-ST (External)
    Fe-ESFj-NF (Internal)
    Ti-INTj-ST (External)
    Alpha Quadra α
    Ti-ENTp-ST (External)
    Fe-ISFp-NF (Internal)
    Si-ESFj-ST (External)
    Ne-INTj-NF (Internal)
    Beta Quadra β
    Se-ESTp-SF (Involved)
    Ni-INFp-NT (Abstract)
    Fe-ENFj-SF (Involved)
    Ti-ISTj-NT (Abstract)
    Beta Quadra β
    Ti-ESTp-NT (Abstract)
    Fe-INFp-SF (Involved)
    Ni-ENFj-NT (Abstract)
    Se-ISTj-SF (Involved)
    Gamma Quadra γ
    Se-ESFp-ST (External)
    Ni-INTp-NF (Internal)
    Te-ENTj-ST (External)
    Fi-ISFj-NF (Internal)
    Gamma Quadra γ
    Fi-ESFp-NF (Internal)
    Te-INTp-ST (External)
    Ni-ENTj-NF (Internal)
    Se-ISFj-ST (External)
    Delta Quadra δ
    Ne-ENFp-NT (Abstract)
    Si-ISTp-SF (Involved)
    Te-ESTj-NT (Abstract)
    Fi-INFj-SF (Involved)
    Delta Quadra δ
    Fi-ENFp-SF (Involved)
    Te-ISTp-NT (Abstract)
    Si-ESTj-SF (Involved)
    Ne-INFj-NT (Abstract)

    The functional divide found between Inert-Contact(1,4,6,7-2,3,5,8) equates to the dichotomous quaternions (small groups) of:
    Irrational + Positivist + Asking = ENTp - INFp - ESFp - ISTp
    Irrational + Negativist + Declaring = ISFp - ESTp - INTp - ENFp
    Rational + Positivist + Declaring = ESFj - ISTj - ENTj - INFj
    Rational + Negativist + Asking = INTj - ENFj - ISFj - ESTj

    So if Inert/Contact is valid as a subtype system, type simulation is expressed through these groupings.

    See Also:
    This article by Meged-Ovcharov lays out the groundwork for study into Vertical/Inert-Contact subtypes. Only ENFp is used as an example, but the article still provides some practical insight.
    Meged and Ovcharov's Subtype descriptions are listed here.
    This article mentions type imitation within the Benefit rings which has some relevance to the overall concept of type similarity.
    Socionist Victor Gulenko explores the idea of type similarity through the "Instrumental" or Contact functions.
    Gulenko expands on the notion of type imitation and similarity, this time taking the dichotomous approach which deals with Asking/Declaring+Rational/Irrational+Positivist/Negativist, paralleling the functional approach.
    This article takes a dichotomous approach to energy-information transference which gives rise to psychological and social type simulation.
    These posts by labcoat take a more analytic approach to the oscillatory bonds of type simulation, identifying a new set of embedded functions/elements.
    Last edited by EyeSeeCold; 03-19-2012 at 03:46 AM.

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    yo, do you know if this sub theory is newer or older than dcnh (1995)? I think there's a lot to this theory.

  3. #3
    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gooey View Post
    yo, do you know if this sub theory is newer or older than dcnh (1995)? I think there's a lot to this theory.
    Meged VV, Ovcharov AA, 1988-1994 GG
    The concept of energy in the model "A" and the construction of two vertical subtypes. Vocational guidance TYPES subtype

    Meged VV, 1992-1995.

    Meged VV, Kiev, 1989 - 2005 GG
    ESTABLISHMENT OF VARIABILITY author's concept of personality types

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    Eh...on that last link you sent they had some really strange stuff combining astrology with psychology and math...not sure how reliable these people are...and just what makes this theory better than something like acc/producing or dcnh?

