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Thread: MBTI INFJ, Socionics WTF?

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    Perpetual Confusion Machine PistolShrimp's Avatar
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    Talking MBTI INFJ, Socionics WTF?

    Hi all!

    I've studied MBTI pretty thoroughly, and have decided to look into Socionics a bit to see if it had anything more to offer. I'm not sure if I've determined my type correctly, though! It took me forever to determine my MBTI type, as I'd typed as INTP for years before realizing that something was really off. Where I'm even less familiar with Socionics, I could use some input on my type from people who know what they're talking about.

    EDIT 12/28:

    The two most common guesses for my type in this thread have been LII and SEI. I know I value and , and others have pointed out that I seem to value and . I probably fall somewhere in Alpha because of this, though I still identify with descriptions of IEI, as well. I have changed my description in hopes that the new information will be more helpful in determining my type; new stuff is in purple.

    I am an introvert, and have been since childhood. I'm artsy and cerebral, feel almost equally right and left-brained, and value logic and emotion almost equally. I love researching topics that interest me in great depth, such as alternative heath care, nutrition, psychology, theoretical physics, biology, art, etc., then moving on to a new obsession and doing the same. Ideas don't have to have a practical value to be worth exploring, though it is better if they do. I also enjoy creating art, be it through writing, photography (see this post: or drawing, and I appreciate surreal and psychedelic art the most. I am terrible at any math more complicated than algebra, and also at chemistry and computer science, trivia, chess ( take way too long to think of a move), and team sports.

    Most people I know describe me as cute, smart, nice, funny, and talented.

    I spend my free time reading, writing, volunteering, cooking/baking, going to art and science museums, photographing, walking, playing video and board games, getting drinks with friends, watching live music in small clubs, and playing the ukulele or piano. I used to take pictures constantly, but cut back because I felt that focusing primarily on photographing an experience prevented me from fully enjoying it.

    One of the happiest times of my life was during my last year of college. I was writing a 40-page pilot for an original animated TV series, producing a photojournalism multimedia project on a famous local artist and activist, composing a piece of electronic music from subway sounds, writing arts criticism, and studying the very basic physics of scenes in popular movies all in one semester, all while dating a sweet guy and keeping an active social life. The other happiest time was when I traveled to Iceland on my own to volunteer with a bunch of interesting people from many different countries. We worked with local gardeners to plant roses and beautify the city parks, and also taught children about recycling. During our free time, we explored the beautiful wilderness, and I was in a constant awe-struck state the whole trip. The people I met were awesome, too!

    I find perception fascinating, and have experimented with hallucinogens and lucid dreaming to alter my own.

    It's not very easy for me to think "outside of the box," but I can definitely do it if I try. Most of the time, however, I tend to adopt points of view that I hear/read about and agree with instead of coming up with my own. I love when someone or something basically yanks my perspective in a new direction.

    My thoughts are rather chaotic and nebulous most of the time, and can cause serious anxiety. I get them under control by going for long walks while listening to music, or by journaling. I am healthier and happier when I am not left alone with my thoughts for too long and I am out and about doing something.

    I try to take no one for granted and want to understand them as best as I can. It's hard for me to take what people say at face value, which is why dating my ILE boyfriend was confusing at first; I kept trying to wring deeper meanings out of his words, when none were there. Incredibly refreshing!

    I also actively challenge pretty much every social norm and conventional wisdom imaginable, though I feel uncomfortable when I do so. For example, I was thinking about the divorce rate and level of cheating that occurs, and realized that monogamy may not be as natural as American culture tells me it is, then read books and articles that confirmed my suspicion. I became very upset for a while because I couldn't easily reconcile this new knowledge with my existing views of love and relationships, and I almost wished I'd never read those books.

    I am sarcastic, and have been told I'm hilarious by quite a few people of many different types. I love people who can cheer me up with a good laugh, as I tend to be a bit negative. If I get into a funk I will eventually snap out of it and realize how ridiculous I'm being, though sometimes it takes someone else to point out that I'm being lame first.

