Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
I can easily believe people obsessed with themselves are the most common type on a personality forum. People are drawn here for the same reason unstable girls major in psychology -- they want to figure out what's wrong with them.
I was thinking about how a 4 may more likely be on this site to study and find their own self, however, this site is not as focused on information gathering, as is having a community. The format of this site is very E6-like. 4 is probably a more common type here, but I would not believe it to be the most common type on this site.

As I explained with my own self, Social E6 and E4 often look identical.

I would personally put me money on 6 being the most common type here, and then 4, 5 and 9 being common as well here. The nature of 5 looking to explore and expand their understanding and studying patterns, and then somehow, 4 using this community to help them find and better understand their true self. But I don't think it would be most common. My money is on 6. The entire idea of having a community is for one, a very social focus, and community to 6 is very important more so than most other type, and since social 6 often mirror social 4, some people self-typing 4, may really be social 6.

6 to begin with is one of the most prevalent types in our society, with how society breeds people at a general, and 6 is a very versatile type in regards to Socio type.

I would put 8 and 7 as the most rare types to be seen on a forum as this, 7 being less likely to care about this and wanting go out, and 8 already being uncommon.