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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gooey View Post
    Eh...on that last link you sent they had some really strange stuff combining astrology with psychology and math...not sure how reliable these people are...and just what makes this theory better than something like acc/producing or dcnh?
    I already brought this up before gooey. You've made more than one thread on subtypes and I explained more than one time. I have to say I'm starting to feel trolled by your responses. It's like you don't even try and just keep asking the same questions, ignoring what's been presented to you.

    I mean the demonstrations and reasonings are all there already. Read it again, because you're not making the effort from what I see and I'm not in the mood for being trolled.

    An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Hmm. Not many responses.

    Is no one interested?
    Is it too theoretical / complex and off-putting?
    Is it common sense / a previously mastered topic, to you, and therefore not worth discussing?
    Is it useless theory and therefore not worth discussing?
    Is your response so detailed it's taking this long to publish it?
    Did you forget about the thread?
    Are you trying to respond but your laziness / mind wandering keeps preventing you?
    Did you make a response, but lost it due to your browser crashing / session timeout, and you're so frustrated you won't make another?
    Did you read the thread and understand, but rather keep it to yourself instead of discussing it here?

    An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
    and an ILI in motion is probably not an ILI

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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Hmm. Not many responses.

    Is no one interested?
    Is it too theoretical / complex and off-putting?
    Is it common sense / a previously mastered topic, to you, and therefore not worth discussing?
    Is it useless theory and therefore not worth discussing?
    Is your response so detailed it's taking this long to publish it?
    Did you forget about the thread?
    Are you trying to respond but your laziness / mind wandering keeps preventing you?
    Did you make a response, but lost it due to your browser crashing / session timeout, and you're so frustrated you won't make another?
    Did you read the thread and understand, but rather keep it to yourself instead of discussing it here?
    You sound like my brother when he says "hmm, weird, I made three jokes and nobody laughed at them."

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    Sorry, I totally forgot about this thread. I read it. It makes a lot of sense to me. The most out of any subtype theory I've seen to be honest. I've been meaning to discuss this with you, I just forgot. The descriptions are great and align with what I've seen in reality. I do have a couple of questions about it though. When they say "This means that EIM elements located in different vertical blocks in the model should be differently enhanced in representatives of different temperaments." they are reffering to energy and not information, correct? Also, this:

    "Our further observations indicate that within each of the 32 subtypes we can distinguish 8 variations associated with enhancement of certain elements of EIM, but no longer associated with temperaments, rather other physiological characteristics of the human central nervous system which also have been reflected in the model of EIM. This is covered in the next article "Bioaccentuation of type"."

    This would throw other sub-theories (relating to temperament) out the window, no? They are essentially saying there are 2 basic temperments and then 8 "variations associated with enhancement of certain elemeents of EIM". What might these affect? Also, have they done more studies on their "bioaccentuation of type"? I find that very interesting as they seem to want to mix this with scientific research.

    Again, sorry for such a delayed response.

  10. #10
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    I don't have the patience /incentive atm to get more than a shallow understanding but on its face I like it better than the other subtype systems.

  11. #11
    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Given the type ILE NeTi as an example, if it is split between Leading and Creating, NeNiFeFi (NF club, Internal ) is on one side and SeSiTeTi(ST club, External) is on the other.

    Following Jung's fundamental principle of psychological function opposition, differentiation between Leading and Creating function subtypes effectively equates to Club subtypings, which is also poled on the Inert-Contact function dichotomy. Below is the full layout of Inert and Contact subtypes.