    I'm usually the one in my small group of friends to initiate plans, only because it seems like no one else wants to deal with the details of setting up a time/place to meet that works for everyone, but I don't mind doing this. Maintaining relationships is very important to me, though I'm not nearly as strong in this area as I'd like to be (so-instinct last?). In my romantic relationships, I feel fulfilled when we intimately share our thoughts and ideas about life, there is plenty of cuddling and sex, and we experience new things together. I appreciate intelligence, creativity, warmth, optimism, adventurousness, curiosity and honesty the most in a significant other.

    Here is a video I made for an MBTI forum(complete with derp-face thumbnail):

    Here's another I made for this forum:

    Any hints as to what type I am? Thanks in advance for any help!
    Last edited by PistolShrimp; 10-24-2014 at 03:06 AM.

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    Any reason she's not ILI?

  3. #3
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    I think it's too much unsortable info and causes confusion. Maybe things overlap and are contradictory.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    So I'm trying to narrow things down by dichotomies as given here:

    - Definite introvert, no question. This is the one dichotomy I am 100% sure of.

    - I like stability, but am drawn to unpredictable people and situations because predictable ones get boring after a while. It takes a while for me to get going on something; I tend to do things at the last minute, but I have no problem relaxing when they're done. I do tend to multitask by bouncing from one project or activity to the other, but I find completing a project the most satisfying. I can be moody, but I get over my moods fairly quickly. I take naps or go for walks when I feel anxious or sad instead of trying to rationalize or figure out my feelings. My emotions and thoughts are usually fairly nebulous. I find it difficult to predict what will happen in a given situation so I keep all possibilities I can imagine in mind and prepare myself for them. I like environments with a little bit of structure, not a ton but just something to give me a base to act on; too much structure is restricting. I'd say I'm probably irrational over rational, but the margin seems slim.

    - This is tough for me to determine. I am aware of my body, my state of health, pain, my fives senses, comfort, and details. I was very physical as a kid, always playing outside in the dirt and rocks, looking at bugs and stuff, doing origami and arts and crafts. I tend to notice details other people don't but also generalize a lot. I like playing with ideas, but focus on the ones that can become reality or have some bearing on real life. I'm not sure I understand what a "mental representation of reality" is, or if I operate based on one. I love puns and make plays on words back and forth quickly with my ILE guy. I'm always deliberately touching pastries and cookies at the bakery I work at (with gloves on of course!), running my fingers along walls and chain fences and grass etc. because I love different tactile sensations. I'm also prone to daydreaming, spacing out, and getting lost in vague thoughts. I feel too grounded and practical to be intuitive but too spacey to be sensing.

    - Ethical sounds more like me. My focus is on people, I am animated and expressive, I like persuading people, and tend to be easily persuaded by what I see as logical arguments. How something is said is very important to me, as well, and I am good at reading others emotions. People often vent their emotions to me and ask for advice, which I like to give. However, I can also pick out flaws in others' logic fairly easily, and usually in my own if I take the time to think about it.

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    What you're saying does add up to X-S-F-P, although that wouldn't necessarily mean you're that type. Makes sense though.

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    From your posts it sounds like you are very likely a dynamic type. You frequently describe your own actions or actions of those around around. This means IP type like SEI/IEI > any IJ or EP type like LII or ILE for you. There is more info on static/dynamic differences here, see if you can confirm this for yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    ... Because I am very laid-back and low-energy, while my guy is high-energy. I have a calming effect on him.
    That calming effect hints that you guys are most likely in dual or mirage relations with respect to each other. It kind of goes like this: activity - over stimulation, duality - just enough stimulation and relaxation, mirage - over relaxation

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    I think it's too much unsortable info and causes confusion. Maybe things overlap and are contradictory.
    And in English?

