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Thread: MBTI INFJ, Socionics WTF?

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    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    I think it might be a identity relationship, or maybe mirror(can't see this). Identity has a boredom factor but it's a better relationship because people get each other more and value the same information.

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    Instead of reinforcing her false image of the type with terrible stereotypes, some of you could use being a bit more professional.
    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I think it might be a identity relationship, or maybe mirror(can't see this). Identity has a boredom factor but it's a better relationship because people get each other more and value the same information.
    From what I can tell, there is a huge chance that he is an ESE. But I really can't be sure of it just from photos.

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    He looks like a hobbit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Instead of reinforcing her false image of the type with terrible stereotypes, some of you could use being a bit more professional. From what I can tell, there is a huge chance that he is an ESE. But I really can't be sure of it just from photos.
    I don't really see any huge self-image issues or stereotyping going on. Huge chance that he is ESE?

    That guy does not appear to me to be demonstrative.

    BTW, to the OP, you kinda of remind me of Ellen Page.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I don't really see any huge self-image issues or stereotyping going on. Huge chance that he is ESE?

    That guy does not appear to me to be demonstrative.

    BTW, to the OP, you kinda of remind me of Ellen Page.
    Really? You think LIIs walk "a little bit" like frogs? I haven't noticed it myself but what do I know? With all that dancing I presumably do I could have as well been high.

    In a more serious note: What is a Se demonstrative supposed to look like? I was speculating btw. I have no idea what type he is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post

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    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    I think you're a Ne ego of some sort, still think you're a extratim. Still think ILE or IEE works, why do you think you're introtim. You talk in a extratim fashion, comparing yourself with others and even observing yourself from a outsider perspective.

    You talk about your interests alot as well as give examples. For example:

    Quote Originally Posted by Pistol
    Thank you for the interesting example! I've found myself swept up into groups before to the point where I found my views so strongly warped by the group that I could not think objectively. For example, I followed around a bunch of Anonymous Scientology protestors for a photojournalism story assignment, but ended up getting so wrapped up in their views and chants that I wouldn't shut up about the dangers/stupidity of Scientology for weeks after, when previously I thought very little about Scientology. I snapped out if it eventually, and felt pretty embarrassed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pistol

    I feel like I can't really analyze things from a detached, cool standpoint very well; my emotions heat things up and stir my thoughts. I do tend to analyze everything and anything, but I can be very easily swayed by people who I perceive as knowing more than I do about a subject. If something feels off, I'll research a topic until I can confidently think for myself about it. I have a tendency to over-think instead of draw a conclusion and move on, and I get anxious or depressed when I'm alone with my thoughts for too long. I think I feel most at peace when photographing, reading, listening to music, writing, drawing, napping, etc. Perhaps LII types tend to feel/act this way. I feel too in tune with my body, the needs of others and the "emotional barometer" of an environment to fit the LII descriptions, and too nerdy, awkward, provocative and analytical to fit the SEI ones...

    I am going to guess almost nobody in this thread knows how you feel about things, but rather they have a pretty good picture of you externally, your interests, actions, hobbies, etc, however they probably don't have much information concerning your subjective world. This is because the information you have related to people has been of a objective sort, and not really related to your internal subjective world.

    The only question I have for you really is why do you think you're introtim? Because introversion isn't really a social thing in socionics, and Ne extratim are the most introverted socially of the extraverts. You have said you're ok with making decisions for groups and planning things for others, so this is already one sign that you might be a extratim.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Really? You think LIIs walk "a little bit" like frogs? I haven't noticed it myself but what do I know? With all that dancing I presumably do I could have as well been high.

    In a more serious note: What is a Se demonstrative supposed to look like? I was speculating btw. I have no idea what type he is.
    I'm not sure I agree with LII walking a little bit like frogs, but body language can provide a lot of information about someone's type. I think the description is kinda of confusing since I don't know what it means by walking like a frog. I mean what WA said wasn't stereotyping, just relating some information she has heard and personal experience. If you think that's stereotyping, I don't think a lot of people see it the same way.

    You said "Huge chance", and nothing at all indicate ESE.

    I think the picture of him and the lack of willpower in completing projects doesn't let me think demonstrative.
    If you want to research demonstratives.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I'm not sure I agree with LII walking a little bit like frogs, but body language can provide a lot of information about someone's type. I think the description is kinda of confusing since I don't know what it means by walking like a frog. I mean what WA said wasn't stereotyping, just relating some information she has heard and personal experience.

    You said "Huge chance", and nothing at all indicate ESE.

