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Thread: MBTI INFJ, Socionics WTF?

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  1. #1
    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    you cannot step twice into the same stream" (Plato); this seems like time-sense to me.
    Heraclitus, maybe quoted by Plato.

    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    In general, I feel like my focus is more on people than on logic. For example, a few years back, my best friend's grandmother died, and my friend called me sobbing. I consoled her on the phone because I lived on the opposite side of the country and was hurt that I couldn't be there for her. When I got off of the phone, I made her a batch of her favorite cookies, looked up how to make origami flowers and made her a bunch, then overnighted the package to her house with a sympathy card. Logic would've told me she'd get over it soon enough, that I was broke and shouldn't spend the money on shipping, but I felt compelled to do this anyway.
    This is something any person can do, however if this is how you act regularly, then ethical is better, how ever it could just be a girl thing. I'm think you're a intuitive 1st function of some sort so that means IP/EP. I'm thinking Static > Dynamic which means EP, can't really tell if you're logical or ethical.

    Also it's very common for Fe valuing types to give other small gifts as acts of appreciation.

  2. #2


    Without being able to see any pictures/video from work, and just going by what you wrote, you seem very Si valuing. You write in specific details, in a clear, convenience/inconvenience sort of way.

    So Si valuing, I was debating between Alpha vs. Delta, and I'd lean more towards Fe-valuing for you. And I can see the introversion some too, so I can understand why people are suggesting INTj and ISFp.

    The jury's still out. I can also see Fi-ego potentially, the INFj suggestion, and Te-seeking. I can't really see ILI for you at all. Would it be ok if I ask a few more questions to get more info?

    When do you ever exert yourself?

    Do you play sports?

    You're in a cafeteria, and someone steals your lunch. What do you immediately do?

    What type of music do you like?

    What do you do currently for work/school?

    What is your favorite color?


  3. #3

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    Correspondances with MBTI are unclear. Some say IJ = Ij, some say IJ = Ip, others say the systems are simply different.

    If you are indeed Ni-Fe, then you should relate to IEI, and in certain other respects to EII. Hell, you may seem pretty ILE too.

  4. #4
    Perpetual Confusion Machine PistolShrimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    Heraclitus, maybe quoted by Plato.

    This is something any person can do, however if this is how you act regularly, then ethical is better, how ever it could just be a girl thing. I'm think you're a intuitive 1st function of some sort so that means IP/EP. I'm thinking Static > Dynamic which means EP, can't really tell if you're logical or ethical.

    Also it's very common for Fe valuing types to give other small gifts as acts of appreciation.
    LOL, I knew that; my quote was Plato's remix of Heraclitus, of course. I enjoy giving random pastries from the bakery I work at to family and friends, and would probably get more things for them if I could afford them. I definitely feel more than in general, but the position of vs. is hard to determine.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    No the bolded part actually sounds like a Ti/Fe sort of thing to do. Logic of the Ti variety tells you that's what the thing to do is to console someone, and Fe/Si calls for gifts to lessen the pain with something delicious in the stomach and something pretty to look at.

    In the situation you describe above, what i would say would be a more Fi-ego way of handling it would be to have a therapeutic heart-to-heart conversation. I mean this is not to say delta NFs dont send cookie presents (because they definitely do), but i think it wouldn't be the MAJOR avenue of consoling someone. It would be more of an adjunct. But this could have been what you did too, so you could be delta NF. I guess my best guesses are SEI vs EII. The video is limited by the fact that your glasses hide a key part of your face, and by me not having audio here at work.
    OK, cool! I can see how you drew that conclusion. We did have a heart-to-heart, but there's only so much that can be said, really; words just seem so empty when dealing with a death. As far as my glasses' limiting things, I'll try to dig up some glasses-free pictures and post them here. I don't have many on my computer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain LSE View Post
    The jury's still out. I can also see Fi-ego potentially, the INFj suggestion, and Te-seeking. I can't really see ILI for you at all. Would it be ok if I ask a few more questions to get more info?
    Sure thing! Hope this helps some.
    When do you ever exert yourself?
    First thing that came to mind was during sex, haha. Other than that, I lift heavy things at work now and then but am not a huge fan of it. I like to go for long walks in the woods with my headphones on, hiking is nice too though it tires me out because I'm out of shape. Swing dancing is also really fun and I'd like to do it more, but I have cold hands and feel bad for my partner.

    Do you play sports?

