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Thread: Identifying your club test - SF, NT, NF, ST

  1. #1
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    Default Identifying your club test - SF, NT, NF, ST


    Alpha NT
    YOU: Freely exchanging new ideas and theories. Systematizing knowledge and creating new categories and speculative hypotheses.
    WHAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE: Spontaneous activities "for the fun of it." Light, non-serious atmosphere. Skipping from topic to topic. Carefree emotional expression and sensory delights. Deriving pleasure from simple things (examples: funny stories, exotic dishes, family picnics and group outings).
    THIS DOES NOT DESCRIBE YOU: Realistic, materialistic outlook on life, relationships, and society. Forcefulness, positive thinking, social manoeuvring.

    Alpha SF
    YOU: Carefree emotional expression and sensory delights. Deriving pleasure from simple things (examples: funny stories, exotic dishes, family picnics and group outings).
    WHAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE: Spontaneous activities "for the fun of it." Light, non-serious atmosphere. Skipping from topic to topic. Freely exchanging new ideas and theories. Systematizing knowledge and creating new categories and speculative hypotheses.
    Turning ideas and unexpected events into something profitable and marketable, that does some kind of work for people. Self-sacrifice for serving society.

    Beta NF
    YOU: Dramatic self-expression with elements of theatricism and melodrama. Artistically expressing romantic, abstract ideals and feelings.
    WHAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE: Lengthy, theatrical monologues. Loud, hearty laughter. Group rituals (example: relating to food and drink). Displays of great generosity and inclusion, but with the demand of emotional involvement in group. Rowdiness. Generally theatrical atmosphere, but with periodic moments of "dead seriousness." Increasing your personal power through hierarchical structures. Physically materializing convictions and beliefs in the real world.
    THIS DOES NOT DESCRIBE YOU: Pragmatism and hard work. Productive relationships where people do projects together. Discussing topics seriously with the intention of implementing your conclusions.

    Beta ST
    YOU: Increasing your personal power through hierarchical structures. Physically materializing convictions and beliefs in the real world.
    WHAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE: Lengthy, theatrical monologues. Loud, hearty laughter. Group rituals (example: relating to food and drink). Displays of great generosity and inclusion, but with the demand of emotional involvement in group. Rowdiness. Generally theatrical atmosphere, but with periodic moments of "dead seriousness." Dramatic self-expression with elements of theatricism and melodrama. Artistically expressing romantic, abstract ideals and feelings.
    THIS DOES NOT DESCRIBE YOU: Discussing people, internal motivation, and self-development.

    Gamma NT
    YOU: Turning ideas and unexpected events into something profitable and marketable, that does some kind of work for people. Self-sacrifice for serving society.
    WHAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE: Trading jokes on materialistic topics (examples: money, sex, winning and losing). Separation into male and female "packs". Rowdiness and drivenness. Realistic, materialistic outlook on life, relationships, and society. Forcefulness, positive thinking, social manoeuvring.
    THIS DOES NOT DESCRIBE YOU: Carefree emotional expression and sensory delights. Deriving pleasure from simple things (examples: funny stories, exotic dishes, family picnics and group outings).

    Gamma SF
    YOU: Realistic, materialistic outlook on life, relationships, and society. Forcefulness, positive thinking, social manoeuvring.
    WHAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE: Trading jokes on materialistic topics (examples: money, sex, winning and losing). Separation into male and female "packs". Rowdiness and drivenness. Turning ideas and unexpected events into something profitable and marketable, that does some kind of work for people. Self-sacrifice for serving society.
    THIS DOES NOT DESCRIBE YOU: Freely exchanging new ideas and theories. Systematizing knowledge and creating new categories and speculative hypotheses.

    Delta NF
    YOU: Discussing people, internal motivation, and self-development.
    WHAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE: Discussion of interesting facts about people and places. Group outdoor activities. Productive activities and discussions. Pragmatism and hard work. Productive relationships where people do projects together. Discussing topics seriously with the intention of implementing your conclusions.
    THIS DOES NOT DESCRIBE YOU: Increasing your personal power through hierarchical structures. Physically materializing convictions and beliefs in the real world.

