Quote Originally Posted by noid View Post
I suggest you read some info from http://www.wikisocion.org// (the static/dynamic stuff was not really a serious info to take into account, thats hard to set stuff in stone for this dichotomie. That was just an impression.), simple source organized like wikipedia.

At this moment from 2 last post my guess is most likely delta NF; I dont think you are Ni, and thats not for trolling current typing. But you should wait other opinion, Im not the boss of socionic typing

Because (and thats subject to debate but thats my opinion) 6 are most often ESI (ISFj) and EII (INFj), and thats said from various source that 6 is a Fi enneatype (wikisocion, some enneagram description, ect...).
I'm actually realizing my enneatype could be off too, as I've been under serious stress for the past few years that may have thrown my focus onto the anxiety more than anything. I was much less anxious and more confident as a child, but I've been praised for my intelligence by those closest to me so perhaps that's why I identify with a head type. I'll definitely give the static/dynamic stuff a read, sounds interesting!

Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
That sounds sorta Ne-like to me. I dont know if Si-egos also feel that too or not.
No i dont think that's anti-Si... that last part about tensing up when people are fighting though does ring alpha/delta bells for me.
First part sounds Si-dom. Last part sounds Ne.
This def sounds Si-valuing to me.
Haven't seen your video yet. will take a look in a little bit if it's still up.
Thanks again for the help and patience as I bumble through this stuff, haha.

I probably haven't provided enough details about what I see as my intuitive side, and have been focusing too much on the sensing side.

I tend to be able to see the big picture easily. For example, I dislike people eating junk primarily because it tears up their body, but I also am unnerved by how the food system as a whole is negatively affecting the environment, the health care system, the energy crisis, animal rights, etc. I see how the issues with the food system lie at the crux of many other issues, and how things need to change for everyone's sake. I also see how the powers at be prevent that change from occurring, just as other powers have tried to prevent inevitable revolutions in the past. I can't clearly see the future as valuing may suggest, but I get a bad feeling about where things are heading. dom types don't sound like big picture thinkers to me from the descriptions; it sounds like they tend to live more in the moment and focus on details. I can admire that, but I'm not sure if I -do- that.

I can go toe-to-toe with my ILE guy (the one person I am 100% confident in typing) in the abstract stuff, too. For example, he brought up the subject of multiverses and modal realism, claiming that everything that can exist does exist, and I pointed out that in that case a universe would have to exist where multiverses were impossible, possibly negating the theory. I could clearly envision what he was talking about and pinpoint a problem with it without much thought. I also have no problems with catching his jokes that tend to go way over many other people's heads, and playing off of them.

I'm currently reading an interesting book about the cycles of history and how they relate to the human life cycle and the cycle of the seasons, and have no trouble understanding it. I'm not sure if this sort of thing would interest an dom but it interests me greatly.