For these reasons ENTJ law tends to be more dictatorial, but the ENTJ himself is not. For to attack an ENTJs law is a joke, it's like saying "I just decided the other day that the Earth is shaped like a banana." The ENTJ finds this hilarious though moronic.
That's true. I've worked with quite a bit of ENTJ's. Now, following the biased MBTI perspective that ENTJ's are power-hungry dictators, the prediction would be that several ENTJ's would never be able to work together because they would have power struggles - Who would lead?

This prediction is wrong. In my experience, work has never gone as smoothly as when working with other ENTJ's. We make the laws together. Who cares which person came up with them?! The importance is doing things Right. We really haven't got the time for stupid personal considerations and ego battles about who's in charge or has the last word. What is True is True, whoever came up with it.

This is also the reason that all Te-Ni of great ability think very much alike for they base their theories on the same facts and observe the same rules around them. This creates the immediate feeling of brotherhood between most ENTJs. We're all following the same rules, we're all on the same quest. The success of one ENTJ anywhere in the world helps every ENTJ of the world.
Oh that's really true. This brotherhood feeling you are talking about is immediate upon the encounter of another ENTJ. Communication is so easy and quick. And we are all following the same rules. The ENTJ's I know are amongst the most ethical, honest, integer and straightforward people I know. I would trust them for anything. They are the type of people who stand up for what is right regardless of what others think.

Whenever an ENTJ succeeds in the world, it helps all ENTJ's cause in making Right, Order and Justice