    Delta ST
    YOU: Pragmatism and hard work. Productive relationships where people do projects together. Discussing topics seriously with the intention of implementing your conclusions.
    WHAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE: Discussion of interesting facts about people and places. Group outdoor activities. Productive activities and discussions. Discussing people, internal motivation, and self-development.
    THIS DOES NOT DESCRIBE YOU: Dramatic self-expression with elements of theatricism and melodrama. Artistically expressing romantic, abstract ideals and feelings.

  2. #2
    Park's Avatar
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    Default Re: type identification

    Quote Originally Posted by gaypog
    Alpha SF.

    Delta ST

    WHAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE: Discussion of interesting facts about people and places. Group outdoor activities. Productive activities and discussions. Discussing people, internal motivation, and self-development.
    THIS DOES NOT DESCRIBE YOU: Dramatic self-expression with elements of theatricism and melodrama. Artistically expressing romantic, abstract ideals and feelings.
    No way!
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  3. #3
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    gamma NTs sound too closed minded in that description. the thing about male and female "packs"... I can picture a female gamma NT hanging out with men a lot more than women, and disliking people trying to shove her into gender roles. also, the bit about self-sacrifice for serving society doesn't seem quite right either. gamma NTs would seek solutions that are best for everyone, NOT everyone but themselves.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  4. #4
    Clarke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo View Post

    Alpha NT
    YOU: Freely exchanging new ideas and theories. Systematizing knowledge and creating new categories and speculative hypotheses.
    WHAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE: Spontaneous activities "for the fun of it." Light, non-serious atmosphere. Skipping from topic to topic. Carefree emotional expression and sensory delights. Deriving pleasure from simple things (examples: funny stories, exotic dishes, family picnics and group outings).
    THIS DOES NOT DESCRIBE YOU: Realistic, materialistic outlook on life, relationships, and society. Forcefulness, positive thinking, social manoeuvring.

    Alpha SF
    YOU: Carefree emotional expression and sensory delights. Deriving pleasure from simple things (examples: funny stories, exotic dishes, family picnics and group outings).
    WHAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE: Spontaneous activities "for the fun of it." Light, non-serious atmosphere. Skipping from topic to topic. Freely exchanging new ideas and theories. Systematizing knowledge and creating new categories and speculative hypotheses.
    Turning ideas and unexpected events into something profitable and marketable, that does some kind of work for people. Self-sacrifice for serving society.

    Beta NF
    YOU: Dramatic self-expression with elements of theatricism and melodrama. Artistically expressing romantic, abstract ideals and feelings.
    WHAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE: Lengthy, theatrical monologues. Loud, hearty laughter. Group rituals (example: relating to food and drink). Displays of great generosity and inclusion, but with the demand of emotional involvement in group. Rowdiness. Generally theatrical atmosphere, but with periodic moments of "dead seriousness." Increasing your personal power through hierarchical structures. Physically materializing convictions and beliefs in the real world.
    THIS DOES NOT DESCRIBE YOU: Pragmatism and hard work. Productive relationships where people do projects together. Discussing topics seriously with the intention of implementing your conclusions.

    Beta ST
    YOU: Increasing your personal power through hierarchical structures. Physically materializing convictions and beliefs in the real world.
    WHAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE: Lengthy, theatrical monologues. Loud, hearty laughter. Group rituals (example: relating to food and drink). Displays of great generosity and inclusion, but with the demand of emotional involvement in group. Rowdiness. Generally theatrical atmosphere, but with periodic moments of "dead seriousness." Dramatic self-expression with elements of theatricism and melodrama. Artistically expressing romantic, abstract ideals and feelings.
    THIS DOES NOT DESCRIBE YOU: Discussing people, internal motivation, and self-development.

    Gamma NT
    YOU: Turning ideas and unexpected events into something profitable and marketable, that does some kind of work for people. Self-sacrifice for serving society.
    WHAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE: Trading jokes on materialistic topics (examples: money, sex, winning and losing). Separation into male and female "packs". Rowdiness and drivenness. Realistic, materialistic outlook on life, relationships, and society. Forcefulness, positive thinking, social manoeuvring.
    THIS DOES NOT DESCRIBE YOU: Carefree emotional expression and sensory delights. Deriving pleasure from simple things (examples: funny stories, exotic dishes, family picnics and group outings).

