Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
yeah that sounds right, and as much as it pains me to capitulate to societal norms, it puts me in an odd position when my male friend does this because it comes across as caregiver seeking in a way that slightly crosses both gender and friendship lines, so it always leaves me feeling a bit like ive let him down but also a bit like he put me in an odd position where it was slightly inappropriate of him to make those "requests" of me--you said you do this between a ESE woman you like so that is different of course. I like that he's not hypermasculine of course, but at the same time I don't know how to react because its really not my style to respond in a reciprocal manner
That's fair and I think as you get to know different people you learn which sides of your personality to bring out to get the most out of your interaction with them. So that side of my personality is something I'd amp up when I'm around Alpha SFs and tone down around Gammas. I'd say it's a pretty even split between men and women in terms of who's receptive to me no feeling like I need to act macho and being goofy but it does seem like I can take it further with female ESEs.