6..i lean toward 6w5.

i've known about enneagram for over 10 years. i very briefly typed myself a 4 at first because i was a teenager when i found it. then went to typing myself a 6 for years and gradually it fell out of my interests over time. then when i found socionics and self-typed infj i started questioning again. that maybe i was 9 because it was the most common infj typing. and then it was all up in the air again between 4 and 6 and 9 and i went with 9 for awhile. now back to 6.

i'm really confident about my knowledge of enneagram in a conceptual/book-learnin way having known it for so long and having read so much. but applying it to people is a different story and i'm not so great at it.

i don't think of typology in general as something to be "doubted," since i don't think any of it is "real" to begin with.