Quote Originally Posted by YXPR View Post

So the next day we bring the cake and everybody is happy except for the EII. He started to complain about the fact that we didn't invite him. He then spent the whole morning making "jokes" about how much I disliked like him. At first it annoyed me because I felt like he was reading to much into it. I mean it was just a cake, chill. But then I realize that he was actually right. When I invited my colleagues over I really didn't think about the people that I liked or disliked. I was simply thinking of a way to spend a nice evening. But the EII not being a part of my vision of a "nice evening" kind of meant that I didn't like him. The thought process was different but in the end it was pretty much the same. And because he receives information through Fi first, his first reaction and the first thing he expressed was "Ok, that guy doesn't like me".

I haven't met yet another type who cares, wants or needs to be liked/loved as much as EII does (sx/so probably).