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Thread: Quasi-Identical Relations: Stories and Experiences

  1. #81
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    My survey of quasi-identical threads on Rus. speaking socionics forums left me with an impression that introverted Quasi types are able to coexist, but there's some disengagement and disaffection between them, lack of synergy and energy (e.g. "returning home each heads to his or her own corner"). While among extroverted types Quasi relations are much more explosive and don't last as long even as friendships. These were a few stories posted by IEI-EII and LSI-SLI long-term couples who were able to make their relationships work out, but I don't remember seeing any stories of extroverted couples of Quasi types living together. Friendships between introverts Quasis are also quite common.

    Gulenko has mentioned that Quasi-Identical types view each other as benefactors, hence in the beginning Quasis may admire and over-value each other, be extra friendly and receptive (unlike benefit, however, these relations don't feel asymmetric). Each person excels at something that is out of reach for another, thus initially one's quasi-identical is quite impressive. It is only later that these relations become irritating and annoying.

    One of the reasons for this growing irritation is a lot of time gets wasted in trying to persuade each other in what feels like the obvious to you. Sometimes you and your Quasi actually agree and have same values, but the way your Quasi puts it is not easy for you to understand. This creates a faux-disagreement, which is not really a disagreement but a problem in how you and your Quasi have phrased things. Once you have managed to understand that they were saying, you may discover you were saying the same thing. There was no disagreement from the very beginning. However, getting to that point, having to decipher what Quasi-Identical is saying, takes up too much mental energy and feels draining, not to mention loss of time, to the point where there is no wish to get into deeper discussions and arguments with them, or even read what they have written (in case of Quasi authors). However, this very instance that Quasis communicate so differently may initially create a "veil of mystery" and push them to connect and get to know each other.


    I'll translate something tomorrow from the QI discussion threads and post it here.

    Edit: These are some of the more informative posts on QI relations discussions from the Russian socionics forums. If I see any others and have time to translate them I'll add them on at this link: Wikisocion - Quasi-Identical Relations

    To summarize the positives and negatives of QI relations.

    The positives:

    • Quasi types are in the same club and on the same side of "Aristocatic - Democratic" dichotomy. This creates some commonality in how friendships are formed and how discussions are approached, making it easy to start a conversation. The Quasi seems like a non-threatening yet interesting conversation partner.
    • Victor Gulenko has described quasi-identical relations as "mutual execution of the request" which means that Quasis seem similar to Benefactors. This means that at least initially there could be admiration of one's Quasi, a sense that he is talented in some inaccessible and unachievable to oneself way. The Quasi may seem interesting from a distance with an illusory feeling of similarity and oddness about the other person, which is intriguing. Thus the Quasi seems to be gifted in a way that you are not, and yet they are so similar to you (and often play the same social role).
    • In quasi-identical relations people are motivated to become more outgoing. Gulenko classifies Quasi-identity relations as "extroverted", meaning that they improve in presence of external influences.
    • These relations work well with the same "arrangement" as Conflict relations: division of responsibilities, territory, chores, finances, i.e. clear differentiation of "yours-mine", such that Quasis are able to do things separately from each other and run into fewer misunderstandings in the process. This cultivates personal qualities tied to responsibility and self-reliance in both.
    • Static / Dynamic trait coincides. One partner (static) brings stability to these relations, while the other (dynamic) introduces more continuity and flow to their experience.
    • Tactical / Strategic trait also coincides. One of the partners sets an objective, while the other comes up with the methods of getting there (provided that both agree on the goal). Having common goals is a very important factor in keeping these relations together.

    The negatives of Quasi-Identical Relations:

    • Many of those who have experienced these relations commented that they are more suitable for light conversation and leisure discussions, and that it's better to not meet every day. Deeper engagement and discussion prompt Quasis to realize how different they really are, which creates a distance between them. At worst, this spills out into small-scale conflicts and bickering and futile attempts to persuade the other to change his point of view; at best - a kind of bemusement and disbelief in the other's point of view ("heh, he/she can't be serious...").
    • When more serious discussions do happen, QI partners can't make much headway in terms of persuading each another. There is a sense of beating one's head against a wall, that the other person simply doesn't get it no matter how well you explain yourself. At the same time, QI partner's reasoning seems besides the point, his arguments seem insubstantial, lacking in weight and persuasive power, sometimes confusing, seemingly only tangential to the situation, which prompts Quasis to dismiss each other's arguments.
    • After a lengthy interaction, a sense of boredom, annoyance, and stagnation in friendship or relations begins to accumulate. Quasis expand excessive energy in trying to explain themselves and understand each other, such that there's a feeling of being drained or "extinguished" in a sense after such conversations. If this is a romantic pairing, one or both of them may feel that there is no forward momentum and no sufficient spark in their relationship. These relations in romantic form are more acceptable for older people who value stability and who don't have other options.
    • If Quasi-identical relations have taken a downturn (which is more common at work, where Quasis may compete for the same role/position in a group), there may be devaluation of each other's intellectual abilities and potential, attempts at discreditation, nagging criticisms, disbelief that anyone would listen to this person and take them seriously, feelings of envy, jealousy and amazement when one's QI partner is successful, receives praise and awards, and earns the trust and ear of other people. In some cases, this prompts suspicions of foul play on their part, that they are being disingenuous, simply faking it or lying to others. Thus quasis may suspect or even openly accuse each other of cheating, because they can't clearly see each other's motivations or follow each other's reasoning.
    • Differences in Rationality / Irrationality let themselves be known in these relations. Rationals voice more complaints in this regard.
    • Differences in Process / Result trait also manifest. Process types are less accommodating at close personal distances but more accommodating at large personal distances. The reverse is true of Result types (more about this). To put it succinctly: one's quasi-identical's manner of interaction is different from what one expects. Result types tend to resent their Process type partners for being kinder and more yielding around strangers and 'outsides', while being harsher with them in close company.
    • There are differences in romancing and courting styles. Sensing couples ("aggressor"-"caregiver") were more vocal about these incompatibilities than Intuitive pairs ("victim"-"childlike"). The later seemed to mostly overlook this possibly due to weak sensing.
    Last edited by silke; 01-01-2019 at 01:29 PM.

  2. #82
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    Don't know about EIE-IEE specifically, but quasi can seem like a good relationship... at first, because of perceived commonalities.