    Inert Subtypes: Investing Contact Subtypes: Consuming
    Alpha Quadra α
    Ne-ENTp-NF (Internal)
    Si-ISFp-ST (External)
    Fe-ESFj-NF (Internal)
    Ti-INTj-ST (External)
    Alpha Quadra α
    Ti-ENTp-ST (External)
    Fe-ISFp-NF (Internal)
    Si-ESFj-ST (External)
    Ne-INTj-NF (Internal)
    Beta Quadra β
    Se-ESTp-SF (Involved)
    Ni-INFp-NT (Abstract)
    Fe-ENFj-SF (Involved)
    Ti-ISTj-NT (Abstract)
    Beta Quadra β
    Ti-ESTp-NT (Abstract)
    Fe-INFp-SF (Involved)
    Ni-ENFj-NT (Abstract)
    Se-ISTj-SF (Involved)
    Gamma Quadra γ
    Se-ESFp-ST (External)
    Ni-INTp-NF (Internal)
    Te-ENTj-ST (External)
    Fi-ISFj-NF (Internal)
    Gamma Quadra γ
    Fi-ESFp-NF (Internal)
    Te-INTp-ST (External)
    Ni-ENTj-NF (Internal)
    Se-ISFj-ST (External)
    Delta Quadra δ
    Ne-ENFp-NT (Abstract)
    Si-ISTp-SF (Involved)
    Te-ESTj-NT (Abstract)
    Fi-INFj-SF (Involved)
    Delta Quadra δ
    Fi-ENFp-SF (Involved)
    Te-ISTp-NT (Abstract)
    Si-ESTj-SF (Involved)
    Ne-INFj-NT (Abstract)

    The functional divide found between Inert-Contact(1,4,6,7-2,3,5,8) equates to the dichotomous quaternions (small groups) of:
    Irrational + Positivist + Asking = ENTp - INFp - ESFp - ISTp
    Irrational + Negativist + Declaring = ISFp - ESTp - INTp - ENFp
    Rational + Positivist + Declaring = ESFj - ISTj - ENTj - INFj
    Rational + Negativist + Asking = INTj - ENFj - ISFj - ESTj

    So if Inert/Contact is valid as a subtype system, type simulation is expressed through these groupings.

    See Also:
    This article by Meged-Ovcharov lays out the groundwork for study into Vertical/Inert-Contact subtypes. Only ENFp is used as an example, but the article still provides some practical insight.
    Meged and Ovcharov's Subtype descriptions are listed here.
    This article mentions type imitation within the Benefit rings which has some relevance to the overall concept of type similarity.
    Socionist Victor Gulenko explores the idea of type similarity through the "Instrumental" or Contact functions.
    Gulenko expands on the notion of type imitation and similarity, this time taking the dichotomous approach which deals with Asking/Declaring+Rational/Irrational+Positivist/Negativist, paralleling the functional approach.
    This article takes a dichotomous approach to energy-information transference which gives rise to psychological and social type simulation.
    These posts by labcoat take a more analytic approach to the oscillatory bonds of type simulation, identifying a new set of embedded functions/elements.
    ok, i vaguely get what you're saying.

    this sounds like a rehash of the taciturn/narrator cycle theory claims. an expansion of the theory to include subtypes. i'm not a fan of subtypes but this is at least a small step removed from not being completely wrong.

    the better approach to subtypes is to view them as temporary divergences of orientation. the type is static, the subtype is dynamic. sometimes this divergence becomes half settled in or attains an attachment to an environment or person. a person may be considered to consistently have a certain subtype within a certain environment. between people it is common for subtypes to become more closely matched as time progresses. this is what partly accounts for the "engine run-in" effect that gets mentioned in type relation descriptions sometimes.

    however, this being said, most people can not even type accurately enough to type at 16 type accuracy and end up typing even worse when they try to increase the accuracy of their typings further.

    please specify clearly that the NF in Ne-ENTp-NF is beta NF, not delta NF. same for all the other pairings.

    i still think that the most "useful" result of the taciturn/narrator cycle model is the new interpretation of the relation between look-a-like and comparative types and between semi-duals and illusionaries.

    for example: ESTj + ESFj has certain semi-dual-ish features. the ESTj's Te can dualize the ESFj's Fe.

