Guest wrote:
This is why law code is a Ti-Se thing for example and most lawyers are Ti-Se. Most humanist and social sciences are Ti while Te is mathematics, physics and logistics.
You have no idea what you are talking about. I attend a first tier law school in the US and the majority of my classmates are INTj's followed by a smaller number of ENTp's and even fewer INTp's and ENTj's. The remaining 5 percent or so are of various other types.

Law school consists of reading very difficult texts and interpreting and undestanding the various implications of the cases with respect to a larger picture. While any type could theoretically do this, it is mainly INTj and ENTp types that are drawn to law school as they possess the natural attributes to succeed in this type of academic environment. Take a look at the LSAT. It tests these exact attributes; ones that intuitive thinkers not sensory thinkers generally possess