I find that I'm consistently (very) attracted/drawn to LII's, much more than to men of any other type.

Sometimes I can type them immediately; a lot of times, though, I can't manage to type them correctly at all until much later, although this is changing. I'm really attracted to the dry wit, but sometimes it's purely physical and I haven't talked to the person at all (and, when I do, I find out that said person is LII). I'm wondering if anyone else experiences this sort of thing with their activity partners...?

My college boyfriend (and the only man I've ever been in love with) was LII, but that relationship ended disastrously, for many NTR reasons. But I do remember that the J/P divide drove us both crazy, and that neither of us were extroverted enough to balance out the other/draw out the other's capacities for adventure, although we had a really genuine understanding of how each other worked.

Also: related to other thread: LII men don't usually like to do chasing, and I'm the type that always wants/waits to be chased. It's like a disease.

...someone train me to go for my dual??