    INTj + ESTj can seem like identicality at times. similar way of issuing brief statements of practical certitude.

    i can attest from personal experience that dualizing ISTjs and INFjs is a lot of fun, as is beating ESTjs and ENFjs at their own game.

    as i have written about previously, the ID functions are the key to personal development. learn to behave like your semi-dual or illusionary for the most successful way of breaking out of a comfort zone. ID functions are NOT about becoming like your contrary. that would be counteractive.

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    Also, who wrote the " article that takes a dichotomous approach to energy-information transference"? (Second to last link on socionks)

  13. #13
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold
    Hmm, is this a subconscious expression of you [seeing me as like a] / [wanting me to be] your brother?
    I resent my brother more than anybody I've ever known.

  14. #14
    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    I resent my brother more than anybody I've ever known.
    I knew you'd say that.

    Your brother said I was cooler than him though, so you never know, really.
    Last edited by EyeSeeCold; 02-10-2012 at 07:24 PM. Reason: added smiley

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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gooey View Post
    Sorry, I totally forgot about this thread. I read it. It makes a lot of sense to me. The most out of any subtype theory I've seen to be honest. I've been meaning to discuss this with you, I just forgot. The descriptions are great and align with what I've seen in reality. I do have a couple of questions about it though. When they say "This means that EIM elements located in different vertical blocks in the model should be differently enhanced in representatives of different temperaments." they are reffering to energy and not information, correct?
    EIM is Energy-Information Metabolism.

    Also, this:

    "Our further observations indicate that within each of the 32 subtypes we can distinguish 8 variations associated with enhancement of certain elements of EIM, but no longer associated with temperaments, rather other physiological characteristics of the human central nervous system which also have been reflected in the model of EIM. This is covered in the next article "Bioaccentuation of type"."

    This would throw other sub-theories (relating to temperament) out the window, no? They are essentially saying there are 2 basic temperments and then 8 "variations associated with enhancement of certain elemeents of EIM". What might these affect? Also, have they done more studies on their "bioaccentuation of type"? I find that very interesting as they seem to want to mix this with scientific research.

    Again, sorry for such a delayed response.
    The Russian machine translations distorts the contextual understanding so I'm not really sure of what they are trying to communicate. I do know they use other subtypes/accentuations outside Inert-Contact.

    Quote Originally Posted by labocat View Post
    ok, i vaguely get what you're saying.

    this sounds like a rehash of the taciturn/narrator cycle theory claims. an expansion of the theory to include subtypes. i'm not a fan of subtypes but this is at least a small step removed from not being completely wrong.
    An expansion of theory to include Taciturn/Narrator cycles . I already agree with the N/T cycle stuff so I omitted that from your quotes in this response.

    the better approach to subtypes is to view them as temporary divergences of orientation. the type is static, the subtype is dynamic. sometimes this divergence becomes half settled in or attains an attachment to an environment or person. a person may be considered to consistently have a certain subtype within a certain environment. between people it is common for subtypes to become more closely matched as time progresses. this is what partly accounts for the "engine run-in" effect that gets mentioned in type relation descriptions sometimes.
    Perhaps. I have no idea whether subtypes are static or situational, but I can see them to some extent.

    however, this being said, most people can not even type accurately enough to type at 16 type accuracy and end up typing even worse when they try to increase the accuracy of their typings further.
    I agree but the data from the Typing Spreadsheet, and from what transpires on the forum, people are most inclined to appear as or get typed within these groupings. So actually instead of complicating the situation I think it clears problems up.

    please specify clearly that the NF in Ne-ENTp-NF is beta NF, not delta NF. same for all the other pairings.
    This is most likely right, I haven't put it down out of uncertainty and the possibility to mislead others.

    Quote Originally Posted by gooey View Post
    Also, who wrote the " article that takes a dichotomous approach to energy-information transference"? (Second to last link on socionks)
    Good question. Looks like Gulenko.
    Last edited by EyeSeeCold; 02-10-2012 at 09:16 PM.

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    "I do know they use other subtypes/accentuations outside Inert-Contact."

    Do you have examples of what these are?