    From what i understand, sooner or later they start getting on each other's nerves for lacking (polr) the other's dual-seeking function.

    Communication should get progressively more annoying because one partner's leading function is the other's demonstrative, which can get bland pretty quick. It isn't as satisfying as the input towards your creative function from your mirror.

    Contrary has better long-term prospects, ime.

    Where did they meet (if i may ask)? Was it at an event geared toward a quadra-nonspecific NF audience?
    Last edited by xerx; 08-07-2013 at 12:20 PM.

  3. #83
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    with long-term & deeper interaction with EII, i find that it's easy for us to end up quarreling over relatively "minor" details, despite both of us drawing the same general conclusion over the matter at hand. "minor" in quotes because upon reflection afterwards, the arguments do often seem unnecessary, though during the actual disagreements, defense of your own perspective make the differences seem quite "major".

    it becomes very wearing, and necessary to spend time away from each other.
    Last edited by glam; 08-07-2013 at 01:16 PM.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Where did they meet (if i may ask)? Was it at an event geared toward a quadra-nonspecific NF audience?
    Not even. They work together. IEE is a server and almost done with a degree in secondary education (about to start student teaching) and the EIE is a line cook at the same restaurant (national chain selling 10$ "gourmet" burgers). I'm expecting it to fall apart in a couple of months when she starts student teaching because she'll have ridiculous hours early in the morning and he's often not off til 1am.....either that or they'll move in together.

    I'm just not looking forward to it because the IEE is my bestie/roommate and she's being very needy about everything so far (I think because she's worried about how it will be when she starts teaching, but who knows).

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by siuntal View Post
    My survey of quasi-identical threads on other socionics forums left me with an impression that introverted types are able to coexist, but separately i.e. returning home each heads out to his own 'territory', while among extroverts they are much more explosive, not as viable or long-lived. These were several mentions of couples like IEI-EII and LSI-SLI who were able to make it work, but I don't remember seeing descriptions of quasi-extroverted couples.

    I'll translate something tomorrow from those threads and post it here.
    thank you that would be awesome! That's the impression I have so far. It is volatile so far, so I'm sort of expecting an explosion.

  6. #86
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    IEEs are awesome. Every IEE I know is so full of personality. I love the way they look at things. But that Si Dual seeking is a problem for me. When I am around them, I initially view their Si needs as an interesting problem to be solved (hopefully without too much effort on my part.) After the second wave of dual seeking, I say, Hmm this need is still here, What the heck? I try to solve the problem again. But inevitably the Si problems never go away or shift to some other Si need. Then I start to feel like I want to get away from the neediness. Because I can't fix it permanently. If I can't remove myself from the situation, I endure it grimly, trying not to show my true feelings so as not to offend. But the IEE is so sensitive, they can probably feel the unvalued attitude I have toward their problem, even though I am trying to be polite. I think I am EIE. But have been told that I am not a very effective one.
    You seek a great fortune, you three who are now in chains. You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek.
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    I cannot tell you how long this road shall be, but fear not the ob-stacles in your path, for fate has vouchsafed your reward.
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  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by glam View Post
    with long-term & deeper interaction with EII, i find that it's easy for us to end up quarreling over relatively "minor" details, despite both of us drawing the same general conclusion over the matter at hand. "minor" in quotes because upon reflection afterwards, the arguments do often seem unnecessary, though during the actual disagreements, defense of your own perspective make the differences seem quite "major".

    it becomes very wearing, and necessary to spend time away from each other.
    I would say that from an outsider's perspective, this seems to fit well my NiFe bro and FiNe mom's relationship.

    They get along great when they are together but need breaks from each other. If they don't get that break, a slight misunderstanding on either's side can spiral into a kind of spat, ending in ill feelings and one or both running away from the situation. They seemed to hold a resentment for a bit, and then the relationship would resume moving back onto good grounds.

    Regarding'd be scarier to see two extroverts like that.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
    Regarding'd be scarier to see two extroverts like that.
    It's very polite, really. To a point. I try really hard, then some of my Beta harshness comes out and offends the IEE's Fi. Then she protests and I am shocked that she cares so much about what I just said. Then I feel immature and like I have no manners but I bluster and make excuses for myself. Ugh. Then I apologize. (But I secretly really think she is way too sensitive.)
    You seek a great fortune, you three who are now in chains. You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek.
    But first you must travel a long and difficult road, a road fraught with peril.
    You shall see things, wonderful to tell. You shall see a... cow... on the roof of a cotton house. And, oh, so many startlements.
    I cannot tell you how long this road shall be, but fear not the ob-stacles in your path, for fate has vouchsafed your reward.
    Though the road may wind, yea, your hearts grow weary, still shall ye follow them, even unto your salvation

  9. #89
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    anyway, quasi is mentally draining and unfulfilling. you usually play mental gymnastics to frame your quasi's points in a way that's interesting to you, and you can't offer your quasi what s/he wants or needs.

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iris View Post
    It's very polite, really. To a point. I try really hard, then some of my Beta harshness comes out and offends the IEE's Fi. Then she protests and I am shocked that she cares so much about what I just said. Then I feel immature and like I have no manners but I bluster and make excuses for myself. Ugh. Then I apologize. (But I secretly really think she is way too sensitive.)
    Is it a comfortable politness or a forced one?

    I know that with NiFe's I have to be careful of what I say, as it easily leads to misunderstandings and arguments. I constantly feel as if I'm walking on nails around them. "Beta harshness" with "Delta over-sensitivities" sounds like an apt description.
    I'm glad to hear that apologies work with FeNis, cuz even when I try to apologize to my NiFe friend, the apology gets accused of being patronizing or some other negative thing. I haven't been able to get one to come out right even once, yet.