    I think the picture of him and the lack of willpower in completing projects doesn't let me think demonstrative.
    If you want to research demonstratives.
    I was talking about my own possibilities, silly ILE. Thanks for the link.

  11. #11
    Perpetual Confusion Machine PistolShrimp's Avatar
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    From what I've read so far, I identify with many bits and pieces of the IEI and LII descriptions, and some of the SEI ones. Why is IEI out of the picture, again? Because I'm not flashing all over this thread?

    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    R u kidding? LIIs are Fe-dual seekers... they can have obnoxious emotionality per my understanding. Re: gait, I read somewhere that people were making an observation that LIIs can sometimes walk a little bit like a frog (which actually did ring true for an LII ex-coworker of mine), so maybe the "floaty, dancing" walk is consistent with LII.

    And yes your bf does in fact sound alpha NT from what you described. I think either ILE or LII can start lots of projects and not finish them. EDIT: just looked at his pic above, and he does actually VI alpha NT too. ur right.

    Your type isn't quite jumping out at me though yet, even with the extra pics. I could see you as LII possibly. So that would make you and your bf mirrors, which is why you dont feel it's duality. Same quadra though, so it's def a good relation anyway.
    Hmm. I can see LII too, but based on this page (, our relationship doesn't sound like a Mirror one. We are completely open with each other, and our relationship is plenty warm and caring. In fact, I wish I had much MORE intellectual stimulation (Ne food?) in our relationship, while descriptions of Mirror relations say they are almost solely an intellectual connection with little passion. My boyfriend is almost certainly ENTp, Ne subtype. His Ne is all over the place, and I love him for it. I'm just not sure we're mirrors, or identity for that matter as hkkmr suggested. I'll have to read some more though. I'm still incredibly confused about all of this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Radio View Post
    You don't seem nearly as natural at it as F-egos are.

    Even when you "chuckle" in your video, it's kind of awkward and deadpan.
    Well yeah, I was monologuing into a camera for 15 minutes with birds staring at me. Shit gets awkward.

    I'm not really sure how natural I am at it in a normal context; you could be right. INTjs/INTPs on YouTube seem more awkward, serious and inexpressive than I am, though. I get really revved up emotionally by a lot of things, and other people can tell when it happens by my face, gestures, etc.
    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    He looks like a hobbit.
    I got him from The Internet!

    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    BTW, to the OP, you kinda of remind me of Ellen Page.
    Heh, I've got that before and it's cool because she's hot. I think it's because we're both 24-25-year-old mousy girls who look like jailbait.

  12. #12
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    From what I've read so far, I identify with many bits and pieces of the IEI and LII descriptions, and some of the SEI ones. Why is IEI out of the picture, again? Because I'm not flashing all over this thread?

    Hmm. I can see LII too, but based on this page (, our relationship doesn't sound like a Mirror one. We are completely open with each other, and our relationship is plenty warm and caring. In fact, I wish I had much MORE intellectual stimulation (Ne food?) in our relationship, while descriptions of Mirror relations say they are almost solely an intellectual connection with little passion. My boyfriend is almost certainly ENTp, Ne subtype. His Ne is all over the place, and I love him for it. I'm just not sure we're mirrors, or identity for that matter as hkkmr suggested. I'll have to read some more though. I'm still incredibly confused about all of this.
    the only thing that really meant much to me socionically in what you said above is what I highlighted in bold. And i'd say that's mirror-like. You see his shortcomings but in a fond way. They say mirrors make the best advisors because of that. An identical is likely to see things the same way you would, a dual is likely to approve of anything you want to do because they think you're awesome because they're weak at the things you're strong at, activity--well i'm not sure how to fit them into this discussion, but a mirror will give you honest criticism that you feel you can accept and appreciate because you really have the same values and strengths just a different emphasis on them (as opposed to a socionic supervisor who will also criticize but in doing so will hit your POLR and thus cause a great deal of irritation).

    You criticizing your bf's degree of Ne, but still loving him for it, tells me that you think someone should just selectively use Ne (like you probably do). Among mirrors there is also the irrationality vs rationality difference which also leads to seeing things a little differently. Mirrors are still a very warm and open relation though!! I mean how else will they be able to give each other honest criticism?

    what made you think that mirrors are closed off to one another?? They are the same quadra!