    Gamma SF
    YOU: Realistic, materialistic outlook on life, relationships, and society. Forcefulness, positive thinking, social manoeuvring.
    WHAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE: Trading jokes on materialistic topics (examples: money, sex, winning and losing). Separation into male and female "packs". Rowdiness and drivenness. Turning ideas and unexpected events into something profitable and marketable, that does some kind of work for people. Self-sacrifice for serving society.
    THIS DOES NOT DESCRIBE YOU: Freely exchanging new ideas and theories. Systematizing knowledge and creating new categories and speculative hypotheses.

    Delta NF
    YOU: Discussing people, internal motivation, and self-development.
    WHAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE: Discussion of interesting facts about people and places. Group outdoor activities. Productive activities and discussions. Pragmatism and hard work. Productive relationships where people do projects together. Discussing topics seriously with the intention of implementing your conclusions.
    THIS DOES NOT DESCRIBE YOU: Increasing your personal power through hierarchical structures. Physically materializing convictions and beliefs in the real world.

    Delta ST
    YOU: Pragmatism and hard work. Productive relationships where people do projects together. Discussing topics seriously with the intention of implementing your conclusions.
    WHAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE: Discussion of interesting facts about people and places. Group outdoor activities. Productive activities and discussions. Discussing people, internal motivation, and self-development.
    THIS DOES NOT DESCRIBE YOU: Dramatic self-expression with elements of theatricism and melodrama. Artistically expressing romantic, abstract ideals and feelings.
    Alpha NT, Delta ST, or Delta NF. I don't fit Alpha NT's like for "carefree emotional expression" and their dislikes. The forum and my experience with art shows that I don't follow Delta ST's dislike for "artistically expressing romantic, abstract ideals and feelings". For Delta NF, I tend not to fit "Productive relationships where people do projects together." and occasionally "Increasing your personal power through heirarchical structures." Sometimes, I've seen joining certain heirarchical structures, such as the military, as something that could benefit me personally, although not at the cost of the group. I don't usually go for leadership positions in a heirarchical structure. For both Delta ST and Delta NF, I don't like "group outdoor activities".

    For Gamma NT I fit the "YOU" section, "Trading jokes on materialistic topics", "realistic, materialistic outlook on life, relationships, and society", and a dislike for "carefree emotional expression".

    I would generally say that I tend to define myself based on the image that I portray. That image has been built up over most of my life, and is subject to my relationships with people from potentially various clubs, including Delta ST and Alpha NT.

    From the minor research that I've done, I seem to fit the following dichotomies:

    Here's some attributes that I have that might be relevant to this test:
    -I like snacks and good food. They tend to give me pleasure. However, my attitude towards them is like a switch. I can more or less simply ignore my need for them if it's important. This seems to be a source of pride.
    -I think I generally like light discussion, but I can't contribute to anything emotional very well, or at least in a reliable way. Sometimes I try to, and I'm pretty sure I say something heavy instead. I'm not sure that I understand the definition of light discussion very well.
    -I like darker jokes, and occasionally dark or black humor. I can't always contribute these.
    -I generally don't think that I like rowdiness. That implies that people could be getting physically rough with me. I have an aversion to physical fights.
    -I'm not sure if I skip from topic to topic, but sometimes, I'll go off topic down a certain pathway if staying on topic isn't important. It really depends on whether I'm working on a project with time constraints, or if I'm just discussing content openly with people to share information.
    -I seem to have a sort of mimicry where I mimic other people, especially ones that are interesting. I assume that this is due to Sx and Enneagram 9 characteristics. I tend to absorb their characteristics and sort of assimilate them into my personality. I do this for both fictional and real people.

    Historically, until roughly my mid to late teens, I think I tended not to openly exchange theories.

    Edit: Sorry for necroing an old thread.

  5. #5
    WinnieW's Avatar
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    I think alpha NT fits me best, based on the descriptions.

  6. #6

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    Shit, what happens if you are none of them?

  7. #7
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    I'm none really. I'm also a neutered dog.

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