E1. A few years, and no real doubt. Sometimes people complicate the shit out of it with tritypes and other garbage because they're trying to make a perfect fit for themselves and see it as a static kind of type. But like Fox pointed out it's about fears and motivations, and it's also about health. Health is dynamic, and you don't need tritypes or even wings to understand how you are, have been, and may be within your type based on health and outlook. If you're trying to find your tritype, then imo you're doing it wrong, and you'll get a lot more out of it if you go more basic.

Instincts (and wings) can be useful imo in understanding other people and where they're coming from, but everyone and their dog thinks they're sx, or wants to be so I ignore what ppl claim their instinct is, and judge for myself. It helps me be less annoyed with some people when I recognize it's an instinct thing and so understand a bit more why they're doing what they're doing.