    Oh and, type her Maritsa. I really need an opinion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    And in English?

    Oh and, type her Maritsa. I really need an opinion.
    Please don't egg her on in here, thanks.


    I was just reading the article about forms of cognition here because I'd seen people mentioning the holographic communication style and had no idea what that was. In the Dialectical-Algorithmic section, the author describes Heraclitus' saying that "you cannot enter the same river twice" as the embodiment of the Dynamic type. I mentioned that that quote resonated with me earlier in this thread, long before having read this article. I guess I'm Dynamic, then?

    As far as Dialectical-Algorithmic vs. Vortical-Synergistic, the two dynamic cognition types, I relate to D-A a bit more. I'm a definite negativist despite my best efforts not to be, readily spot and try to resolve contradictions, and see the opposites always at play in the world. You can't fully experience true happiness without experiencing a contrasting sadness, peace without anxiety, light without dark, etc. However, I don't really identify with the "coming to faith" bit; I went to Catholic school for 12 years and became an atheist with some spiritual beliefs. I think everything and everyone is connected in some vague way, and that life and human history are more cyclical than linear. I don't buy the "watchmaker" argument, that the existence of objects that appear intelligently designed implies the existence of a designer, and I think chaos and free will play a huge part in human life. I also believe that people are fated to be slaves to their biological and cultural programming unless they become aware of it. My beliefs are more in line with absurdism in that the meaning of life is what you make of it; no inherent meaning exists.

    Is any of this relevant to cognitive style?

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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    Thanks for the info! The static vs. dynamic stuff is interesting but it's hard for me to tell. I think that I use versions of "to be" a lot, but I thought that most people do that. I also use a lot of action verbs, so I'm confused. I do tend to speak in terms of "we" regarding events I experienced with multiple people, and describe the atmosphere of the event and actions of the other people.
    It takes some practice to tell between the two. You'd have to compare samples of your writing to samples of someone of a static type, then the differences will start to manifest.

    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    Could the fact that I have trouble distinguishing between dichotomies and see everything as blurred together and related to other things point to dynamic? I think I enjoy static types as friends and lovers because they give me direction and stability; my ex was definitely dynamic and that relationship lacked an anchor, while my ILE guy is way more stable and constant with his actions and moods.
    IP types are more prone to synthetic thinking, IJ types - to analytical, so what you're saying is more evidence in favor of an IP typing.

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    right off the bat without getting too in-depth yet, i will say that you should hold off assigning socionic types to people in your life until you figure your own socionic type out. To figure your socionic type you should start getting familiar with the socionic information elements and how they manifest. Right now you are "speaking" MBTI lingo and offering up details about yourself that arent necessarily type related (being cerebral, searching for hidden meanings--can be Ni or Fi or Ne depending on which "meanings" you are talking about, being R or L brained, etc). Your topics of interest and how you listed them all there sort of suggest Ne/Si valuing to me actually in that you have all these eclectic, varied interests (Ne) and some of them deal with Si-related material (alternative medicine/health, nutrition, for example). But of course i dont know enough about you to really make the call as of yet. The point of my comments here is that you are already crossing out quadras and stating you relate to alpha/beta values and not gamma/delta values, before you really understand what the values are.

    Socionics is a complex thing to get a handle on, and it's difficult to explain. So try to keep your mind open at least until you have a good foundation in the concepts. I would recommend an open mind after that too
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    A lot of MBTI is intuitive. Socionics, in contrast, is very logical, containing both factual and philosophical foundations.