    Edited to add, ugh, sorry for the tangent, feel free to ignore it. I'm more curious about the first question.
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  11. #91
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    @anndelice it's polite all of the time for me because that is my default mode from my upbringing. It's hard for me to notice when it crosses the line into forced when I am listening to protracted unsolvable dual seeking. After the first few "fixing" attempts I am ready to get out of there because it's just too much of a polr hit. But I feel like I need to be sympathetic. Here is this nice interesting person with this unsolvable Problem. Of course the right thing to do is to engage in active listening (but I really want to run screaming out of the room.) Having an understanding of a POLR hit helps me a little, but not enough to help me want to endure an ongoing caregiving situation.
    You seek a great fortune, you three who are now in chains. You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek.
    But first you must travel a long and difficult road, a road fraught with peril.
    You shall see things, wonderful to tell. You shall see a... cow... on the roof of a cotton house. And, oh, so many startlements.
    I cannot tell you how long this road shall be, but fear not the ob-stacles in your path, for fate has vouchsafed your reward.
    Though the road may wind, yea, your hearts grow weary, still shall ye follow them, even unto your salvation

  12. #92
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    Default Stratievskaya Quasi Identity relations

    What do you guys think? Stratievskaya
    Please link the article I can't seem to find it.

    How do they compare with the pessimistic gulenko, who believes that they are a bit terrible since supposedly its difficult to understand each other?
    INTj: find INTp Ni difficult to decode when they try to work out the objective basis of their ideas.
    INTp: find INTj Ti difficult to decode when they try to work out the objective basis of their logic.

    I think this topic might have been touched on but what do you forum veterans of the overall diverging views between socionists on this topic? Any new analysis you garnered up from this article?

    If you have the IQ of a YouTube commenter GTFO, its for your own good I'm being sincerely kind to you here.

  13. #93
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soupman View Post
    What do you guys think? Stratievskaya
    Please link the article I can't seem to find it.

    How do they compare with the pessimistic gulenko, who believes that they are a bit terrible since supposedly its difficult to understand each other?
    She has never made blog posts on quasi-identical, contrary, benefit, and supervision relations. I have no idea whether she ever plans to write about these. She hasn't updated her blog since '11. If she ever does, I would assume that her take would be even more pessimistic than Gulenko's. I've translated some posts from Russian socionics forums written by people who have been in quasi relations. You can see them here and judge for yourself:

    Quote Originally Posted by Soupman View Post
    INTj: find INTp Ni difficult to decode when they try to work out the objective basis of their ideas.
    INTp: find INTj Ti difficult to decode when they try to work out the objective basis of their logic.

    I think this topic might have been touched on but what do you forum veterans of the overall diverging views between socionists on this topic? Any new analysis you garnered up from this article?
    The general take is that quasis have an exceptionally difficult time influencing each other's reasoning and addressing each other's arguments in a way that is meaningful to the other person. A lot of this has already been addressed in this thread:

  14. #94
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    Default Quasi-identical relations

    After a few recent real-life experiences, I've come to a realization that the quasi-identical intertype is actually one of if not the most unpleasant in the socion. Please note that these experiences were of a professional nature, not of an intimate romantic one nor of friendship.

    Why is the quasi relationship so bad? Even though being in the same club, at first it seems like you are "such similar people" and you get excited about similar goals and seem to think alike, what actually happens is as follows:

    --the quasi not only does not provide your DS function, it happens to be their POLR, so they are polarized completely against that DS function you so need. This is in contrast to your conflictor and superego who at least deliver some of what you need from their unconsciously strong Id functions, whether they intended to or not.

    --along the same lines, you dont deliver what the quasi expects from you, so not only are you suffering greatly from their enmity towards your DS function, they think your work sucks because your weak unvalued functions are what they need the most from you, and you can't provide that to them. In addition, one of those function is your own POLR, so you develop contempt for them, and their need for it.

    --neither of you share any valued functions (which makes it even worse than supervision).

    Gulenko's description of the intertype, found here, describes the following manifestation, which I've found to be spot on:

    When it comes to solving problems together, Quasi-Identical partners begin to understand that they are both thinking in very different ways. Soon Quasi-Identicals may start regretting the time that they have spent together, believing that it was just wasted time. Quasi-identical relations are very fragile and normally break without regret as there is usually nothing to resist their disunion.
    This was my exact experience, and I dont wish it on anyone. Interestingly, in my most recent experience, there was a 3rd individual involved (the quasi's dual, and hence, my conflictor), and my interaction with the conflictor was actually more pleasant, believe it or not. With the conflictor, from the outset i thought he had a weird demeanor, and it seemed like we always felt we had to apologize to each other because it we always felt like we did something offensive to each other (the "oh it came across badly but they meant well" sentiment rings true), but he was actually quite helpful and supportive, and he seemed to be more of a friend in the end than the quasi was. It helped that I sort of made an effort to keep interactions to a minimum with the conflictor from the outset because I thought he was weird right off the bat, and perhaps that is a protective mechanism that does not come into play with quasis because they seem so similar to yourself, which then leads to greater suffering and trauma within the quasi interaction. In other words, with conflictors you never get psychologically close enough to get hurt as much as you do with quasi's.

    In short, I found the quasi interaction to be very emotionally taxing, unrewarding, unsatisfying, and a good thing to be rid of. It was driving the usually happy me into a pit of despair, sucked the life out of me, and was turning me into robotic slave. In trying so desperately to meet the expectations of my quasi boss over the course of 6 months, I had literally lost sight of my own goals, desires, and objectives to the point that i absolutely hated what i was doing and the direction that it was going. Makes perfect sense now that this would happen, because my quasi's goals, desires, objectives, view, perspective, etc are actually different from my own (opposing quadra-different), even though they might have seemed similar at first. I now realize that what I saw initially in my quasi was the Id shadow to his ego functions and that deluded me into thinking we thought alike.

    EDIT: after seeing a video of Yaaroslav (LII) in this thread, I'm thinking that 3rd person was LII (I'd considered that type for him in the past as well). So supervision, not conflict. That could explain my feeling that this person understood me a bit better than the quasi. In my experience with supervision, it takes about a year for this intertype to really blow up; until then it remains fairly friendly.
    Last edited by Suz; 02-23-2014 at 02:39 PM.
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  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    After a few recent real-life experiences, I've come to a realization that the quasi-identical intertype is actually one of if not the most unpleasant in the socion. Please note that these experiences were of a professional nature, not of an intimate romantic one nor of friendship.

    Why is the quasi relationship so bad? Even though being in the same club, at first it seems like you are "such similar people" and you get excited about similar goals and seem to think alike, what actually happens is as follows:

    --the quasi not only does not provide your DS function, it happens to be their POLR, so they are polarized completely against that DS function you so need. This is in contrast to your conflictor and superego who at least deliver some of what you need from their unconsciously strong Id functions, whether they intended to or not.