    Nope. My parents tried to get me into soccer when I was a kid, but I just sat on defense and picked at the grass. I'm always hyper-reactive about getting hurt, too, so I flinch embarrassingly in a lot of sports whenever a ball comes my way. I did take capoeira (Brazilian martial art/dance) for a while and enjoyed it very much, though. I liked that it involved music, and I got into sort of a trance while practicing it.

    You're in a cafeteria, and someone steals your lunch. What do you immediately do?
    It's hard for me to imagine my reaction, actually. It depends on the person and the situation. I wouldn't want to start a fight, but I NEED MY FOOD and would get pissy if anyone came in between me and my meal. One of my friends would probably get defensive and get it back for me. I don't think I'd confront the person directly, because they could probably kick my ass. I'd probably be too worked-up and upset to eat the meal afterward, anyway.

    What type of music do you like?

    Ambient and electronic stuff like Aphex Twin, Mum, M83, Crystal Castles, Depeche Mode; Indie like Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes; Alternative like Garbage, Pixies, Cure, Weezer; Pop like Lady Gaga and Lily Allen. Not a fan of hip-hop or country.

    What do you do currently for work/school?
    I graduated from a private university in three years, got a B.S. in Photojournalism. Decided Photojo is way too stressful for me, and currently am pursuing an internship as a grant writer for a non-profit dedicated to supporting local farmers markets. I'm also working at a bakery which is pretty boring and repetitive at times, but I love the people I work with so it's ok.

    What is your favorite color?


    So, what's my spirit animal?
    Last edited by PistolShrimp; 12-22-2011 at 01:47 AM.

  5. #5
    Perpetual Confusion Machine PistolShrimp's Avatar
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    Also, I wish I were SEI, but I don't think I'm my ILE boyfriend's dual. We communicate clearly and understand each other, but sometimes there are long lulls in conversation where neither of us has anything to talk about so we just goof off and make random noises at each other. I do feel strained sometimes around him, like I'm not acting like myself or like I'm doing something wrong. However, most of the time I can relax around him and talk to him about absolutely anything, He has helped me to rediscover my sense of humor, and built my confidence.

    I feel like I can feed his need for reasonably well, too. I know when he needs neckrubs, and he always is amazed that I find just the right spot to focus on. I make sure he eats so he doesn't get woozy because he forgets sometimes, and offer to cook for him though I rarely have the chance. I organize plans for us to do things. I smooth things over to keep the peace when he says something that offends others. I bring an extra pair of earmuffs in case he forgets his hat. I just don't know if this is my strength. I feel like too much of a Negative Nancy sometimes, or that I am overly-critical.

    Added some pics to the 1st post for now.
    Last edited by PistolShrimp; 12-22-2011 at 02:25 AM.

  6. #6
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    Also, I wish I were SEI, but I don't think I'm my ILE boyfriend's dual. We communicate clearly and understand each other, but sometimes there are long lulls in conversation where neither of us has anything to talk about so we just goof off and make random noises at each other. I do feel strained sometimes around him, like I'm not acting like myself or like I'm doing something wrong. However, most of the time I can relax around him and talk to him about absolutely anything, He has helped me to rediscover my sense of humor, and built my confidence.

    I feel like I can feed his need for reasonably well, too. I know when he needs neckrubs, and he always is amazed that I find just the right spot to focus on. I make sure he eats so he doesn't get woozy because he forgets sometimes, and offer to cook for him though I rarely have the chance. I organize plans for us to do things. I smooth things over to keep the peace when he says something that offends others. I bring an extra pair of earmuffs in case he forgets his hat. I just don't know if this is my strength. I feel like too much of a Negative Nancy sometimes, or that I am overly-critical.

    Added some pics to the 1st post for now.
    Maybe he's not ILE.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  7. #7

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    Why hasn't anyone linked you to yet? Still one of the best resources. A lot of the stuff I see on wikisocion is over-simplified and way too stereotypical, though it is of course far more comprehensive. Also, if you have trouble understanding or are irked by the elements as defined by socionics, try reading a few descriptions as defined by Jung here (a bit of a long read, but quite insightful concerning at least the strongest and weakest functions).

    As for your info, I will read it a bit later and perhaps even offer my own perspective. Yay.

  8. #8
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    I think your easy going sense of humor would merit a Merry type.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  9. #9
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Your mom looks INFj

    and she has filatova's nose in here:

    Last edited by Beautiful sky; 01-23-2012 at 02:09 AM.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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