    Rick's site is the best place to start.
    Last edited by tcaudilllg; 12-20-2011 at 10:49 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    right off the bat without getting too in-depth yet, i will say that you should hold off assigning socionic types to people in your life until you figure your own socionic type out. To figure your socionic type you should start getting familiar with the socionic information elements and how they manifest. Right now you are "speaking" MBTI lingo and offering up details about yourself that arent necessarily type related (being cerebral, searching for hidden meanings--can be Ni or Fi or Ne depending on which "meanings" you are talking about, being R or L brained, etc). Your topics of interest and how you listed them all there sort of suggest Ne/Si valuing to me actually in that you have all these eclectic, varied interests (Ne) and some of them deal with Si-related material (alternative medicine/health, nutrition, for example). But of course i dont know enough about you to really make the call as of yet. The point of my comments here is that you are already crossing out quadras and stating you relate to alpha/beta values and not gamma/delta values, before you really understand what the values are.

    Socionics is a complex thing to get a handle on, and it's difficult to explain. So try to keep your mind open at least until you have a good foundation in the concepts. I would recommend an open mind after that too
    Sorry, Google won't let me translate MBTIese to Socionish. You're totally right, though! I get carried away when I first start learning something interesting and can jump to conclusions too quickly. So the information I offered wasn't particularly helpful in determining my type? What should I be focusing on instead?

    I'll be sure to keep an open mind, though; I know I'm completely in the dark about this theory so far!

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    You are most certainly one of those dreamy MBTI INFJs. Assuming that the real you can be imported into socionics from the MBTI survey, the question is are you Fi dominate like the INFj of socionics. If you are, the next question is if you are a "judicious" delta, and if not, are you a "decisive" gamma. If you are the gamma type then you are a ISFj in socionics, also called the Gamma ESI.

    I cannot say what you are. But I could take you as being either INFj or ISFj. Socionics sensors are actually cool. They are not the stooges that the MBTI tends to make them.

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    Hi, I've seen your video. You are SEI type. INFj/EII in Socionics is not INFJ in MBTI. You may be MBTI INFJ but thus far all I can say about MBTI is that it's really odd.

    It's the SEI who are particularly keen to sensory receptors from external environments, such things as the way certain things look, feel, are placed, because of this, they make great photographers because photography is an art form which captures certain sensory information like a peaceful pathway and what particular sensations that gives off or portrays.

    I am Fi, INFj/EII. My primary function deals with judging things of the external world to my subjective moral laws. I am a VERY judgmental person and I react very easily to outside matters to my own views and viewpoints according to what I find is right/wrong. I'm not flexible like perceptual types because I don't adapt easily to changing circumstances.
    Last edited by Beautiful sky; 12-22-2011 at 04:16 AM.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    LII/INTj. I find your experience with MBTI hilarious. What kept you from sticking with INTJ (you mentioned getting that result before)?

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    I'm artsy and cerebral, feel almost equally right and left-brained, and value logic and emotion almost equally. I love researching topics that interest me in great depth, such as alternative heath care, nutrition, psychology, theoretical physics, biology, art, etc., then moving on to a new obsession and doing the same. Ideas don't have to have a practical value to be worth exploring, though it is better if they do. I also enjoy creating art, be it through writing, photography or drawing, and I appreciate surreal and psychedelic art the most.
    okay, I can relate to all you said here, and I am a delta INFj (mbti INFP not INFJ, but this result come from some test which are function oriented, this explain that)...

    I identify with both Beta and Alpha values (stereotypes?)
    Probably. Quadra particularity are not to take in a too concrete manner, its more about somewhat "inner semi-conscious motivation/way to act". Other factor, such as cultural/devellopemental one, are to take into account when it come to taste, way to behave, ect (obvious noid is obvious).

    Ive a strong fondness for various type of art, especially expressionism, impressionism, surrealism and psychedelism (last one especially in music, not too much in other form of art). Thats not for this reason I will suddenly become beta tomorrow.

    From the video only I can say SEI is a possibility, from the text I suggest LII, EII or perhaps ILI. But imo you seem a static type > dynamic one. Too, The fact you identify with an intellectual type (especially 6w5) suggest at least no Fe valuing (speak for 6 and wing), and perhaps more extraverted intuition valuing.
    Last edited by noid; 12-21-2011 at 01:51 PM.
    "The final delusion is the belief that one has lost all delusion."

