Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus
But what are you supposed to do then, after you have successfully learnt how to act like your conflictor? How will for example your dual react to your new personality?
By acting like your conflictor, you are reaching out to your weaknesses and struggling against them. Duality maintains your weaknesses, quasi indentical relations don't.

And how do you solve the biggest and most irritating problem in quasi-identical relationships: how to understand you quasi-identical, and how to make him or her understand you?
Open two way communication.

In addition, quasi-identical relationships are a blessing in disguise. Your quasi identical partner will not agree with everything you say, and this is very good. They will have an insight that is different to yours, which if you take constructively, can be beneficial to you.

There is a big down side if people agree with you all the time. Although people agreeing with you makes you feel good, it is not helpful in seeing other perspectives.