  17. #17
    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Fixed the table of subtypes:


    Ne-ILE, DC, Extravert, Ne-Fe; "ILE, Beta NF Inert subtype"
    Ti-ILE, NH, Introvert, Ti-Si; "ILE, Delta ST Contact subtype"

    Si-SEI, NH, Introvert, Si-Ti; "SEI, Beta ST Inert subtype"
    Fe-SEI, DC, Extravert, Fe-Ne; "SEI, Delta NF Contact subtype"

    Fe-ESE, DC, Extravert, Fe-Ne; "ESE, Delta NF Inert subtype"
    Si-ESE, NH, Introvert, Si-Ti; "ESE, Beta ST Contact subtype"

    Ti-LII, NH, Introvert, Ti-Si; "LII, Delta ST Inert subtype"
    Ne-LII, DC, Extravert, Ne-Fe; "LII, Beta NF Contact subtype"



    Fe-EIE, DC, Extravert, Fe-Se; "EIE, Gamma SF Inert subtype"
    Ni-EIE, NH, Introvert, Ni-Ti; "EIE, Alpha NT Contact subtype"

    Ti-LSI, NH, Introvert, Ti-Ni; "LSI, Gamma NT Inert subtype"
    Se-LSI, DC, Extravert, Se-Fe; "LSI, Alpha SF Contact subtype"

    Se-SLE, DC, Extravert, Se-Fe; "SLE, Alpha SF Inert subtype"
    Ti-SLE, NH, Introvert, Ti-Ni; "SLE, Gamma NT Contact subtype"

    Ni-IEI, NH, Introvert, Ni-Ti; "IEI, Alpha NT Inert subtype"
    Fe-IEI, DC, Extravert, Fe-Se; "IEI, Gamma SF Contact subtype"



    Se-SEE, DC, Extravert, Se-Te; "SEE, Delta ST Inert subtype"
    Fi-SEE, NH, Introvert, Fi-Ni; "SEE, Beta NF Contact subtype"

    Ni-ILI, NH, Introvert, Ni-Fi; "ILI, Delta NF Inert subtype"
    Te-ILI, DC, Extravert, Te-Se; "ILI, Beta ST Contact subtype"

    Te-LIE, DC, Extravert, Te-Se, "LIE, Beta ST Inert subtype"
    Ni-LIE, NH, Introvert, Ni-Fi, "LIE, Delta NF Contact subtype"

    Fi-ESI, NH, Introvert, Fi-Ni; "ESI, Beta NF Inert subtype"
    Se-ESI, DC, Extravert, Se-Te; "ESI, Delta ST Contact subtype"



    Te-LSE, DC, Extravert, Te-Ne; "LSE, Alpha NT Inert subtype"
    Si-LSE, NH, Introvert, Si-Fi; "LSE, Gamma SF Contact subtype"

    Fi-EII, NH, Introvert, Fi-Si; "EII, Alpha SF Inert subtype"
    Ne-EII, DC, Extravert, Ne-Te; "EII, Gamma NT Contact subtype"

    Ne-IEE, DC, Extravert, Ne-Te; "IEE, Gamma NT Inert subtype"
    Fi-IEE, NH, Introvert, Fi-Si; "IEE, Alpha SF Contact subtype"

    Si-SLI, NH, Introvert, Si-Fi; "SLI, Gamma SF Inert subtype"
    Te-SLI, DC, Extravert, Te-Ne; "SLI, Alpha NT Contact subtype"

    gg Socionics

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    For those of you who know your subtype, do you identify with the above groupings? Does your subtype match the listed club/quadra, DCNH, etc?


    Ti-LII, NH, Introvert, Ti-Si; "LII, Delta ST Inert subtype"
    Ne-LII, DC, Extravert, Ne-Fe; "LII, Beta NF Contact subtype"

  19. #19
    Melodies from Mars~
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    Hmmm... yea I definitely think Inert/Contact is the most relatable/accurate of the subtype systems, but with a few modifications...