    -- Maurice Chapelain

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    Thank you everyone for the help so far! I really appreciate it, as all of this new information is hard for me to digest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Saberstorm View Post
    I cannot say what you are. But I could take you as being either INFj or ISFj. Socionics sensors are actually cool. They are not the stooges that the MBTI tends to make them.
    Oh I don't have that weird sensor prejudice that many people on MBTI fora seem to have; both my parents are definite sensors, and I really admire who they are and what they've accomplished in life. I've always felt like the oddball in our family, though; I kind of get bored with what they find interesting, and vice-versa. Thanks for the input!

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    It's the SEI who are particularly keen to sensory receptors from external environments, such things as the way certain things look, feel, are placed, because of this, they make great photographers because photography is an art form which captures certain sensory information like a peaceful pathway and what particular sensations that gives off or portrays.

    I am Fi, INFj/EII. My primary function deals with judging things of the external world to my subjective moral laws. I am a VERY judgmental person and I react very easily to outside matters to my own views and viewpoints according to what I find is right/wrong. I'm not flexible life perceptual types because I don't adapt easily to changing circumstances.
    Hi, thanks for watching my video. I don't relate to at all and sounds a lot more like me, so that helps to narrow things down. I like making others feel something, and I wear my feelings on my face; if I'm feeling down or freaking out inside, no matter how I try to hide it, others can tell. Not sure I'm SEI, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    LII/INTj. I find your experience with MBTI hilarious. What kept you from sticking with INTJ (you mentioned getting that result before)?
    Haha yeah, MBTI is a mess so I decided to focus on cognitive functions to determine my type and realized that I'm not as strong with as I'd like to be. What I'd assumed was I came to think was actually , hence the INFJ MBTI result. Also, I'm absolutely terrible at math and computer science.

    Quote Originally Posted by noid View Post
    From the video only I can say SEI is a possibility, from the text I suggest LII, EII or perhaps ILI. But imo you seem a static type > dynamic one. Too, The fact you identify with an intellectual type (especially 6w5) suggest at least no Fe valuing, and perhaps more extraverted intuition valuing.
    Whoa wait what is static vs. dynamic now? I have so much to leeearrrrnnn! Also, how does 6w5 suggest no Fe? I thought Enneatype is unrelated to cognitive functions.

    Last edited by PistolShrimp; 12-21-2011 at 06:26 PM.

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    Also, I'm not sure I'm understanding properly, either. I mean, who doesn't like pleasurable activities? How would I know how skillfully I produce or experience them?

    I get incredibly bored with repetitive activities such as the stuff I do at my bakery job (putting cookies on trays, dipping hundreds of cookies in chocolate, etc.), but time goes fast while I'm doing them because I get into a "zone."

    I also enjoy debating with people about issues I care about for fun, something that types are described as averse to, though I immediately tense up if other people are fighting and try to get them to chill out.

    I'm also acutely aware of how I'm feeling physically a lot of the time, sit and sleep in weird but comfy positions etc., but when I get really into researching something or talking to somebody in depth, I can go without eating or sleeping for a long time and not really realize it.

    I get annoyed when I see people eating garbage because I know they're mucking up their bodies, and try to get my loved ones to eat better.

    Is any of this ?
    Last edited by PistolShrimp; 12-21-2011 at 03:44 PM.

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    You're probably a socionics extratim, maybe ILE or IEE.

    We have a lot of socionics articles translated and hosted here.

    If you typed INTP before, I don't see why you can't be logical.

    Anyways, your description of yourself generally focuses on info that does not deal with your subjective states. You also got imo, kinda of EXXp wavey hands when you're explaining stuff.

    Can't be sure, but I think extratim is good.

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    have you given any thought to LII typing; @Pistols&Shrimps ??

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    I think it might be a identity relationship, or maybe mirror(can't see this). Identity has a boredom factor but it's a better relationship because people get each other more and value the same information.

