Quote Originally Posted by Soupman View Post
Its important to understand that rationals requests are not cast in stone, even though they feel like that for us irrationals, so it would be best to take them as general advice rather than a must. Its hard to believe this or accept it but that is the case. When rationals say something think of it as advice rather than a request cast in stone. A bit of respect goes a long way and when they feel like you don't listen to their advice fully (well since not all of it will be good hence the tweaking), explain your weird rhythm and they will realize that your method is very unorthodox but it works since you are sincere about it and that is what you are used too.

You can tell him about your rationality rhythm difference by giving him this article!

Though since the machine translation is not great, you need to rewrite the English so he can read it; advise you to send it to him, since its very helpful to realize that we all functions a bit differently. When people experience these problems they appreciate this, he might even get into Socionics. It would be good for you to explain it to him it will just show him that you had no bad intentions even though the way you parted made it seem like that. It not impossible to work with EIE. just don't adopt their rhythm, it just causes stress on you and actually they feel the same when trying your rhythm, its the weird truth.
Wow I had no idea, I actually wrote this