    I think that Inert/Contact subtype should alter two traits:
    (Slight)Strengthening/Weakening of Inert/Contact functions (aka the functions that are strong in the type in the next quadra sharing the same function you are enhancing; INFj-Fi strengthens SF because ISFj)
    (Slight) Increase/Decrease in Value of functions based off nearest Quadra (INFj-Fi would value Se, Ni, Te, Fi more and consequently devalue Si, Ne, Ti, and Fe.)


    Because I like the idea of a type spectrum, it makes much more sense than having every type going off in its own direction when affected by a subtype, when there's literally two very similar types right there to transition to.

    But at the same time.... I could see how one might be stronger with their leading or creative function and value the functions with the same orientation more, rather than adapting to the quadra of the subtype. ... like if I were Ni subtype I wouldn't think I'd be more receptive to Se but maybe be more in touch with Si? idk.


    I wouldn't know what my subtypes are, I don't even have a Pre-subtype type yet. ;_;

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    Quote Originally Posted by krieger View Post
    ok, i vaguely get what you're saying.

    this sounds like a rehash of the taciturn/narrator cycle theory claims. an expansion of the theory to include subtypes. i'm not a fan of subtypes but this is at least a small step removed from not being completely wrong.

    the better approach to subtypes is to view them as temporary divergences of orientation. the type is static, the subtype is dynamic. sometimes this divergence becomes half settled in or attains an attachment to an environment or person. a person may be considered to consistently have a certain subtype within a certain environment. between people it is common for subtypes to become more closely matched as time progresses. this is what partly accounts for the "engine run-in" effect that gets mentioned in type relation descriptions sometimes.

    however, this being said, most people can not even type accurately enough to type at 16 type accuracy and end up typing even worse when they try to increase the accuracy of their typings further.

    please specify clearly that the NF in Ne-ENTp-NF is beta NF, not delta NF. same for all the other pairings.

    i still think that the most "useful" result of the taciturn/narrator cycle model is the new interpretation of the relation between look-a-like and comparative types and between semi-duals and illusionaries.

    for example: ESTj + ESFj has certain semi-dual-ish features. the ESTj's Te can dualize the ESFj's Fe.

    INTj + ESTj can seem like identicality at times. similar way of issuing brief statements of practical certitude.

    i can attest from personal experience that dualizing ISTjs and INFjs is a lot of fun, as is beating ESTjs and ENFjs at their own game.

    as i have written about previously, the ID functions are the key to personal development. learn to behave like your semi-dual or illusionary for the most successful way of breaking out of a comfort zone. ID functions are NOT about becoming like your contrary. that would be counteractive.

    What do you mean by dualizing ISTjs and INFjs being fun?

    C-EII-INFj 4w3 Sx/sp 479

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    Sounds good. Nothing to add really. Probably why the replies are few. Nothing explicit to respond too.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    I like this, it is way better than DCNH, which seems suspect to be honest. Inert-Contact subtypes basically just expands and delves into the existing standard subtype theory though.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

    6w7 sp/sx

  23. #23
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    I like this, it is way better than DCNH, which seems suspect to be honest
    Dcnh is a fact so anybody who keeps observing will learn it.. It explains not only differences in talents but is also one of the most important factors in compatibility.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Dcnh is a fact so anybody who keeps observing will learn it.. It explains not only differences in talents but is also one of the most important factors in compatibility.
    Possibly, I have not decided on it yet personally. I still have to study it more and apply it in real life to know for sure.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

    6w7 sp/sx

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    Possibly, I have not decided on it yet personally. I still have to study it more and apply it in real life to know for sure.
    Yes. I consider it a phenomenon closely linked to socionics. It seems to be an emergent phenomenon where there is developed an immidiate awareness about content of elements. Im not really sure. But the phenomenon itself is quite easy to observe and totally natural and very interesting.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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