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    Instead of reinforcing her false image of the type with terrible stereotypes, some of you could use being a bit more professional.
    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I think it might be a identity relationship, or maybe mirror(can't see this). Identity has a boredom factor but it's a better relationship because people get each other more and value the same information.
    From what I can tell, there is a huge chance that he is an ESE. But I really can't be sure of it just from photos.

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    He looks like a hobbit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Instead of reinforcing her false image of the type with terrible stereotypes, some of you could use being a bit more professional. From what I can tell, there is a huge chance that he is an ESE. But I really can't be sure of it just from photos.
    I don't really see any huge self-image issues or stereotyping going on. Huge chance that he is ESE?

    That guy does not appear to me to be demonstrative.

    BTW, to the OP, you kinda of remind me of Ellen Page.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I don't really see any huge self-image issues or stereotyping going on. Huge chance that he is ESE?

    That guy does not appear to me to be demonstrative.

    BTW, to the OP, you kinda of remind me of Ellen Page.
    Really? You think LIIs walk "a little bit" like frogs? I haven't noticed it myself but what do I know? With all that dancing I presumably do I could have as well been high.

    In a more serious note: What is a Se demonstrative supposed to look like? I was speculating btw. I have no idea what type he is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Really? You think LIIs walk "a little bit" like frogs? I haven't noticed it myself but what do I know? With all that dancing I presumably do I could have as well been high.

    In a more serious note: What is a Se demonstrative supposed to look like? I was speculating btw. I have no idea what type he is.
    I'm not sure I agree with LII walking a little bit like frogs, but body language can provide a lot of information about someone's type. I think the description is kinda of confusing since I don't know what it means by walking like a frog. I mean what WA said wasn't stereotyping, just relating some information she has heard and personal experience. If you think that's stereotyping, I don't think a lot of people see it the same way.

    You said "Huge chance", and nothing at all indicate ESE.

    I think the picture of him and the lack of willpower in completing projects doesn't let me think demonstrative.
    If you want to research demonstratives.

  28. #28
    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    I still think any Ne ego is still good for you.

    What kinda of food do you like?

  29. #29
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    I watched the whole thing (you were wrong at the end it seems, hehe) and I believe everything matches up with my earlier assessment as .
    Valued | Devalued
    < | < | Conscious
    < | < | Unconscious

  30. #30
    Perpetual Confusion Machine PistolShrimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tejing View Post
    I watched the whole thing (you were wrong at the end it seems, hehe) and I believe everything matches up with my earlier assessment as .
    Haha awesome, thanks for sitting through that; I really appreciate it! Are there any reasons in particular re: the video that make you say SEI over LII?

    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I still think any Ne ego is still good for you.

    What kinda of food do you like?
    OK, thanks! I'm definitely not ILE, and I'm not ego so that leaves LII still, which I could see. Why would you say ego over ?

    As far as food, I like the delicious kind. I have a gluten intolerance so I had to change my diet a lot, but I love what I eat: mostly grass-fed/pastured meats, salmon and cod, vegetables, nuts, occasional fruit, potatoes, rice, butter. Extremely dark chocolate (90%+) and red wine are my guilty pleasures. Sushi and Thai curries are also amazing. I cook my own food most of the time, and go out to eat with my boyfriend a couple of times per week at one of our favorite restaurants or a new place. He recently took me to a place by his work where we had the most amazingly tender pork belly drenched in a chocolate sauce...I'm salivating just thinking about it haha.

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    I think LII is quite obvious.

    PistolShrimp, trace all the times you said "in general" in the video, that's your Ti. Once you recognize the nature of the function in speech, you'd be able to pick up on it.

    Take a look at this if you haven't already.

