Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
Awesome, I'll check those articles out now! Thanks for the input on my type, as I haven't really considered the extratim possibility, but I think those are my patented Italian-style Wavey Hands more than anything.

Yes, a little bit. It sounds like me in some descriptions, but I don't feel particularly detached or extremely logical. I tend to react emotionally to situations first, and then realize how my reactions are overblown when I stop to think about things. I don't really relate to all of the talk about systematizing and ordering everything; I do that sometimes, but mostly when I'm stressed and looking for a way out of the hole I've dug myself into. I remember fudging numbers all the time in college science labs because I couldn't be arsed to spend time on something so tedious. I'm a weird hybrid of an artist and a scientist, but I'd rather write than do scientific work.

I can see my being over in Socionics if involves deep insight, as I'm not really focusing much on the future outside of what I'm anxious about at any given time. However, I am highly aware that "Everything changes and nothing remains still... and... you cannot step twice into the same stream" (Plato); this seems like time-sense to me.

In general, I feel like my focus is more on people than on logic. For example, a few years back, my best friend's grandmother died, and my friend called me sobbing. I consoled her on the phone because I lived on the opposite side of the country and was hurt that I couldn't be there for her. When I got off of the phone, I made her a batch of her favorite cookies, looked up how to make origami flowers and made her a bunch, then overnighted the package to her house with a sympathy card. Logic would've told me she'd get over it soon enough, that I was broke and shouldn't spend the money on shipping, but I felt compelled to do this anyway.

I'm sure INTjs are capable of sympathy/empathy, but I'm not if my actions are something an INTj would normally do in such a situation.
No the bolded part actually sounds like a Ti/Fe sort of thing to do. Logic of the Ti variety tells you that's what the thing to do is to console someone, and Fe/Si calls for gifts to lessen the pain with something delicious in the stomach and something pretty to look at.

In the situation you describe above, what i would say would be a more Fi-ego way of handling it would be to have a therapeutic heart-to-heart conversation. I mean this is not to say delta NFs dont send cookie presents (because they definitely do), but i think it wouldn't be the MAJOR avenue of consoling someone. It would be more of an adjunct. But this could have been what you did too, so you could be delta NF. I guess my best guesses are SEI vs EII. The video is limited by the fact that your glasses hide a key part of your face, and by me not having audio here at work.