    --along the same lines, you dont deliver what the quasi expects from you, so not only are you suffering greatly from their enmity towards your DS function, they think your work sucks because your weak unvalued functions are what they need the most from you, and you can't provide that to them. In addition, one of those function is your own POLR, so you develop contempt for them, and their need for it.

    --neither of you share any valued functions (which makes it even worse than supervision).

    Gulenko's description of the intertype, found here, describes the following manifestation, which I've found to be spot on:

    This was my exact experience, and I dont wish it on anyone. Interestingly, in my most recent experience, there was a 3rd individual involved (the quasi's dual, and hence, my conflictor), and my interaction with the conflictor was actually more pleasant, believe it or not. With the conflictor, from the outset i thought he had a weird demeanor, and it seemed like we always felt we had to apologize to each other because it we always felt like we did something offensive to each other (the "oh it came across badly but they meant well" sentiment rings true), but he was actually quite helpful and supportive, and he seemed to be more of a friend in the end than the quasi was. It helped that I sort of made an effort to keep interactions to a minimum with the conflictor from the outset because I thought he was weird right off the bat, and perhaps that is a protective mechanism that does not come into play with quasis because they seem so similar to yourself, which then leads to greater suffering and trauma within the quasi interaction. In other words, with conflictors you never get psychologically close enough to get hurt as much as you do with quasi's.

    In short, I found the quasi interaction to be very emotionally taxing, unrewarding, unsatisfying, and a good thing to be rid of. It was driving the usually happy me into a pit of despair, sucked the life out of me, and was turning me into robotic slave. In trying so desperately to meet the expectations of my quasi boss over the course of 6 months, I had literally lost sight of my own goals, desires, and objectives to the point that i absolutely hated what i was doing and the direction that it was going. Makes perfect sense now that this would happen, because my quasi's goals, desires, objectives, view, perspective, etc are actually different from my own (opposing quadra-different), even though they might have seemed similar at first. I now realize that what I saw initially in my quasi was the Id shadow to his ego functions and that deluded me into thinking we thought alike.
    Subtypes matter in this as Gulenko even mentioned in his refined theory where he talks about why some of the same relations are better than others, I actually love my quasi identical friend, though the trouble we had was that it took ages for me to know him but the more we learned each other the more we realized that we clicked and I got to a point where I even got confused by our types since we were so complementary. Also mutual respect also helped, I was impressed by his intelligence and I made it explicitly clear that I respected it with sincerity which really helped to build our friendship.

    This relations have so many layers and subtypes are a big feature that can help to explain the varying quality of the experience. There are many layers that affect these relations but a big problem that can make them difficult is the lack of mutual understanding for your difference, which makes both parties confused finding it difficult to coexist together.

    Working together... Rationality difference awareness is your only problem
    (mutual awareness, understanding & respect is key)

    Now the hard problem about this is understanding your rationality difference since it actually means you do work with the reverse focus but because of your similarities it can never be clear that its the fundamental problem behind your troubles. An undualized quasi identity will mistakenly judge you as their identity and they will make demands on you which don't seem to make sense since they mistakenly assume that you work to their rhythm and this makes things very bad. Rationals are ''results'' orientated whilst Irrationals are ''process'', this might confuse you with the reinin dichotomy but please understand that these are the best words I've found best describing the process in real life, process aristocrats are rather results orientated and that causes friction with me...(I'm ILI)

    The only way this can be alleviated is when you come to understand that reverse way of solving a problem are both beneficial though the very existance of this difference makes you FEEL OTHERWISE, its UNIMPOSSIBLE FOR THEM TO THINK PROERLY LIKE so YOU'D SAY. Mutual understanding that you don't have a malicious motive in the way you tackle the same problem helps immensely this is were high EQ can help relations. EIE start by thinking about where ideally they'd like the goal, the result they'd like to acquire and what is very confusing for IEE is that they will constantly tweak this until its right; this feels very alien to IEE who then constantly become baffled by all the alterations being made to the target and how demanding they seem to be about the targets they wish to see which they will constantly edit. This produces stress on IEE who feels like they are having way too many demands called upon them and they barely have time to attend them since tweaks are always added.

    IEE work by trying to see the problem for what it is and when they are doing this, processing, they are actually working towards a solution and come time, it then becomes clear to them within the deadline allocation and they come up with a reasonable solution. However, this is in direct contrast to EIE who start by thinking of results before they have to become serious about the ''process'', seeing what the problem looks like, so there are very confused that the IEE's pattern of working can even make sense. Gulenko's statement is half finished when he says that the more they work together the more they find that, they don't seem to understand each other, he is simply oblivious to the fact that there isn't an instictual drive to understand your diverging work rhythm process(irrational) vs results(rational).

    Quasi identical have no inclined interests to understand the difference behind their rhythms and that is where the trouble lies. Again repeating myself in this blabber of a response, being patient enough to understand your diverging rhythm is key to understanding your confusing rhythms. Furthermore its unsettling to relies that your differing rhythm could even beneficial helping your work since the other fact of the matter is that when you work together, you'd feel a loss of control since your powerful reverse rhythms stop neither one of you from being in control; this is normal and it isn't bad at all. You both need to understand that this works and as Gulenko even points out it brings the best out of both parties leading to produce amazing projects. Here high EQ can help both partners, I repeat this again since its the truth sincerely.

    Health is important, your 7th functions must be healthy and you should both be open to advice,
    More importantly, don't get angry since you can easily detect each other's crap

    When types are unhealthy they don't care about critique from the 7th functions and this is to their detriment. They ignore subtle directions of advice from each other and this bewilders the party giving the advice leading to annoyance that can irritate the two of you eventually. Though unlike extinguishment, the critique for the 7th function is actually quite mild since the creative function is actually far weaker in the personality, than the demonstrative. This challenges Quadra values, but you easily observe it when you actually start observing real people, getting to the bare bones of how introversion/extroversion and rationality pair up in a personality. To be honest the only manifestation of quadra values is only that you have different critique to the overall direction your soltutions, the is primary critique orientation that characterizes quadras.

