Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
Enneagram types are not gender-related.
At first I am not an enneagram expert but I think every enneagramm type has its holy idea so I think that the enneagram type peels out during early childhood. In my opinion woman and men behave differently because of genetics but a very big part plays how children get raised.
Our society is still full of gender stereotypes like the audacious boy and the behaved girl. In general it can be said that it is expected more from girls than boys to behave mainly properly to be loved. So when you look at the enneagram types it's likely that they are gender related in a certain way.

A role plays also selftyping. I think women have the tendency to misstype as 2 and in socionics/mbti as ENFj(J)/ENFp(P) and Men mistype as 8 and ENTj(J)/ENT(p).