    These are the examples of Ti that I found in your posts:
    #1 I know that ultimately if it holds any water things will happen accordingly whether I study it in detail or not.
    #2 So that's our relationship; generally great with some bumps here and there that get worked out fairly easily by talking them through.
    #3 I typically define myself by qualities such as my skills, talents, interests, goals, hobbies, etc., and not by groups I associate with.
    #4 I usually procrastinated on my work by cleaning my workspace or napping before starting.
    #5 I get irritated sometimes by his immaturity; I wish we could have serious discussions more frequently, as I know he is perfectly capable of them.

  32. #32
    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    Any Ne ego is ok imo

  33. #33
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    SEI are very strong and capable of Ti as LII are of Si; the difference is one is more inclined to constant analysis and the other would rather experience things on their own subjective sensory level. This analysis, which coins them as "ANALYST" is their motion to place things in categories. This is used to bring the elusive and sometimes out of control emotional response of Fe that reacts to things of external happenings back to a subjective/personal understanding and judgement.

    This calls for an example:

    If an Fe base type is emotionally moved by an external circumstance such as what impact Religion has made on society, it will first respond to it emotionally; the person will look as if they are consumed by the feeling processes of this response, being loud, judgmental, casting people who don't meet the model out, or grouping others.

    Ti responds with placing religions into categories, and maybe even helping the Fe look at those categories with consideration that there are some they are responding inappropriately to.

    This religion does this and this one does that and this one has evolved and this one...on and on.

    You see, eventually and Fe base type will begin to judge against certain groups from weak conceptualization of these categories or who does what, when. This weaker Ti allows them to not analyze as well as Ti types, instead just respond emotionally.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    PistolShrimp, sounds like your BF is ENTp. Duals
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Well I think I value more than . I care more about whether or not the logic of something is consistent and makes sense to me instead of whether something is objectively accurate and provable with data, facts etc. Still think I'm ethical ego over logical, too; my focus is on people most of the time.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    Hi all!

    I've studied MBTI pretty thoroughly, and have decided to look into Socionics a bit to see if it had anything more to offer. I'm not sure if I've determined my type correctly, though! It took me forever to determine my MBTI type, as I'd typed as INTP for years before realizing that something was really off. Where I'm even less familiar with Socionics, I could use some input on my type from people who know what they're talking about.

    EDIT 12/28:

    The two most common guesses for my type in this thread have been LII and SEI. I know I value and , and others have pointed out that I seem to value and . I probably fall somewhere in Alpha because of this, though I still identify with descriptions of IEI, as well. I have changed my description in hopes that the new information will be more helpful in determining my type; new stuff is in purple.

    I am an introvert, and have been since childhood. I'm artsy and cerebral, feel almost equally right and left-brained, and value logic and emotion almost equally. I love researching topics that interest me in great depth, such as alternative heath care, nutrition, psychology, theoretical physics, biology, art, etc., then moving on to a new obsession and doing the same. Ideas don't have to have a practical value to be worth exploring, though it is better if they do. I also enjoy creating art, be it through writing, photography (see this post: or drawing, and I appreciate surreal and psychedelic art the most. I am terrible at any math more complicated than algebra, and also at chemistry and computer science, trivia, chess ( take way too long to think of a move), and team sports.

    Most people I know describe me as cute, smart, nice, funny, and talented.

    I spend my free time reading, writing, volunteering, cooking/baking, going to art and science museums, photographing, walking, playing video and board games, getting drinks with friends, watching live music in small clubs, and playing the ukulele or piano. I used to take pictures constantly, but cut back because I felt that focusing primarily on photographing an experience prevented me from fully enjoying it.

    One of the happiest times of my life was during my last year of college. I was writing a 40-page pilot for an original animated TV series, producing a photojournalism multimedia project on a famous local artist and activist, composing a piece of electronic music from subway sounds, writing arts criticism, and studying the very basic physics of scenes in popular movies all in one semester, all while dating a sweet guy and keeping an active social life. The other happiest time was when I traveled to Iceland on my own to volunteer with a bunch of interesting people from many different countries. We worked with local gardeners to plant roses and beautify the city parks, and also taught children about recycling. During our free time, we explored the beautiful wilderness, and I was in a constant awe-struck state the whole trip. The people I met were awesome, too!