    This is where the energomodel shines:
    IEE 2:Fe creative and 5:Fi demonstrative
    EIE 2:Ne creative and 5:Ni demonstrative

    When you understand how introversion work in reality you'll the understand Jung's counter intuitive idea that the first two functions share the same orientation. The energomodel makes sense when you realize that introversion is weak for extroversion preference since they don't let a theme of analysis drive their overall ideas, here people then realize that mirror's relations are actually not as similar as they are thought to be since with prolonged communication the ''demonstrative'' half-assed nature will then piece you off about them. IEE get irritated by how EII are simply interested in Ne data which conforms to ideas they already like so they simply overlook relevant Ne information when it conflict with their cherished ideas; mirror relations are over falling to the quadra unity fallacy, again given subtypes some mirrors are more compartible than others and the same is true for conflict. Actually some conflict relations are actually very pleasant feeling exactly like duality when subtypes align and mutually duality is bad when subtypes conflict.

    IEE with unhealthy Ni tend to chase after useless objective possibilities

    EIE with unhealthy Fi tend to choose ridiculous ideals to target for

    An unhealthy EIE will ignore ignore your Fi when you ask them to steer the course of their solution slightly
    Last edited by Soupman; 02-22-2014 at 02:00 AM.

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    Dunno...My father is ESTj and I love him...respect him, we think somewhat similar in terms of logic. Only thing that can come in conflict is that he wants order order order, wants me to go to school do good blah blah blah...traditional stuff. Me, im not really by the book, although I agree with what he says, its just that my method of trying to become successful is unorthodox. Best thing he can do is give me his advice (which comes in the form of pestering/nagging) and just back off and let me do what I do. Other than that, no problems. I have other ESTjs that I know/am close to, they are nice. Like my baby cousin for example, shes a little child now so she hasn't really grown into her personality yet, but shes fun to be around...we play alot...she has a little crush on me or something. Always playing with me or trying to get rough and tease me.

    With ESTj women there is respect and sexual attraction which feels to me like "niceness" when they are using their Si, but at the same time there can be some nervousness/anxiety between our interaction underneath (atleast thats what I feel, because I feel like they are interrogating me..which must be their Te, I feel like this for all ESTjs). With the ESTj men there is respect and we understand each other usually (with ESTjs in general there can be alot of misunderstandings, but in terms of logic we generally agree...its just our different approaches/methods in life that gets in the way), and theres also that interrogating judging feeling sometimes.

    They can be judgmental pricks and shady/hypocritical and petty/domineering (like alot of other types), but I respect my quasi-identical in general.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Soupman View Post
    Subtypes matter in this as Gulenko even mentioned in his refined theory where he talks about why some of the same relations are better than others, I actually love my quasi identical friend, though the trouble we had was that it took ages for me to know him but the more we learned each other the more we realized that we clicked and I got to a point where I even got confused by our types since we were so complementary. Also mutual respect also helped, I was impressed by his intelligence and I made it explicitly clear that I respected it with sincerity which really helped to build our friendship.

    This relations have so many layers and subtypes are a big feature that can help to explain the varying quality of the experience. There are many layers that affect this relations but a big problem that can make them difficult is the lack of mutual understanding for your difference which makes both parties confused that find it difficult to work with.

    Working together... Rationality difference awareness is your only problem
    (mutual awareness, understanding & respect is key)

    Now the hard problem about this is understanding your rationality difference since it actually means you do work with the reverse focus but because of your similarities it can never be clear that, its the fundamental problem behind your troubles. An undualized quasi identity will mistakenly judge you as their identity and they will make demands on you which don't seem to make sense since the mistakenly assume that you work to their rhythm and this makes things very bad. Rationals are ''results'' orientated whilst Irrationals are ''process'', this might confuse you with the reinin dichotomy but please understand that these are the best words I've found best describing the process in real life, process aristocrats are rather results orientated and that causes friction with me...

    The only way this can be alleviated is when you come to understand that reverse way of solving a problem are both beneficial though the very existance of this difference makes you FEEL OTHERWISE. Mutual understanding that you don't have malicious motive in the way you tackle the same problem immensely; this is were high EQ can help relations immensely. EIE start by thinking about where ideally they'd like the goal, result they'd like to acquire and what is very confusing for IEE is that they will constantly tweak this until its right; this feels very alien to IEE who then constantly become baffled by all the alterations being made to the target and how demanding they seem to be about the targets they wish to see which they will constantly edit. This produces stress on IEE who feels like they are having way too many demands called upon them and they barely have time to attend them since tweaks are always added.

    IEE to see the problem for what it is and when they are doing this, processing, they are actually working towards a solution and come time, it then becomes clear to them within the deadline allocation and they come up with a reasonable solution. However, this is in direct contrast to EIE who start by thinking of results before they have to become serious about the process, seeing what the problem looks like, so there are very confused that the IEE's pattern of working can even make sense. Gulenko's statement is half finished when he says that the more they work together the more they find that, they don't seem to understand each other, he is simply oblivious to the fact that there isn't an instictual drive to understand your diverging work rhythm process(irrational) vs results(rational).

    Quasi identical have no inclined interests to understand the difference behind their rhythms and that is where the trouble lies. Again repeating myself in this blabber of a response, being patient enough to understand your diverging rhythm is key to understanding your confusing rhythms. Furthermore its unsettling to relies that your differing rhythm could even beneficial helping your work since the other fact of the matter is that when you work together, you'd feel a loss of control since your powerful reverse rhythms stop neither one of you from being in control; this is normal and it isn't bad at all here high EQ can help both partners.

    Health is important, your 7th functions must be healthy and you should both be open to advice,
    More importantly, don't get angry since you can easily detect each other's crap

    When types are unhealthy they don't care about critique from the 7th functions and this is to their detriment honestly; however
    Soupman, this is just so spot on that i dont even know where to begin.
    Firstly i'd like to comment that perhaps a quasi-relation between friends may play out differently than between a mentor-mentee. However, not unlike how you described your relationship with your quasi-friend, I do realize that this EIE mentor was trying his best to be a good mentor, and i appreciated it a lot. Its just that i'm under a lot of time pressure, and didn't have much more time to waste in trying to get us to understand each other which ultimately led to my decision to call it quits with him and pick someone else to mentor me.