    The thing about reading descriptions is that it's hard to tell how those general descriptions really manifest.
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    You seem Alpha or, if not, possibly Delta, though I would be more inclined to go with the former because your responses to many questions seem to indicate that you are Fe valuing. Not ESE and in fact I don't think extroverted at all, so I'd say you are either SEI or LII. If delta, then EII. I don't see that being too far out of the realm of possibility. Introversion seems fairly obvious to me, the rest are just formed from what I think you are not (not very good practice, I know). Rationality/Irrationality is the one I have the hardest time identifying, which is why I didn't go one type or the other in Alpha.

    At any rate, I'd say there is at least a good consensus that you are alpha.

  14. #14
    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    Huh? Maybe I don't understand Ne.
    Ne = internal statics of objects

    The problem with descriptions like those below is that they're, by nature, a bit off-the-mark. When the foundation itself is a bit shaky, the layers on top of it will be even more askew, and that's when shit gets confusing...

    Quote Originally Posted by Wikisocion
    Ne is generally associated with the ability to recognize possibilities, create new opportunities and new beginnings
    attributable to all sorts of shit, though I would want to steer it a bit to Pe

    Quote Originally Posted by Wikisocion
    recognize talent and natural propensities in others
    definitely leans Ne

    Quote Originally Posted by Wikisocion
    reconcile differing perspectives and viewpoints
    very Ti/Fe colored here, if not outright dominated

    Quote Originally Posted by Wikisocion
    rapidly generate ideas
    if "brainstorming" is what is being implied, then yes, I'd give it to Ne

    Quote Originally Posted by Wikisocion
    and be led by one's intellectual curiosity and stimulate curiosity in others.
    can't make a call for anything here; the implications for "curiosity" do steer me to Ne a bit, but still...

    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    Ahaha, sometimes I get carried away with stupid metaphors that don't really make much sense. Good catch!

    It's less of an issue of you making sense or not and more of an issue of how you made sense and how you didn't make sense. "Jungian hammerspace", "Dr. Freud", "space cadet"; all very vivid descriptions of the statics of an object. I'm hard-pressed to find any way in which the physical attributes of either a space cadet or Freud himself are relevant to the point you were aiming at, and I'm hard-pressed to find any physical attributes aka external statics of a hammerspace, a thing that by nature does not make sense in that regard. With Se all but eliminated from the Pe pool, what remains is Ne...

    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    I have tried typing people, and there are some I'm sure of (ILE bf, SLE dad, SEI mom, SEE, IEE, LII, EII friends). I feel like knowing my type would make typing them easier because I could add my interactions with them to my subjective data pool before settling on their type. SEI just sits weird with me based on my typings of people I know...I get along too well with my SEE friends to feel like their contrary, and am more similar in thought process and behavior to my SLE dad than my SEI mom, for instance. The Alpha caregiver stuff really grates on me after a while; I want to do things myself, dammit, so back off!
    It's less of an issue of how well you get along and more of an issue of how you get along.

    I get on good with SEIs in general, but we do wear each other out a bit... still remember when the Fe-SEI girl actually ducked and covered her ears because I was so damn loud hahahahhaa...

    I had an Ne-LII buddy ages and ages ago, and I did lots of Magic: the Gathering with Alphas. Once again, we got on nice, but it was clear that we were up to entirely different things (a huge advantage to me in Magic actually, the intentional sloppiness of my strategies consistently threw them off their game, and I bluffed my ass off)...

    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    I am a photographer; I'm well aware of what shit is, as well as the hidden implications that arise when I position said shit a certain way in the frame of an image.
    the Ne keeps on coming in

    I recall an Si-SLI writing out rationale like that, though instead of "photographer", she used "restaurant", and went about things in a similar manner. The "restaurant" was some sort of... thing... that produced food via its own volition, not a brick, steel, and glass building which happened to have ovens, workers, and food in it, the last of which is seen to completion by the efforts of the first two. Internal statics of objects...

    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    I am good at weaving through crowds to get from one point to the next, determining the "flow" of a mosh pit and positioning myself to avoid getting crushed, etc. I do appreciate help with Se things, though, like providing me the motivation to overcome my laziness and do worthwhile stuff. Not sure how to prove Ni/Se valuing over Ne/Si; it's hard to get this across to people who don't really know me, I guess.
    so far, I think you did a good job...

    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    It's all about chasing the perfect shots to tell the story, and if you miss those shots, most of the time there are no second chances.
    If you're to go by Ne = opportunity, then let's not only count this too, but count a certain song by someone I'm hellbent on securing as Delta ST...

