Something seems weird about the following:

An introvert allows reality to impact them and then they extrovert in reality (impact reality).

But an extrovert doesn’t seem to have to introvert at all. They can theoretically extrovert without introverting; although the more their extroversion is based on introversion, I suppose theoretically the rational probability of their extroversion being more fulfilling goes up.

But that wouldn't make much sense. So is it supposed to conceptually be like a methodology of mind, akin to:
the extrovert trying something and quickly introverting to evaluate what it caused?
the introvert lengthily introverting and trying something to create a cause?

I kind of think this would explain a lot, but I just thought about it now and really have no idea. So I would like to hear what other people have to say.

Oh, and for anyone that might complain about me making this thread or pretend like none of this makes any sense, my implied and unposted response is "I don't care".