    EIE start by thinking about where ideally they'd like the goal, result they'd like to acquire and what is very confusing for IEE is that they will constantly tweak this until its right; this feels very alien to IEE who then constantly become baffled by all the alterations being made to the target and how demanding they seem to be about the targets they wish to see which they will constantly edit. This produces stress on IEE who feels like they are having way too many demands called upon them and they barely have time to attend them since tweaks are always added.
    I'm serious this is just a PERFECT description of how things went for me. Amazing, it's almost like you were there with me!. Let me give some examples. To give some context, he is a professor of science and i joined his lab to work with him for a bit to learn from him by doing projects together and perhaps writing one (or more) up into a publishable article. So basically his style is as such -- he comes up with an idea and sits down and writes a "dream paper" right off the bat. Now this "dream paper" thing was such a foreign, strange concept to me. Basically what it is--he writes what he envisions the article will be once we do all the experiments and get the results, etc. From my standpoint, that is such a useless exercise because starting out with an idea, you never know how it will work out. My style is more like come up with a cool idea, do experiments, see where the experiments take you, if it's something interesting, THEN sit down look over everything and write the article. Writing the "dream paper" almost feels like making up stuff, to me. Though I did recognize that he was just trying to put something in front of him (and me) as something to aim for (it really did nothing for me, i totally ignored it and figured i would start from scratch when i have something publishable).

    Along similar, but unrelated, lines-- when I was verbalizing my dissatisfaction with the direction things were going (shortly before I called it quits with him), he sent me an email listing some of the vague topics i had told him i'd rather be working on in a spreadsheet, his "assignment" for me being to list deadlines by which I would finish the data collection, write up the paper, and submit the paper to a journal for each of these topics. Mind you we'd BARELY talked about these topics, much less discussed what would be involved in projects coming off of those topics. How can I possibly know when i can finish collecting the data, when we dont even know if data can be collected, how it will go, etc??? much less about writing up the paper or submitting it to a journal! It just confirmed my decision that I needed a different kind of mentoring, and it was actually in response to that email that I sent him my resignation (even though I'd already sort of decided to leave even beforehand). After I sent the resignation, he explained that he was just trying to get me to see that i'm so close to having a publication (yeah right...confirmed my decision even more). But what you described there basically explains this crazy stuff -- EIEs just need that endpoint to be able to work towards it, even if they end up changing the "deadlines" 1000 times. On the other hand, I found it freaking STIFLING and just totally pointless. I saw it as him putting pressure on me, and in a way it had a paralyzing effect on me.

    but yes, the general dynamic tended to be him constantly coming up with new ideas like a maniac never letting me finish the previous ideas, and that left me feeling increasingly lost, and that he had no regard for the time that i had available to do this work. I like to bring things to completion and it just couldn't happen with that sort of a dynamic.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leader View Post
    Dunno...My father is ESTj and I love him...respect him, we think somewhat similar in terms of logic. Only thing that can come in conflict is that he wants order order order, wants me to go to school do good blah blah blah...traditional stuff. Me, im not really by the book, although I agree with what he says, its just that my method of trying to become successful is unorthodox. Best thing he can do is give me his advice (which comes in the form of pestering/nagging) and just back off and let me do what I do. Other than that, no problems. I have other ESTjs that I know/am close to, they are nice. Like my baby cousin for example, shes a little child now so she hasn't really grown into her personality yet, but shes fun to be around...we play alot...she has a little crush on me or something. Always playing with me or trying to get rough and tease me.

    With ESTj women there is respect and sexual attraction which feels to me like "niceness" when they are using their Si, but at the same time there can be some nervousness/anxiety between our interaction underneath (atleast thats what I feel, because I feel like they are interrogating me..which must be their Te, I feel like this for all ESTjs). With the ESTj men there is respect and we understand each other usually (with ESTjs in general there can be alot of misunderstandings, but in terms of logic we generally agree...its just our different approaches/methods in life that gets in the way), and theres also that interrogating judging feeling sometimes.

    They can be judgmental pricks and shady/hypocritical and petty/domineering (like alot of other types), but I respect my quasi-identical in general.
    Well I never said i dont respect my quasi ex-mentor. The reason why i held on for so long was because i have a lot of respect for him, looked up to him as a guru, and wanted to learn from him. I still like him, but I had to finally face the music that was telling me working together was just not going to work and was going to land me either in a hospital or a mental institution.

    Relationships with parents and relatives is going to play out much differently from interactions with one's boss.
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    Soupman, this is just so spot on that i dont even know where to begin.
    Firstly i'd like to comment that perhaps a quasi-relation between friends may play out differently than between a mentor-mentee. However, not unlike how you described your relationship with your quasi-friend, I do realize that this EIE mentor was trying his best to be a good mentor, and i appreciated it a lot. Its just that i'm under a lot of time pressure, and didn't have much more time to waste in trying to get us to understand each other which ultimately led to my decision to call it quits with him and pick someone else to mentor me.

    I'm serious this is just a PERFECT description of how things went for me. Amazing, it's almost like you were there with me!. Let me give some examples. To give some context, he is a professor of science and i joined his lab to work with him for a bit to learn from him by doing projects together and perhaps writing one (or more) up into a publishable article. So basically his style is as such -- he comes up with an idea and sits down and writes a "dream paper" right off the bat. Now this "dream paper" thing was such a foreign, strange concept to me. Basically what it is--he writes what he envisions the article will be once we do all the experiments and get the results, etc. From my standpoint, that is such a useless exercise because starting out with an idea, you never know how it will work out. My style is more like come up with a cool idea, do experiments, see where the experiments take you, if it's something interesting, THEN sit down look over everything and write the article. Writing the "dream paper" almost feels like making up stuff, to me. Though I did recognize that he was just trying to put something in front of him (and me) as something to aim for (it really did nothing for me, i totally ignored it and figured i would start from scratch when i have something publishable).

