Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
Well that leaves me about where I have always been - lots of types to choose from and not too sure which. 7w8 seemed to fit for the realist part of me, 4w3 for the artistic expression, 9w1 because I prefer peace all the time... but I have so much less confidence with this than Socionics (becaseu when i figure out a in Socionics it really seems to fit).
Yeah, it's a different system and a bit more complicated IMO, while also being much, much less fleshed out. I need to get my heretical guide finished up (although it probably won't be widely used due to being heretical. At least enneagram doesn't seem to have any real authorities at all so people don't tend to mind disagreement as much there unless they just super strongly identify with a type or stacking).