Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
According to your TIM you believe in wings dont you have a hard time to decide if someone is 6w5 or 5w6?
I see the use of wings as a reality in my observation of people and myself. There is one prevalent wing generally, but this may shift and the other wing shows up and flares up for some time, but there is usually one prevalent wing in an unenlightened individual (I suppose spiritually/psychically advanced individuals would use both as they see fit).

I don't have that much of a hard time in deciding that. A Type 5 will show his own tendency to isolation and other traits of an E5 like not enjoying deep, strong emotions and thrills. E5s avoid feeling strong emotions because this would keep them from their totally mental orientation and have them into an emotional orientation. E6w5 is definitely a hard type, may be confused with an E5w6 at first, but shows eventually his more extroverted nature and less stinginess, less need for isolation and more wanting to BE WITH OTHERS, a thing that an E5 doesn't like much, it takes him from his own small castle of thinking. But the better way is to see the emotional nature of the E6, whatever wing he/she has, it's a type like the 3s and 9s which has its dominant center repressed. This means that a 3 has the emotional center dominant but repressed, instead he uses more the Motor center so he goes to action action... the 6 has the mental center dominant but repressed, instead he goes to the Emotional center and feels, feels... the 9 has the Motor center dominant but repressed, and as such deviates into the Mental center and wanders in his own thoughts and has a tendency to not do anything. You can see there is a link here between these 3 types, because they are the basis for all other types in the Enneagram.