So that's what happened, a brief meeting, and I have fallen deep and fast. That first week it was so intense I wrote to him in protest that he "did this to me" on purpose!

Lots of corresponding and soul searching because it makes no sense that this happened to me. I was fine being single. I wondered if it was because of the healing - that weekend I had a major healing of all past trauma up to the present and felt new, whole, and fresh. Was I over-reacting to this meeting because of that fresh, new state I was in??

And I have made use of confession for the grace to keep my thoughts chaste and have received those graces. Yet I cannot get him off my mind. And he is an ISTP! So he is much more conservative to express his feelings. Also I started reading up on ISTP and then discovered Socionics and the chart on relationships and discovered the Duality thing! Like the jackpot of relationships!

Then I read more articles on Duality. It seems like there are 8 steps to bonding with your dual and it seems to me that I experienced some of all of them in that brief meeting. At least it seems to me! Could that be because of my ENFp? I just sense it more and faster?

I cannot say my ISTp is feeling exactly the same, though I know he feels, or he would not be writing me pretty much daily [and I, multi-daily...]. I have been pretty open with my feelings; I do not think he would lead me on to let me express them if he thought it was hopeless. Just not much of one to express it! I know I need to be patient, give him time. It is like torture sometimes. "To know the pain of too much tenderness." Yes, that's it exactly.

And it is not how I saw love should be. There are obstacles, but its like I don;t care, I only care about him. And I have been so open how I feel, now I read about "zones of responsibility" in a dual relation, and see we have already taken those zones: first, I have been the one to reach out emotionally, and second, we had a discussion where i aged to let him make all the decisions about touch, and trust him in that, and let him lead in that department [since we have shared values, I am not going to worry about it]. Its like we have automatically followed the "Dual"'s recommendations for proceeding. And in other ways!!

Well, its late, must slow down. I sure would like an insights on what I have shared so far. Thanks so much.