    I find perception fascinating, and have experimented with hallucinogens and lucid dreaming to alter my own.

    It's not very easy for me to think "outside of the box," but I can definitely do it if I try. Most of the time, however, I tend to adopt points of view that I hear/read about and agree with instead of coming up with my own. I love when someone or something basically yanks my perspective in a new direction.

    My thoughts are rather chaotic and nebulous most of the time, and can cause serious anxiety. I get them under control by going for long walks while listening to music, or by journaling. I am healthier and happier when I am not left alone with my thoughts for too long and I am out and about doing something.

    I try to take no one for granted and want to understand them as best as I can. It's hard for me to take what people say at face value, which is why dating my ILE boyfriend was confusing at first; I kept trying to wring deeper meanings out of his words, when none were there. Incredibly refreshing!

    I also actively challenge pretty much every social norm and conventional wisdom imaginable, though I feel uncomfortable when I do so. For example, I was thinking about the divorce rate and level of cheating that occurs, and realized that monogamy may not be as natural as American culture tells me it is, then read books and articles that confirmed my suspicion. I became very upset for a while because I couldn't easily reconcile this new knowledge with my existing views of love and relationships, and I almost wished I'd never read those books.

    I am sarcastic, and have been told I'm hilarious by quite a few people of many different types. I love people who can cheer me up with a good laugh, as I tend to be a bit negative. If I get into a funk I will eventually snap out of it and realize how ridiculous I'm being, though sometimes it takes someone else to point out that I'm being lame first.

    I'm usually the one in my small group of friends to initiate plans, only because it seems like no one else wants to deal with the details of setting up a time/place to meet that works for everyone, but I don't mind doing this. Maintaining relationships is very important to me, though I'm not nearly as strong in this area as I'd like to be (so-instinct last?). In my romantic relationships, I feel fulfilled when we intimately share our thoughts and ideas about life, there is plenty of cuddling and sex, and we experience new things together. I appreciate intelligence, creativity, warmth, optimism, adventurousness, curiosity and honesty the most in a significant other.

    Here is a video I made for an MBTI forum(complete with derp-face thumbnail):

    Here's another I made for this forum:

    And here are some pictures from various years of my life if you're into the VI thing:

    Me and my ILE guy at Rocky Horror, I was so nervous about getting de-virginized Rocky Horror style LOL

    Any hints as to what type I am? Thanks in advance for any help!

    Wow, I am amazed that you had to go through 6 pages of disagreements before someone told you that you were an IEI. It's as plain as the nose on your face (well, actually you have a nice nose).

    I don't understand why people think that anyone into nerd culture MUST be an Alpha.

    Right, an Ni lead, we have the typical lazy, sleepy look in the eyes of someone who spends a lot of time in their head. The arms dart out into a movement before quickly returning to a protective central position, hands clasping. Typical Delicate movement and probably an Ni lead.

    Communication is subtle but warm, emotions lighting up the face easily and genuinely but mildly outreaching to the viewer rather than clinging to personal feelings. However it's mild, not pushy, rousing or overpowering. This suggests Creative Fe.

    Further evidence from what you say: Imaginative, creative, liking art and expressive pursuits, liking nerd culture etc. You remain with one thing before than moving on. Your thoughts are 'chaotic and nebulous', they are like a whirlpool that you can get trapped in and you need physical stimulation to snap out of it. Sounds like Ni Lead, Se Suggestive to me.

    Weak Te shows up when you talk about the camera and you turn round the whole camera rather than being able to manipulate the device.

    What you say later in the thread about your boyfriend becoming irritating with his childishness shows your dissatisfaction with Ne when you are in fact Se seeking.

    All in all, a pretty solid IEI.

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