    Along similar, but unrelated, lines-- when I was verbalizing my dissatisfaction with the direction things were going (shortly before I called it quits with him), he sent me an email listing some of the vague topics i had told him i'd rather be working on in a spreadsheet, his "assignment" for me being to list deadlines by which I would finish the data collection, write up the paper, and submit the paper to a journal for each of these topics. Mind you we'd BARELY talked about these topics, much less discussed what would be involved in projects coming off of those topics. How can I possibly know when i can finish collecting the data, when we dont even know if data can be collected, how it will go, etc??? much less about writing up the paper or submitting it to a journal! It just confirmed my decision that I needed a different kind of mentoring, and it was actually in response to that email that I sent him my resignation (even though I'd already sort of decided to leave even beforehand). After I sent the resignation, he explained that he was just trying to get me to see that i'm so close to having a publication (yeah right...confirmed my decision even more). But what you described there basically explains this crazy stuff -- EIEs just need that endpoint to be able to work towards it, even if they end up changing the "deadlines" 1000 times. On the other hand, I found it freaking STIFLING and just totally pointless. I saw it as him putting pressure on me, and in a way it had a paralyzing effect on me.

    but yes, the general dynamic tended to be him constantly coming up with new ideas like a maniac never letting me finish the previous ideas, and that left me feeling increasingly lost, and that he had no regard for the time that i had available to do this work. I like to bring things to completion and it just couldn't happen with that sort of a dynamic.
    Its important to understand that rationals requests are not cast in stone, even though they feel like that for us irrationals, so it would be best to take them as general advice rather than a must. Its hard to believe this or accept it but that is the case. When rationals say something think of it as advice rather than a request cast in stone. A bit of respect goes a long way and when they feel like you don't listen to their advice fully (well since not all of it will be good hence the tweaking), explain your weird rhythm and they will realize that your method is very unorthodox but it works since you are sincere about it and that is what you are used too.

    You can tell him about your rationality rhythm difference by giving him this article!

    Though since the machine translation is not great, you need to rewrite the English so he can read it; advise you to send it to him, since its very helpful to realize that we all functions a bit differently. When people experience these problems they appreciate this, he might even get into Socionics. It would be good for you to explain it to him it will just show him that you had no bad intentions even though the way you parted made it seem like that. It not impossible to work with EIE. just don't adopt their rhythm, it just causes stress on you and actually they feel the same when trying your rhythm, its the weird truth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Soupman View Post
    Its important to understand that rationals requests are not cast in stone, even though they feel like that for us irrationals, so it would be best to take them as general advice rather than a must. Its hard to believe this or accept it but that is the case. When rationals say something think of it as advice rather than a request cast in stone. A bit of respect goes a long way and when they feel like you don't listen to their advice fully (well since not all of it will be good hence the tweaking), explain your weird rhythm and they will realize that your method is very unorthodox but it works since you are sincere about it and that is what you are used too.

    You can tell him about your rationality rhythm difference by giving him this article!

    Though since the machine translation is not great, you need to rewrite the English so he can read it; advise you to send it to him, since its very helpful to realize that we all functions a bit differently. When people experience these problems they appreciate this, he might even get into Socionics. It would be good for you to explain it to him it will just show him that you had no bad intentions even though the way you parted made it seem like that. It not impossible to work with EIE. just don't adopt their rhythm, it just causes stress on you and actually they feel the same when trying your rhythm, its the weird truth.
    That's all right, it's a lost cause. Thanks anyway....i am of the philosophy that I can't change anyone, especially not someone elderly like him who is set in his ways. People will be what they are. I was getting bored of what i was doing with him anyway -- the work wasn't utilizing my strengths well and was leading to nowhere. I'm working with a probable EII now, and a lot happier.

    I will read the article you linked though.. for my own edification!
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    That's all right, it's a lost cause. Thanks anyway....i am of the philosophy that I can't change anyone, especially not someone elderly like him who is set in his ways. People will be what they are. I was getting bored of what i was doing with him anyway -- the work wasn't utilizing my strengths well and was leading to nowhere. I'm working with a probable EII now, and a lot happier.

    I will read the article you linked though.. for my own edification!
    You can't change anyone but you can help people to understand that others are different and think differently, the key to these relations is understanding your differences and being comfortable with it. Yet I do understand your point that some people are irritatingly set in their ways, I understand that and feel the pain.

    Anyway its cool I understand that the bridge may be burnt at this point, its no worries that is just life
    Last edited by Soupman; 02-22-2014 at 02:53 PM.

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    can you explain this a bit more for me? I am not totally understanding...

    This is where the energomodel shines:
    IEE 2:Fe creative and 5:Fi demonstrative
    EIE 2:Ne creative and 5:Ni demonstrative
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post

    can you explain this a bit more for me? I am not totally understanding...
    I'm feeling slow today unfortunately but see gulenko's site and the decriptions, sadly Gulenko's work can be a bit crypted,



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    Quasi-identicals are a pretty good relationship with me, as long as there is a little bit of distance periodically. At work we don't work together.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    the problem with conflictors is they misinterpret me and i feel like they really think i'm a bad person and that i don't have good intentions
    i don't expect them to ever agree with me nor see my point of view - it makes conversation HARD

    at least with quasi's you get what they're saying - even if values are different
    conversation is a bit boring but you can talk about hobbies

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    Default Theory: Quasi Identical relations are exhausting for both parties

    I have been reasonably close to a few quasi indentical friends and I found it to be exhausting for both parties. Not boring by any means but the difference in approach creates an ever widening gap in opinion. This gap in opinion leads to frustration and for one or both members to compensate for the differences. The compensation I found was very exhausting. I lived and worked with a quasi identity and was close friends with another at the same time. I ended up pretending to enjoy some of the things they did and I could tell they were pushing their boundaries to associate with me. Kind of sad, it all seemed perfect on the surface but the familiarity between unmatching interests led to a degree of contempt and eventual collapse. I still associate with them, but it certainly isn't the same. Anyone else think quasi identity is far from optimal?

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    I don't put this type of relationship on the bottom but right next to it; objectives, approach and communication styles don't ever seem to mesh. They can usually get useful information from one another but must process it separate and apart because they don't seem to be able to work as a team and normally one thinks that the other has misused information or done it wrong.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    With my quasi I feel jealous. They seem so much better in social situations, athletic, trendy, well-liked.
    Its hard not to love the SEE...they are so cool! To make matters worse my supervisors the IEI love them!

    In close and frequent interactions theses are tense relations in that there are major misunderstandings.

