@Adam Strange

I don't agree that Conflictors don't share common interests. That hasn't been always true or even mostly true for me. However I really like:

I also work with my Quasi-Identical, and we have both learned that we get along best when we keep a lot of distance between us and keep the conversation confined to work. It also helps that we have both acknowledged that we aren't each other's favorite people, but we are not going to let that influence the work.
Yeah this seems spot on. Well me and EIIs, there can be this seething hatred we have for each other- that is more for male EIIs I think. Well its more like, they hated me first but then I was just kind of completely indifferent to their values. I couldn't respect them in the way they wanted. This female EII once made me write a story about how I changed my negative thinking patterns. I was kind of like 'hm, what about YOUR negative thinking patterns ya bitch.' But she was able to lighten up about me because other deltas told her that I wasn't that bad. To get along with her tho I always felt I had to repress who I was too much to appease her, and it was really better for both people just to remain distance and try to business-like. It can be a challenge for two feelers though meh. You would be a good mediator between us maybe, if only indirectly so.