    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    You witness the entire spectrum of human emotion on assignments. You need to quickly orient yourself in confusing situations you're thrown into and keep a cool head in chaos. Sure, a lot of it is little league games and town meetings, but the intense and exciting events make it worthwhile. I'm not a photojournalist anymore, though; I just was in college.
    and here comes the Fe

    here's a musical counterpart to your sig pic:

    I'm almost certain by now that you are all of the same quadra yayyy
    p . . . a . . . n . . . d . . . o . . . r . . . a
    trad metalz | (more coming)

  15. #15
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    I still think any Ne ego is still good for you.

    What kinda of food do you like?

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    I watched the whole thing (you were wrong at the end it seems, hehe) and I believe everything matches up with my earlier assessment as .
    Valued | Devalued
    < | < | Conscious
    < | < | Unconscious

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    Quote Originally Posted by tejing View Post
    I watched the whole thing (you were wrong at the end it seems, hehe) and I believe everything matches up with my earlier assessment as .
    Haha awesome, thanks for sitting through that; I really appreciate it! Are there any reasons in particular re: the video that make you say SEI over LII?

    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I still think any Ne ego is still good for you.

    What kinda of food do you like?
    OK, thanks! I'm definitely not ILE, and I'm not ego so that leaves LII still, which I could see. Why would you say ego over ?

    As far as food, I like the delicious kind. I have a gluten intolerance so I had to change my diet a lot, but I love what I eat: mostly grass-fed/pastured meats, salmon and cod, vegetables, nuts, occasional fruit, potatoes, rice, butter. Extremely dark chocolate (90%+) and red wine are my guilty pleasures. Sushi and Thai curries are also amazing. I cook my own food most of the time, and go out to eat with my boyfriend a couple of times per week at one of our favorite restaurants or a new place. He recently took me to a place by his work where we had the most amazingly tender pork belly drenched in a chocolate sauce...I'm salivating just thinking about it haha.

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    I think LII is quite obvious.

    PistolShrimp, trace all the times you said "in general" in the video, that's your Ti. Once you recognize the nature of the function in speech, you'd be able to pick up on it.

    Take a look at this if you haven't already.

    These are the examples of Ti that I found in your posts:
    #1 I know that ultimately if it holds any water things will happen accordingly whether I study it in detail or not.
    #2 So that's our relationship; generally great with some bumps here and there that get worked out fairly easily by talking them through.
    #3 I typically define myself by qualities such as my skills, talents, interests, goals, hobbies, etc., and not by groups I associate with.
    #4 I usually procrastinated on my work by cleaning my workspace or napping before starting.
    #5 I get irritated sometimes by his immaturity; I wish we could have serious discussions more frequently, as I know he is perfectly capable of them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    I think LII is quite obvious.

    PistolShrimp, trace all the times you said "in general" in the video, that's your Ti. Once you recognize the nature of the function in speech, you'd be able to pick up on it.

    Take a look at this if you haven't already.

    These are the examples of Ti that I found in your posts:
    #1 I know that ultimately if it holds any water things will happen accordingly whether I study it in detail or not.
    #2 So that's our relationship; generally great with some bumps here and there that get worked out fairly easily by talking them through.
    #3 I typically define myself by qualities such as my skills, talents, interests, goals, hobbies, etc., and not by groups I associate with.
    #4 I usually procrastinated on my work by cleaning my workspace or napping before starting.
    #5 I get irritated sometimes by his immaturity; I wish we could have serious discussions more frequently, as I know he is perfectly capable of them.
    OK, so I have one LII saying there's no way I'm LII, and another saying it's obvious that I'm LII. Who should I believe??

    Thank you for the interesting link! I use the and words/phrases more than anything, actually. The words and statements seem dry as fuck; do LIIs really talk like that?

    If I am LII, which I do think is possible, I feel like a weird one. It's hard for me to see dual-seeking or hidden agenda. I also feel uncertain about my logic and conclusions a lot of the time :/

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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    OK, so I have one LII saying there's no way I'm LII, and another saying it's obvious that I'm LII. Who should I believe??

    Thank you for the interesting link! I use the and words/phrases more than anything, actually. The words and statements seem dry as fuck; do LIIs really talk like that?

    If I am LII, which I do think is possible, I feel like a weird one. It's hard for me to see dual-seeking or hidden agenda. I also feel uncertain about my logic and conclusions a lot of the time :/
    You're welcome.

    Not necessarily. Functions interact with each other, so you will rarely find a comletely Ti statement in ones speech, normally - in LIIs' case, you are bound to find Ne/Si elements as well in their speech.

    As for your last sentence, I believe you're thinking in the realm of Te + Ni. Uncertain or cautious? In any case, you're capable of making decisions, even for a group, by your own admission.

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