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    According to bird law, three strikes and you’re out! Bye, bye birdie. Ready boys and girls, because this is where it gets good. Ryan McPoyle didn’t attack Liam—Royal did. And Lion was lying about Royal attacking Liam to protect Royal from the chair. Or lethal injection. Or perhaps some sort of small bird guillotine. I wouldn’t understand the physics of it—I’m not an executioner. I’m just the best goddamned bird lawyer in the world.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    One of my worst relationships (along with supervision) ... At first, it was cool, we had similar interests and talked non-stop, at that time, I could have even typed them as my identical, but later I could sense always that something was off, like some hate underneath, I ignored it and I think they also noticed and ignored it too. It slowly became very uncomfortable and we almost never agreed so that led to quarrels...very frustrating. When it ended, I felt liberated but also disappointed because we were so much alike, I tried to convince myself that it's for the best.
    As sorrows mentioned, the jealousy thing was there for me too. the EIE seemed so good at making people interested in him and liking him, and it was obvious later that almost every person he gets along with, I don't get along with and vica versa, not to forget their artistic abilities and the ways they express their feelings, even though I undestood those emotions they were expressing so much, I can't express them especially the way they do. Mine are hidden. I think mainly because of this difference, we had many misunderstandings. Also even though we had so many great conversations, that connection was never there.

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    Disinterest and low level contempt is how I'd describe quasi relations. Very poor synergy.

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    Some LSEs, especially LSE women, can be a combination of diabolically toxic and autistic/annoying. But for those that aren’t, I can get along with them very well. One of my bosses is an LSE and she’s almost like a dual for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Soupman View Post
    Its important to understand that rationals requests are not cast in stone, even though they feel like that for us irrationals, so it would be best to take them as general advice rather than a must. Its hard to believe this or accept it but that is the case. When rationals say something think of it as advice rather than a request cast in stone. A bit of respect goes a long way and when they feel like you don't listen to their advice fully (well since not all of it will be good hence the tweaking), explain your weird rhythm and they will realize that your method is very unorthodox but it works since you are sincere about it and that is what you are used too.

    You can tell him about your rationality rhythm difference by giving him this article!

    Though since the machine translation is not great, you need to rewrite the English so he can read it; advise you to send it to him, since its very helpful to realize that we all functions a bit differently. When people experience these problems they appreciate this, he might even get into Socionics. It would be good for you to explain it to him it will just show him that you had no bad intentions even though the way you parted made it seem like that. It not impossible to work with EIE. just don't adopt their rhythm, it just causes stress on you and actually they feel the same when trying your rhythm, its the weird truth.
    Wow I had no idea, I actually wrote this

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    The more that I meet and interact with healthy LSEs, the more I find that I am actually fond of them.

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    Default Quasi-identical relationships

    How exactly are these supposed to work? Good or bad? On the relationships chart page it says they are relationships of major misunderstanding, so is it true? Or can we still be friends

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    Quasi-Identicals are in some ways worse than Conflictors.

    With your Conflictor, you share no valued functions but you also share no common interests. However, with your Quasi-Identical, you share no valued functions but you do share interests, so your Quasi is going to turn up in the same places you go, and will always seem to be getting in your way, undercutting you, and doing things in exactly the wrong way, for reasons that can only be called perverse.

    You can be friends with anyone, as long as you understand that interacting with members of your opposite Quadra is a lot like being exposed to nuclear radiation. You can survive and even prosper for short periods of time, but the damage steadily accumulates with proximity and duration of exposure.

    I've worked with my Conflictor for many years, but I keep the conversations short and I never step into her office. My sister is my Extinguishment partner, and I love her dearly, but we never talk for more that a few minutes per month. I also work with my Quasi-Identical, and we have both learned that we get along best when we keep a lot of distance between us and keep the conversation confined to work. It also helps that we have both acknowledged that we aren't each other's favorite people, but we are not going to let that influence the work.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 04-28-2019 at 05:16 AM.

  37. #117
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    They suck

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moou View Post
    How exactly are these supposed to work? Good or bad? On the relationships chart page it says they are relationships of major misunderstanding, so is it true? Or can we still be friends
    Don't worry, you can still be friends with your quasi. However I don't think there's much in common to get some real "friendship" going on in there beyond basic politeness. In my case, I've found polite relations with my quasi irl, not much more. There are probably not shared interests or values. Peaceful interactions in family since both act in similar way and have equal strengths. As strangers, take for granted there will be some mistrust or suspicion (different values).
    Last edited by Faith; 04-28-2019 at 06:02 AM.

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    @Adam Strange

    I don't agree that Conflictors don't share common interests. That hasn't been always true or even mostly true for me. However I really like:

    I also work with my Quasi-Identical, and we have both learned that we get along best when we keep a lot of distance between us and keep the conversation confined to work. It also helps that we have both acknowledged that we aren't each other's favorite people, but we are not going to let that influence the work.
    Yeah this seems spot on. Well me and EIIs, there can be this seething hatred we have for each other- that is more for male EIIs I think. Well its more like, they hated me first but then I was just kind of completely indifferent to their values. I couldn't respect them in the way they wanted. This female EII once made me write a story about how I changed my negative thinking patterns. I was kind of like 'hm, what about YOUR negative thinking patterns ya bitch.' But she was able to lighten up about me because other deltas told her that I wasn't that bad. To get along with her tho I always felt I had to repress who I was too much to appease her, and it was really better for both people just to remain distance and try to business-like. It can be a challenge for two feelers though meh. You would be a good mediator between us maybe, if only indirectly so.

  40. #120
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    I think it depends on how mentally healthy and stable the LSE is LOL. I mean, obviously, but crazy LSEs are crazy.

    If you think about it, a Quasi-Identical is almost like a dual in a way. Almost. Because if you have exactly the opposite values in the same order of strength (like a flipped over negative of you), then it’s easy to divide resources and things to focus/work on between the two of you. In some ways it’s better than duality because if you mess things up it’s less painful and disappointing between the two of you.

    I also think that it’s obviously going to be better if there is no power imbalance, just IME, because this is considered a balanced ITR. Things exploded between an LSE supervisor and I recently. I also had a bad relationship with my LSE mom growing up. But things are improving a bit with my mom now that I’m getting older, and with LSE clients and colleagues where things are balanced between us, it’s pretty good with them.
    Last edited by sbbds; 04-28-2019 at 06:01 AM.

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