I've heard these views before. Hate Religion/Love Jesus guy is presenting a liberal Christian view (one that I've heard many times before in different forms and see almost as a sales pitch). I guess he's calling various variations of conservative Christianity relgious, whereas what he's pitching is seen more as "true to Jesus." But he's still interpretting Jesus a particular way, a way he was probably told about in a liberal Christian community (or I mean he could have had a personal experience and found a community that resonated with his views, but I'm just skeptical, but it doesn't matter how it happened).
Actually, the message is more, stop saying that you live a certain way "because it's religious" and then doing something else [hypocrisy], and be honest about your faults and come to the one who can forgive you, [Jesus]. I don't really see it as not condoning living out the faith, but it is not condoning living like a Pharisee or a scribe [talked about in the NT.]

Anyway I suspect he has done very little research into the meaning of things in the Bible. It's not that it's easy to research this. I was only exposed to information more through taking a college course on it, but even before that I didn't assume that the Bible should be interpretted a certain way... one of the reasons I didn't read much of the Bible is because I felt lost in what the words might mean, what might be literal vs. metaphor, what things would mean in the context (the time) they originated from... without knowing any of this and not knowing when the books were written or how long each had been passed by word of mouth, etc. I felt absolutely unqualified to interpret the Bible except in speculation (but I knew I'd never follow up all of my speculations and curiosity and so well, what's the point). And even after my one class I've only scratched the surface of things. I did begin forming an interpretation of what I thought Jesus might have been like that I still see in my mind.
I honestly believe that all you really need to study as a Christian is scripture. Obviously, History and languages so that you can read the original texts are great sources to learn more about the entire meanings behind everything, but I don't believe that you need them to understand the Bible. And automatically assuming that he who is giving a message hasn't done his research [when you yourself really wouldn't know as you admitted] is kind of harsh and presumptuous.

Anyway, when I listen to others sort of go on pushing their view as this sort of big truth, and in it I can recognize possible misinterpretations or things that very likely haven't been researched or questioned at all, my brain often cries "mindless dogma!" in response. Anyway, I understand that these beliefs are often backed by people's personal experiences, intuition or inspirations. But then I don't see one interpretation backed by something like that as any more valid or invalid than another in the land of personal beliefs. I'm sure many people who identify themselves as "Christian" and "Republican" and see these things as intertwined (in that it would be very unChristian of them not to vote Republican) have their own experiences and deeply felt sentiments that tell them their truth is an ultimate truth as well. Really listening to it all just annoys me for the most part. It's back to "I believe it because I believe it and I insist that you believe it too, and here's a great depth of feeling I have about it, which of course means you must believe it because if I feel this strongly about it, it simply must be the Truth... there is after all only one Truth and the minds of man can easily pull this one Truth out of a vast incomprehensible cosmos that no one really understands and spout it to the masses in a convenient package. But man didn't do this, it was actually God who delivered the truth in man-friendly terms. It was God because I say it was God, and God is only the way I'm saying he/she/it is because he/she/it came to me and told me so," and so on.
I understand your skepticism here. . . but in their defense, often what is felt can not be argued. You can't really explain faith, you simply feel it. That presence. It's understandable that you don't find that as a sound [logical] argument, because it's not. Faith is faith. . . . you can't argue it or try and force it on others. It just doesn't work that way. It's an individual feeling or acknowledgement that there is someone that is bigger then everything, a God so-to-speak that makes the world go-round. [I know. Corny phrase. =P]

It's all really quite maddening.
I'm really sorry that you feel that way. . . . maybe you should go to threads that won't upset you as much.