One of my worst relationships (along with supervision) ... At first, it was cool, we had similar interests and talked non-stop, at that time, I could have even typed them as my identical, but later I could sense always that something was off, like some hate underneath, I ignored it and I think they also noticed and ignored it too. It slowly became very uncomfortable and we almost never agreed so that led to quarrels...very frustrating. When it ended, I felt liberated but also disappointed because we were so much alike, I tried to convince myself that it's for the best.
As sorrows mentioned, the jealousy thing was there for me too. the EIE seemed so good at making people interested in him and liking him, and it was obvious later that almost every person he gets along with, I don't get along with and vica versa, not to forget their artistic abilities and the ways they express their feelings, even though I undestood those emotions they were expressing so much, I can't express them especially the way they do. Mine are hidden. I think mainly because of this difference, we had many misunderstandings. Also even though we had so many great conversations, that connection was never there.